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Posts posted by Campy

  1. Having first met him when he was a high school freshman at Bayside, nobody is pulling for EJ more than me.


    And it's true the OL needs to do what they can to keep the DL's hands down. But it's also true the QB has some responsibility to avoid batted-down passes such as changing delivery, stepping to one side or another, or moving to another target.


    This pissing contest about blaming the OL or the QB is inane.

  2. Letting Tuel have a legit WR to throw to? Maybe


    Allowing Woods to move back and forth to the slot to evaluate him in those roles as the Buffalo Rumblings article hypothesizes? Maybe.


    Hagen ahead of Woods on the depth chart? Doubtful.


    With 4 preseason games to go, does any of it really matter right now? Nah.

  3. '90 is OK, but I would not put it in the discussion of best ever.


    Given your penchant for the historical stuff I would've thought '88 - as small as it was - would've been a class you liked. (Ditka, Ham, Biletnikoff & Halas)


    Of course, we're picking nits here. Some classes are clearly better than others but all of these HOF guys were pretty damn good.

  4. What in the world makes you think they would lose their suit? They have had the trademark for over 90 years, long before anyone else was using that phrase, they routinely defend that trademark (as evidenced here) when it is utilized outside of the "fair use" standard and, accordingly, have not allowed it into the "public domain." Your legal knowledge is unfounded.


    He offered a legal opinion, not legal knowledge.


    Your knowledge, however, is incorrect. Texas A&M were notified the mark was registered in 1990. In the 69 years since it was first used and became a registered mark, it became a common phrase used in multiple sports and at all levels of competition.


    So he was right, they very well could lose the mark if an infringement claim was adjudicated.

  5. So happy Terry and Kim are involved. I wonder how successful he will be if he owns the Bills. I think and believe he will be treated as royalty in WNY and this family should be after all he's done for Buffalo, however when I think about the Sabres mess I wonder how he will manage the Bills and if he learned a few things. I do believe he's the best option and hopefully he will hire the right people who will make the right football decisions. I think Whaley and Marrone will stay for now but will be on a short leash.


    The Sabres then and the Bills now are two entirely different creatures.


    Sabres had an aging ineffective core that Darcy & TPegs tried to improve (or prop up?).


    Since then, the Sabres have jettisoned pretty much everything old and are on a wholesale rebuild. They are acquiring dynamic play makers, have a well-respected coach, and a progressive - and aggressive - front office in place. Put another way, the Bills are a couple years ahead of where the Sabres are now.


    Agree, but he also made a mistake in hiring LaFontaine, giving him complete control over Hockey Operations then allowing Murray to back door him with the Miller trade. This directly led to LaFontaine's resignation. He should have told Murray to get Pat's approval or not hired Pat at all for that role.


    You don't know that's what happened.

  6. I don't think it's personal, most Bills fans I know love having our friends come down from Canada to hang out, joke about the Leafs and Sabres, and cheer the Bills.


    And while most Canadians don't want to see the team in TO, a consortium of executives from MLSE & Rogers maneuvering ought to make any Bills fan - Canadian or American - more than little nervous.

  7. So by taking money to shill for the Bills move tot Toronto, he's "getting Bflo's back"?


    That's a strange way to look at it.



    Think of a regular guy telling one of his buddies at the bar "You'd have to pay me to drink Genny Cream Ale."


    Or did you not infer from the context that he was likely joking while saying it?

  8. My issue with that statement is that if he's paid enough he'll look past the city losing it's team that made him who he is.


    I took it as "You'd have to pay me to support them." In other words, he's not turning his back on Bflo, he's getting Bflo's back.

  9. I said this a long time ago and I have no reason to change my view: there is a 95 % chance that the Bills will move to Toronto. The fix is in. The NFL wants a team in Canada and Toronto is the only real viable option. Also, I heard from an NFL owner, in a private conversation, that the Bills are headed to Toronto. The NFL is motivated by MONEY!!! The owners are greedy and not loyal. They can make more money with a team in Toronto vs. a team in Buffalo. It is all about the money.


