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Everything posted by thefootballexpert

  1. Yes it's hard to believe. In that short amount of time from the store to your house would be a real coincidence in my opinion. But that's o.k. because I could care less about the dopers on this team. For all I care they can cut all the criminals who break the law just as the Pats did with Hernandez. The Pats are a class organization and got rid of Hernandez as soon as he was arrested. They even gave fans their money back if they had purchased his jersey. That's what a 1st rate organization does. I guess that's one of the reasons they have 3 rings.
  2. Yep they got you under the 2 year contract. They aren't going to give you much if anything because you have NO leverage. That's why I didn't take the genie deal. I took the "FREE" NFL package and a discount on my bill for 12 months. My contract was over August 1st. They wanted to give me the genie too but it would have required a two year agreement so I turned down the genie. I will stick with my regular DVR HD receivers. Genie receivers would have been nice but then I lose my negotiating power for next year which will get me a lot more.
  3. 1 Question - don't you read about football players? DaRick was kicked off the Tennessee Vols team because he was a doper. He failed too many drug tests and ended up at Tennessee tech. It would be logical for many people to assume a doper would most likelyhang around with another doper. It's just common sense. A dope fiend isn't going to hang around with a choir boy because they have nothing in common.
  4. My guess would be that DaRick Rogers was in the car with him. What do you think? Makes sense doesn't it. So you got pulled over on the way home from the store with a case of beer in the trunk? Is that what you are telling us? The beer was only in your trunk that short amount of time and you got pulled over?
  5. You got a dime? call somebody that cares. ROFL None, they were all drinking. You don't carry a case of beer around in your car for no reason. it's not a safety device or a spare tire. People don't just drive around carrying a case of beer in their car. If they have a case of beer it's because they brought it to drink. Common sense, wouldn't you say?
  6. Dude, I was just pulling your joint. Don't take it to heart. I would love to hear some of your stories as long as they're funny ones.
  7. He was a class act and will be missed. Great kicker who holds many Buffalo records. It's a shame football is the type of business you can't play when you are old. Every player gets replaced eventually. Wish him the best and hope he catches on with another team.
  8. LOL Oh come on, who you trying to kid, that wouldn't have worked for you. You couldn't even lure a prostitute in your car with a thousand dollar bill taped to your forehead!
  9. So are you telling us you have never driven after smoking? So after smoking you wait until the next day before driving? Yeah I believe that, and I suppose you have never told a lie in your life either. I can't answer that without all the facts. Was the person with the gun white or black. I need to know more facts before I can give you an educated answer.
  10. I'd rather crawl over a mile of cut glass than watch Corn Hole, (Kolb), play quarterback.
  11. How is that going to happen when Carrington is going to take Dareus' job. Dareus is going to eat his way out of the NFL. Did you see his fat gut? You wouldn't really make that bet would you? I would be happy to take your money.
  12. You're right about getting all the facts. Because I would bet Bradham was driving stoned. That's just as bad as drunk driving, you're senses are impaired. You would have to be naïve think he had weed in the car and he didn't smoke any that night. How many people do you think get caught with weed in their car that weren't smoking it that day or even while driving? I hope the NFL does the right thing and gives him a four game suspension.
  13. Have you watched the preseason games. Bradham is terrible. He can't stop the run. They run him over in the ground game. When I said he's too light maybe I should have said not strong enough instead. He can't hold up at the point of attack. Watch him in the next game, he's not very good. I wouldn't be surprised if he lost his starting job, although the Bills don't have much talent at inside linebacker. He may keep his job by default.
  14. No I'm not joking. Do you want a cancer on the team that takes away from the other players focus? Look at New England, they cut Hernandez as soon as he was arrested. Belichick wasn't going to let one guy bring down his whole team. They got rid of him, put him out of their minds, and moved on.
  15. A guy like that is a cancer for the team and becomes a distraction. You should cut him for the good of the team. The team, should focus on football not an outside circus. I say release him before he ruins the morale of the team.
  16. I agree, CUT HIM and make an example of him. Marrone has to show the players he has complete control of the team and won't tolerate this kind of behavior. They should put him on waivers immediately. Show the other players you mean business.
  17. No I was thinking more like Randy Moss. Oh my! You do remember seeing him tear up the Bills secondary, don't you? Brady to Moss was a thing of beauty.
  18. You got those right but you forgot to add a corner. The Bills only have one, Gilmore. And an inside linebacker Nigel Bradham is not very good. The Bills will have too many holes to fill in one draft. Maybe two more drafts and they may be able to contend in 2015. They set themselves back a year because they have to use draft choices to replace the players they didn't resign. (Levitre - Guard and Byrd - safety). You can't get better if you can't keep the draft choices you develop. The Bills seem to take one step forward and then one step back staying at that 6 and 10 level.
  19. If the Bills want Nassib they can claim him off waivers when the Giants cut him. Maybe they'll put him on their practice squad. Either way I think the Bills will have a chance to get him. I wouldn't want him, he stinks. I was afraid the Bills were going to draft that bum. If you know football you can see he is not NFL starting material. A back up maybe but not a starter.
  20. New England needs wide receivers. Maybe Belichick picks up DaRick and makes him a star. Belichick is a master at reforming some of these immature players. You add the fact that he would have the best QB in the NFL throwing to him and you can see where DaRick could flourish in New England.
  21. Just put the guy on waivers and move on. He's too light to play middle linebacker anyway. He was getting run over in the preseason games. Bills need another inside linebacker to play next to Kiko.
  22. You got that right Max. Another team isn't going to trade for a player they can get for free if they wait for ten days until the cut down date. That would be stupid on their part to give something up when they don't have to.
  23. @KAS - I have to agree with your assessment 100% I see it the same way. Good post dude.
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