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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Trump is absolutely not winning the election in 2024. He could end up running against Biden's room temperature corpse and he's still not winning. He will never be President again. You think they've thrown the kitchen sink at him already? Everything so far is mere child's play compared to what's coming.
  2. Just like finding clothing fibers or a fingerprint linked to a suspect at a crime scene, remember always....that's not evidence! Still waiting for any useful idiot anywhere, not here because they're ignored, to tell us exactly what business the Biden family is in? What products or services do those myriad of LLCs provide?
  3. Perhaps even more delusional than the infamous "By all accounts..." comment we also have this doozy... I don't believe he has any cognitive impairment - Quack, MD 3/6/23 ๐Ÿ˜‚
  4. So a guy apparently associated with BLM RI, perhaps even a co-founder, endorsed Trump. Trump accepts the endorsement. You know what happens next. Mark Fisher is about to be canceled.
  5. There's another thread this is going in..
  6. Meanwhile let's hear from the BLM dude himself endorsing Trump. Let me guess what would have happened if Trump rebuffed this endorsement? Can you say RACISM? Wait, who am I kidding, Trump accepting this endorsement is clearly racist anyway. Another C- section HOAX!
  7. By all accounts speaks better than decades ago. Sure he lost his fastball, but his change-up is killer!
  8. He was Time magazine Person of the year in 2021. Revered by everyone, and most of all by the left. All he had to do to become their enemy was purchase their globalist commie propaganda platform, quickly let real journalists expose all the previous government aided censorship, and then make it a platform where all speech is allowed equal footing. How dare he disobey their final, most essential command....
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