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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Posts posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. if anyone saw that great MSU/Michigan triple overtime game...you saw the next Randy Moss...if you throw the ball anywhere near this guy, he'll get it...amazing.


    As far as the game...what a comeback!  Down 17 points with 6 mins left, Michigan forces OT, then wins it!  Those diaper dandies Henne and Hart along with Edwards are a force!!!  Too bad they crapped the bed against ND or they'd be in the top 4...then again Michigan always does stevestojan like that. :lol:


    GO BLUE!!! :lol:



    I am very hesitant to make any predictions concerning Michigan wideouts. I thought Marquise Walker was going to be a pro-bowler; I don't even think he's on an active roster. :lol:


    Anyway, here's hoping Wisconsin chokes against Minnesota!

  2. I really don't see any reason to get attached to players that don't give two s#its about any of us. And if anyone thinks these players do, then your rose colored glasses are even a darker shade than the rest. #89, no one rips on you for doing it, but don't expect us to follow the same mantra that these players care. They care where their next paycheck is coming from, and if thats the Dolphins, the Steelers, etc, they would be gone. I root for Laundry - always have, always will. Of course I have my favorites: Jim Kelly, Reimersma, etc, but do i think either of those guys would be bothered with me?  Yeah right!



    You should check out this article about Robert Porcher leaving the Lions. While he may be an anomaly, it shows you that there still players who care about their team, teammates and the fans more than any paycheck.



  3. I agree.


    As much as I like Travis Henry (and think he got somewhat of a raw deal), the offense and the entire team has a different attitude when McGahee is in the game. I think we can play smashmouth and really hand it to the Jets. I also think Bledsoe played with a lot of confidence against thw Jets last time--and that could carry over to this game.

  4. I would say that he has not fully regained his speed--and seems a long way off.


    One play comes to mind yesterday. 3rd and 1-- it was a fake hand-off to the FB to the right and then they pitch out to McGahee to the left (a play that Martz invented with Marshall Faulk in St.Louis). The idea is McGahee has to beat the defense to the outside. He didn't make it--he was dragged down short of the first down.


    In addition, he was dragged down from behind a few times on draws yesterday.


    But, consider that he still gained over a 100 yards and he's not even at full speed yet! When he gets back to full form, he'll be a monster.

  5. I think everyone takes Gray and the defense for granted.


    1) People say, "They're only good because of Lebeau and Gregg Williams." But this is unfounded--how do you know this? I think TD is in a better position to know how much Gray contributes to the defense.


    2) Others saying, "Why sign him? He won't get snatched up." I think that's wrong. He almost left to coach at U of Texas last season. He might leave for another lateral position if we're not committed to him. This shows we are committed to him.


    3) Others saying, "This is a bad defense. We are bad on 3rd downs. We can't stop a game-winning drive, etc." Give me a break. You judge Gray's performance on basically two games. Two games we weren't good on third down and we didn't stop the opponent's GW drive. And one of those games, we didn't stop them because of mental mistakes (e.g., Clements not knocking down Leftwich's pass to Jimmy Smith)., not bad coaching.

  6. Can someone explain to me ESPN's love affair with UNC?  All of their "talent" has amounted to stevestojan the last few years.



    I'll tell you what the love affair with UNC is all about = Roy Williams. Nothing against Roy Williams, but he isn't God. Even after SU won the title, they almost treated Kansas as champ on ESPN ("if only Wayne Simeon wasn't injured...."). They cooled off on UNC when Daugherty was coach--but not with Roy in town!


    Btw, I've seen at least 4 publications have us in the championship game. This is probably the most hyped SU team since the 87-89 years.

  7. Instead of choreographed, think pre-meditated.  That obviously is NOT a spontaneous act.



    I'm just going off what another poster said, but the rule is: can't celebrate by doing something choreographed/pre-mediated by more than just the player.


    I have no doubt Spikes thought about this beforehand. But look at the other players--they had no idea he was going to bowl. It looks like #25 is holding the other guys back from jumping on Spikes so he can do his thing. There's no way all those players pre-meditated to act as a "bowling audience."

  8. No doubt GW is a great defensive coach and he gets the respect of his players. He showed that here.


    His biggest problems as HC were: (1) Selection of his coaching staff; and (2) Stupid game-day management (bad challenge calls; failure to make gameday adjustments; bad judgment calls).


    If he couldn't overcome these problems in 3 years in Buffalo (esp. game-day management issues), then I don't see him drastically improving in his next HC stint. Of course, Bill Belichek was a loser in Cleveland and he managed to do a "little" better in New England. :o

  9. Whoever is saying their Oline is great did NOT watch that game yesterday. I did.


    They collapsed on many occasion. And you know what Roethlisberger did (and this is gonna sound foreign to many of us), he MOVED when he felt pressure. HE MOVED AWAY FROM THE BAD GUYS.



    I saw the entire Browns/Steelers game. And I know I didn't see unblocked guys go straight to the QB. Their o-line may not be spectacular, but they're not incompetent. They also do a lot better run-blocking than our o-line.


    As for Rothlesberger's mobility, etc., it's unbelievable. It's actually strange watching him and then Bledsoe--they are identical re. physical tools. The only difference is that Rothlesberger has 10 times the amount of pocket presence and football IQ than Bledsoe. We have a poor man's Ben R.

  10. It's the same steeler line that was considered the weakest part of the team last year.  The only difference is a healthy Marvel Smith at left tackle



    The only difference is that the entire o-line is healthy. The Steelers' o-line last year was entirely decimated by injury--they had only two guys start all 16 games for them on the o-line (Hartings and Simmons) and had five different combinations of starters on the line. That's why they were so bad last season.

  11. As a long-suffering Bills fan who has been a supporter thru the good times and the bad, I feel I just have to vent.  One of our three key free agents Mr. Jonas Jennings is looking for a payday after the season.  Maybe he should ask the Jets John Abraham for a loan as he made Abraham a few extra thousand yesterday in performance bonus money with his sorry ass performance.


    Jennings is supposed to be a leader on a developing offensive line and looked more like a statue yesterday then Drew did.  Maybe the Bills need a leader like the late, great Bobby Layne who would have given Jennings a severe kick straight up his ass.


    This guy looked like a freakin turnstile yesterday and it made me sick to watch Abraham sack Drew three times and blow up Henry on just about every run.


    I don't know what anyone else thinks, but Mr. Jennings ought to his his backside pinned to the bench and lets actually start someone who looks like they want to play and have some contact.


    More venting later I'm sure will follow.



    Jennings was still suffering from the effects of the concussion--at least that's what he said:


    "Personally I think that's the worst game I've played in my life," said Jennings, who practiced only once this week after suffering a concussion last Sunday. "I'm trying to fight through some adversity. Everything was so slow to me.


    "Every game has been close. I played the worst ball I've played in my life and we still were winning. So I don't have an answer. I just know that will never happen again from my personal perspective because that's not what you're used to seeing from me."

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