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Posts posted by Campy

  1. Nice response. You brought up valid points but just to be clear, I'd like justification instead of just names. Why are those QB's not as good... ETC. Snide little comments inferring whether or not I know what I'm talking about isn't germane of the situation.


    This is bizarre. You asked if I "even watched the games" and then said you meant if I "really watch." And you don't consider that snide but my reply that I "really really really" watch was? Good grief...


    As for justification, it's because EJ has a much bigger upside than those guys despite, in a few instances, having far fewer starts.

  2. Wait...people are actually defending EJ after that performance? God, this is just sad.


    I may have missed a post here or there in all these pages but I don't see much too much of a defense of EJ being mounted.


    Instead, it seems most people are saying the rest of the offense should get a share of the responsibility (blame?) for their part in an over all terrible performance.


    A couple of players and a couple of plays aside, there wasn't a whole going right when Bflo had the ball.

  3. That's one way to overreact. On the whole, OP is 100% right. When EJ made the plays no one bailed him out. When we needed the line to come up big, they collapsed.


    It's not making excuses, but you just can't be practical and rest the whole loss on EJ. Sorry.


    Agreed. I think EJ was hit every other drop back.


    And if Sammy doesn't have those two early drops, maybe the offense gets in a rhythm and the entire game is different.


    We'll never know, of course, but it's a funny thing how things play out when you consider the difference one or two seemingly innocent plays could potentially have on an entire game.

  4. I'm sure the TV's on, so I guess that's good enough.


    I already told you, I really really really watch the games.



    Pro tip 1: Don't ask a subjective or hypothetical question if you are unwilling (or unable) to respect opinions that run contrary to your own. Just state your own opinion and move on.


    Pro tip 2: People who infer they have some sort of deeper understanding of the game than fellow posters generally don't. Furthermore, those people are often considered opinionated blowhards not to be taken seriously. If a poster knows his stuff, it will show without the need to imply others do not.



    Hope that helps. Go Bills.

  5. Hackett stays, and Sammy NEVER turns into what he's supposed to... It's that simple... Hackett should GO.... And if Marrone don't like it, he can go too.... Those two coached one of the chittier college offenses I've seen... They had their chance. -It's over.


    Marv had 1 1/2 seasons posting losing records before the Bills turned it around in his third.


    Maybe they say patience is a virtue for a reason?

  6. I wonder if they worked out Moorman?



    Because punters are people too — and because Shane Lechler has a soft tissue injury — the #Texans worked out a slew of punters today.



    Although Bill O'Brien called Shane Lechler "day-to-day" in his press conference yesterday, OB also made it clear the Texans would explore other options at punter if Lechler thought he might not be able to go against the Bills on Sunday. Ian Rapoport says the Texans did just that this morning.


    Who are these punting candidates, you ask? John McClain says the team brought in four players--Mat McBriar, Zoltan Mesko, Brian Moorman, and Kasey Redfern--for tryouts.


  7. I love those maps, because you always get that bizarre out-of-the-way part of the country that gets a game for no discernible rhyme or reason.


    Like eastern Washington and the Idaho panhandle, getting for the early CBS game...Tennessee at Cincinnati? What?



    I think they're cool to look at, too.


    And Richmond, Va, with Baltimore only 3 hours away, is getting Giants-Texans as opposed to Ravens-Browns. Makes zero sense to me.

  8. How can an MD disclose any medical information on Watkins condition that violates HIPPA.


    At work I am involved in training for HIPAA and components of the Omnibus Rule.


    If the convo went down the way it was described to Kelly, it clearly is a HIPAA violation and the doc is susceptible to punishment (probably a fine). If Sammy waived his right to privacy, then the doc's in the clear.


    With football-related injuries, players generally allow the nature of the injury to be released but as we saw with Cordy during camp, they are more reluctant to share their personal health issues.

  9. correct! whenever i catch myself wanting to cater to some entirely irrational superstition, i consciously do the opposite to remind myself that what i do on sundays has nothing to do with the outcome at RWS 3,000 miles away.


    Okay, but wearing the same (but laundered) Tshirt under the same jersey with the same (but laundered) pair of boxers under the same (but laundered) shorts I wore in week 1 probably didn't hurt.

  10. I thought Hackett called a great game. He ran similar looks and then ran different plays out of those looks to either keep or put Miami on their heels.


    In the red zone, the plays were there but the execution wasn't: Woods' slant where EJ had a bad throw and the post EJ threw when Sammy went more upfield were a couple of TDs they could (should?) have had. That's not on Hackett at all.

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