    Now as a Bills fan since day one back in 1960, I don't want this to happen. In spite of the huffing and puffing from politicians, former jocks, and community leaders they are powerless to stop it. Prepare yourselves Bills fans. There is little room for the small markets like Buffalo in the Billionaires Boys Club (aka NFL).


    Are you asking us to believe that you and a crystal ball-owning NFL owner were just chilling one day and he spilled the beans?

  10. Mother @#$/^&!


    Don't trust JBJ


    No, this is perfect. The lease prevents the Bills from negotiating with any group with intentions to move the club. The guy handling their feasibility study has said S Ontario and WNY were being considered and another source said 3 sites in/around the GTA.


    If that's not evidence they intend to move the franchise, I don't know what is.

  11. Buyers's remorse?


    Dude, We haven't even taken the thing out of the bag yet.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm loving what I see in Watkins. Still, the thought of an offense that focuses on the availability of just ONE weapon troubles me. For all we know Mike Williams could spend opening day in a jail cell next to Marcel Dareus. Bob Woods, and Goodwin are good, but they're "smallish" wideouts that can be shut down... Where the heck is our big threat guy? Kelvin BenJamin or Martavis Bryan't would have been IDEAL. How can a safety ignore a 6'5" kid with 4.4 speed streaking down the sideline?


    A bona fide big-threat receiver would have exponentialized whatever Sammy does this season. IMO, Moreso than Preston Brown or Ross Cockerell. -Picks that would have likely been UDFA's had we not gotten in the way.


    Guess that's "water under the bridge," now as they say. In the end, what I think can save us is a QB (and O.C.) mature enough to recognize and exploit whatever defenses give them. Nat Hackett has to set aside dreams of being an offensive genius (He isn't one.) and pay attention to what is going on on the field. That "flea-flicker" he called for Tuel in Cleveland last year was the DUMMEST most tone-deaf, ego-trip I've ever seen. It pretty much confirmed everything I thought of him as a coach. Crap like that can't happen again.


    I don't have buyer's remorse for Sammy, but to those who think he's a cure-all I say "Buyer beware". This kid needs a solid coaching situation in order to be all we know he can be.


    That just happened.

  12. A Grosse Pointe (GP) resident is about to make a significant decision that will not only make her one of the most wealthiest GP resident but also impact millions of people world wide... Yes, when the Bills are sold - it will make headlines everywhere - including GP.


    They will print a few letters from loyal Bills fans - pulling at the heart strings of their local resident...


    Millions will learn of the sale but that doesn't mean they'll be impacted. And again, it's one person in the community.


    But feel free to share your letter to the editor here since it's the only place it will be published.

  13. what u guys fail to realize is that Terry Pegula pays for the Sabres Show it is nothing more than an infomercial sponsored by Pegula . Same for Murphy's show Bills paid programming. Sabres should rethink Petey and Sylvester though.What is Peters highest level of completed education . Sylvester's gotta be golfing buddies with somebody.Should be Duffer and Biron or Barnaby or !@#$ing Sabertooth.


    That's the bottom line.


    It's not about which sport is more popular, it's about the station getting guaranteed revenue while not having to pay to produce a program.


    it means that I don't consider hockey player athletes. That hockey barely registers as a sport considering it barely is ratings wise throughout this country. That nobody outside of the northeast or Canada in North America even cares about it. That idiot Neanderthals like Peters and Kaleta can make millions off being bad fighters that never win or run like pansies when someone tries to fight them. They can barely skate, yet many idolize these two assclowns.


    How's that???



    I know I'll hear a bunch of crap from the hockey lovers here. I don't care. It's my opinion. You aren't changing it so don't even try.




  14. I'm amazed that for the amount of money these NFL players make, there is nothing in their employment contract that mandates conditioning programs.




    The CBA prohibits those sorts of mandatory programs.


    Teams give players nutritional and workout info. Would a player be wise to follow them? Probably. But not all think they need to.

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