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Posts posted by Campy

  1. Sal's one of my favorites. I don't always agree with him, but I know his takes are not just to stir things up. He's a Buffalo fan who can still be objective, but he's also genuinely enthusiastic and generally optimistic.


    I was scrolling down to the "Reply" button when and noticed eball said - almost verbatim - what i was going to post.


    Sal is very good, I'm definitely a fan of his.

  2. wait, after two preseason games stevie isn't in synch with an inaccurate qb?


    he must suck then.


    funny i remember him as a gamer who produced in the clutch and brought a lot of passion to the game.


    i also think if it was 4th and 6 and my life was riding on the first down I'd much rather have stevie getting open and making the play than that punk Crabtree.


    his injuries always frustrated me because it seemed like he was always hurt, but you guys are laying it on too thick. he's a very good wideout.


    Hungover as **** today and needed the laugh. Thanks!

  3. You must be joking. Outside of this site and maybe a few others, no one is intently scrutinizing the second year QB of the BIlls.


    You mean there's more to the internet than TSW? Nah man. Ain't buying it.


    I was thinking about the whole "EJ is staring down receivers..." the other day and thought what if - and maybe it's too simple - he started wearing a dark eye shield like Mike Vick, etc? I realize his head placement may still somewhat give it away, but at this point, any little bit helps.


    You should have read the article - it's a non-issue.

  4. It really is too bad that Greggo Marrone could not figure out a way to work with Stevie. It should not have been that difficult, but with limited coaching experience and a thin skin it seems like it was not meant to be. I think SJ will do well in SF. It was nice having a guy that loved being a Bill. I think Eric Wood loves it, Freddie loves it and CJ says he loves it. I hope Sammy adopts SJ's mind set in many aspects. When Greggo Marrone is inevitably jettisoned after this year maybe we will get a coach more capable of dealing with pro players and situations.


    These posts never get old.


    The preceding sentence is a lie.


    Absolutely a horrible trade. SJ was Buffalo. We needed him this season to get us where we want to be. Rookie WRs hardly ever make an impact in the first season. This "All-in" BS is exactly that. BS. This team should make a big stride this season, with no SJ or Alonso, I'm not so certain this team will be good enough to fight for a playoff birth.


    I firmly believe Marrone is gone along with the whole Front Office after this season. The new owner will bring in someone with credibility as GM and HC along with an NFL OC.


    take Watkins out of the equation. You'd rather have Stevie Johnson than Mike Williams?

  5. <snip>

    CJ Spiller is undoubtedly this teams first string running back, IMO. Last year was a down year (Allegedly) (1st in NFL in 40+ yd runs) (2nd in NFL in 20+ yd runs)



    You have an interesting hypothesis, and I think CJ's struggles running between the tackles is a fair counter.


    In regards to the stat you posted above, do you know how many of those 20+ and 40+ yard runs went between the tackles?

  6. How much longer do we have to put up with Crossman?


    I was surprised Crossman didn't get the axe last year but understood he'd get a another chance because of Marrone's faith in him. Plus Marrone appeared to genuinely believe they didn't keep enough ST type players on the roster.


    They changed it this year and last night we saw the results: they did a great job on punt coverage - I think Carolina only gained a couple of yards - and only gave up about 20 yds per KO return. Those are good numbers and substantially better than last year's so I'm okay with Crossman and don't understand why you wouldn't be also.


    Or do you believe that Naaman "Camp Fodder" Roosevelt's muffed onsides kick undid all the things ST did well last night?

  7. I'm not saying it couldn't happen, because obviously it could, but if it were going to happen why wouldn't they have one of the other guys (Dixon, Brown) practicing/playing more time with the 1's? When Lynch was going to be traded, his 1st team reps were severely cut almost like the writing was on the wall.


    That's an excellent point. Plus, ESPN sucks.

  8. Again, another ignorant local media story that makes statements about the value of the team based on geography. It misses the point about the value in a cash vs. financing deal. If a bidder is borrowing money, they actually pay MORE than the final bid because of interest, just like any of us buying a house. So hypothetically, a $1B bid with interest financing might be the same as a bid of $1.3B with no financing. So in Tiny Tim's mind, TG would be overpaying when in reality, with interest, the actual prices are the same. That's what happens when sports scribes with no finance skills report on big business. But as I stated in a post above, the trust gets more cash in Pegula's bid whereas the bank gets money in the borrower's bid.




    Thought I read that only $200MM can be financed per league bylaws.


    EDIT FOR CLARITY: Not taking exception to what you wrote about the cost of debt service, but given the relatively low amount allowed, your example doesn't happen and, all things being equal, the playing field is leveled a little in that regard.

  9. From the article:


    Sources close to the sale insist the Pegulas' pursuit has been flawless so far. The other groups are way behind and leaking oil well short of the finish line.


    Terry and Kim Pegula had the potential to be the perfect package as Bills owners from the start. Sources involved in the sales process and within the NFL claim the Pegulas' approach to bidding on the team has underscored their desirability.


    And this:


    Some of Bon Jovi's influential NFL friends -- he has close relationships with New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft and Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones -- have advised him bail on his attempted purchase to save face.
  10. One thing I dont understand about JBJ wanting to be the primary owner is that isn't being an NFL owner a full time job?


    Would he stop performing and touring to focus on his team?


    How can an owner remain plugged in to their team if they are always on tour?




    Some owners are more hands-on than others so it would be up to him whether it was a full or part time gig for him. As for him being "plugged-in," I can't imagine that would be an issue given the technology available.


    And who knows? he's not getting younger; maybe his intention is to not tour quite as much?

  11. Mrags responded to this here:




    Saved you a click:


    I can tell you why because I was there.


    It's because the way Fawcett Stadoum is set up that the people in the end zone seats had to walk across a very narrow 3-4ft walkway between the field and the end zone seats that security wasn't allowing anyone to cross until they were done with all their interviews. We were standing around like cattle being pushed and shoved from all directions with no where to go. That's why they were booing. They wanted to leave and couldn't.

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