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Posts posted by Campy

  1. Is it really though? I used to think like that and it's true when you're talking about Peyton, Rodgers, Brees, and Brady. But for the majority of the QBs, it's not that cut and dry. The 49ers and Seahawks had the 2 lowest passing attempts in the NFL last year. IMO, EJ doesn't need to be Peyton to take the Bills to the playoffs. He jsut needs to limit his mistakes and make a few big plays throughout the game.


    And I love swagger but Spikes talks too much. It's funny some people got sick of SJ talking so much and now love Spikes' attitude. Just play ball.


    It might not be that they're talking, it might be what they're saying.


    Or maybe it's because Spikes is a better LB than Stevie is WR.


    Take your pick.

  2. If not the NFLPA will rightfully raise hell about a double standard. Shouldn't the "protect the shield mantra" apply even more to a franchise owner?


    In theory, yes I think it should, the same way the rules are different for cops and teachers where we expect more and don't tolerate screw ups from them.


    In application, he's not a contracted employee, he's one of the partners - an owner. Also, it could get dicey because he's an admitted addict which means he's ill and that could open a whole 'nother can of worms...


    It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

  3. Didn't see this video posted, sorry if it was...




    Whether you think the ban is a good idea or not (I think it's fun and people shouldn't read too much into it), the following line toward the end of the report made me lol.


    "What would you say to Jon Bon Jovi right now if he walked into your bar? Would you serve him a beer?" asked Channel 2's Kelly Dudzik.

    "No, I'd tell him, look, do what you know and open a hair salon and leave football alone," says Jagiello.

  4. He would be and mock him all you want, if the team stays put, I don't care. I know someone like Trump would be even worse than Al Davis and Jerry Jones with his publicity stunts but at the end of the day, just need to be happy for what we got.


    My favorite thing about trump is that he is the person that could have devastated the Bills the most if the USFL didn't fold and now he want to be the owner.


    How so? Kelly?

  5. And he also has to pay for the new stadium. And make sure we make the playoffs the next 10 years. And beer prices are lower. And no traffic issues before and after the game. :rolleyes:


    So what if the Jacobs' get the team and want to move it at the end of the lease? all good right?


    Be happy with whoever wants to buy the team and keep them in buffalo. Complain about them in a few years if nothing has changed with the team.


    I agree with the overall gist of your post but I have to admit, I wouldn't like it if the Donald bought the team.


    Sure, it'd be better than losing the team to TO or elsewhere, but he would be an absolute embarrassment to the team, the region, and we the fans. And rest assured, I would mock him and complain day 1!

  6. He didn't decline at all last year. He had no names with no chemistry last year losing Hernandez, Gronk most of the year, and most importantly Welker.


    I hate the Pats as much as anyone, but Brady is just as good as he was 5 years ago. He'll go another three years easily and he loves to play the game.


    The sad thing is it will be so tough to beat them as long as Brady is there.


    Brady is still great, but I don't think he's nearly as good as he was 5 years ago. Yes, losing Welker, Gronk, and the killer hurt, but last year he looked off his game more often than I recall ever seeing him.


    Or maybe it's just my Tommy-hate getting the better of me?

  7. I'd say it was more the fault of a bad GM. Drury left and was a horrific signing by the Rangers. Briere was also amnestied I believe. They re-signed guys like Afinogenov and Kotalik over Dumont. Also paid Connolly twice along with some other horrible signing. Not like Pegula has had success since taking over right?


    Anybody who keeps the Bills in Buffalo I'm all for.


    Careful. Talking about hockey to football fans who claim to know isht about hockey can be incredibly maddening. Especially when they have preconceived notions and think they know what they're talking about....

  8. I'm old, but I think the 70s were the golden days for me. TV really took off - Monday Night Football, Jimmy the Greek, Phyllis George - and some of the old guys were still doing games (Curt Gowdy, Charlie Jones, Howard Cosell). The Super Bowl grew into a major event. Great QBs - Bradshaw, Tarkenton, Brodie, Namath, Dawson, Lamonica (ouch). The long ball was alive and well. Bills home games were fun, as always, but the excitement over MNF in 1973 - 1976 was tremendous. Just a great time to be a fan.




    And I'd add some pretty great defenses (Steel Curtain, Purple People Eaters, Orange Crush) and RBs (OJ, Walter Payton, Earl Campbell, Tony Dorsett, & Larry Csonka) too. The 70s were a fantastic time in the NFL.

  9. Nope - - in 1997 the Bills negotiated for and received the right to name the stadium whatever they wanted in 1998 - - Ralph chose to name the stadium after himself:




    Interesting. This is the first time I heard (read) that. Thanks for the info.


    But I'm still going to blame it on the county when those two yahoo Jets fans make their annual visit to our Backer bar and mock RWS. :devil:

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