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Everything posted by Stads

  1. Why the hell are you playing two deep on 4th and inches??
  2. Absolutely amazing that Josh's interception led to a punt from Cinci
  3. Okay we can stop them. That's...something
  4. Take a timeout instead of rushing that play
  5. I see why they chose to take the ball. That was about as easy as it comes
  6. I see why they chose to take the ball. That was about as easy as it comes
  7. Feels like Pittsburgh is going to run out the clock here. This team should not be 5-3 but such is life
  8. John Hussey always looks so gosh darn angry when he speaks
  9. Can anyone explain what the hell roughing the passer is these days? I am utterly confused
  10. Jimmy G just wore a Trent Edwards' costume on that 4th and 17
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