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  1. Just a zero. He sucked up to Trump the hardest, and that is the only reason he got his job. I like pointing out that in his last election he ran like 10 points behind the regular Republican ticket. He is a bad choice. That's what cults do,,they award suckupism
  2. Why? The FBI operates on facts, and Trump team has not released any \ Why is that?
  3. A number of House Republicans are privately bashing former President Trump’s selection of Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) as his running mate, warning that the pick will not help — and could hurt — the party’s chances of winning in November. The Republicans, speaking to The Hill on the condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive topic, raised concerns about Vance’s foreign policy positions, lack of experience and inability to expand the Republican coalition beyond Trump’s base. https://thehill.com/homenews/4793818-vance-vp-trump-house-republicans/
  4. Because Roe had not been overturned
  5. Good morning KD, White women are more likely to be raped by a white man
  6. The people that had a good laugh when Hillary said the GOP was going to appoint judges who would overturn Roe, They were like, 'Who would be stupid enough to do that?" 🤷‍♂️ Well, they know now, and they are going to vote
  7. I'm glad they are. He calls his own people lazy. What a great politician! Called Trump Hitler, lol He's such a d-bag
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