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Posts posted by Campy

  1. He's an executive at Viacom, the corporation that owns the broadcasting rights to all AFC games, so it's likely that he does control everything. He literally has financial control over Goodell because of his corporate ties. Is it any wonder why the Pats can call all the shots in the NFL? After one questionable Field Goal, they force every team to install 5ft higher posts!? What other crybaby team could've made that happen?!


    Not technically. He's an independent director so he can't own Viacom stock and only receives a sitting fee for being on the Viacom board. Also, Viacom does not own the rights to broadcast games, CBS does. If he were on the CBS board, that would be a different issue.


    But most of that's just technicalities. It's hard to find fault with the rest of your post.

  2. Say what you will about him but he was classy about his release:


    Michael Caussin @MCAUSSIN80 · 15h

    I cannot thank the
    organization enough. For nearly the last four years they have given me the opportunity to live my dream...



    ....and play the game I love. I will miss this amazing city and fan base. It truly is like none other. I have hit some road blocks with....


    Michael Caussin @MCAUSSIN80 · 15h

    ...multiple injuries the last few years but I know my career is far from over. One last thank you to the Bills again, in a business full of,


    Michael Caussin @MCAUSSIN80 · 15h

    ...cut-throat decision making, they have treated me with nothing but class. Thank you for the opportunity and an amazing four years.
  3. It's been going on here for years.


    We draft the guy at #8 and he plays well for us.....like a low first rounder.....we let him walk and he ends up in the Pro Bowl....like a #8 pick....but somehow this is his fault. We didn't use him properly. The Niners did and he helped bring them to the Super Bowl. Ask that running back he hit in the playoffs....if the guy is awake yet.




  4. Wow. Sammie should keep his mouth shut. Players - especially rookies - shouldn't start things like this. If Whitner had started things by saying he couldn't wait to play Buffalo and Sammie (or, better yet, a vet like Mario or CJ) had responded like Whitner had, then I'd agree. But it didn't happen that way. Sammie was wrong. Still, there are 4 pages of posters ripping on the ex-Bill and sticking up for the current Bill. It probably didn't help that it was Whitner. He's hated here as much as Tom Brady.


    Sammie thought Cleveland was going to pick him at 4 and they traded the right to do so away so I think he carrying a grudge. He should deal with that on the field, not in the press.


    When asked by Ohio.com if he will have a chip on his shoulder against the Browns because Cleveland traded back instead of taking him, he replied that he has a chip on his shoulder for every game. He mentioned one of the Browns DBs, Seattle's Sherman, and another DB (I don't recall whom) and said he knows he'll be playing against great players in the NFL but he has always gone out and dominated and that's what he plans to do in the NFL.


    There really wasn't anything inflammatory about his remarks.

  5. Basically a re-branded method of PSL.



    Not really. See below.


    You don't get season tickets like you do with a PSL?


    PSLs don't "give" the investor season tickets, they only give the license holder the right to buy season tickets.


    If a financial, health, or other crisis puts the fan in a bind that season and he cannot buy the season tickets, he will likely lose his seat license - and the money invested to acquire the PSL.


    With BFA, the money is pooled together to provide a low interest loan and money invested into BFA is paid back to the fans.


    To me that makes PSLs and BFA two entirely separate animals.

  6. I would just hate to see well intentioned Bills fans get fleeced. Kickstarter groups are generally out to fund development of a product of some kind. The BFA has no hope at this stage of the game of doing anything productive regarding new ownership. I just hope that if they do end up soliciting donations that they are responsible enough to make it abundantly clear and truthful as to what they intend to do with the money.


    Whether they ultimately make a difference or end up being nothing more than a good idea that wasn't needed, I have no doubt in my mind that BFA is above board.


    But if you're not as comfortable with them as I am, it's not a problem - just don't donate any money (assuming they get that far).

  7. This is good to know but given how quickly the Wilson family is moving forward with the sale process it seems that time is of the essence.


    I don't have inside info, but my gut tells me they are working behind the scenes on some things and, given the sensitive nature of discussions they may be involved in, have intentionally kept a low profile.


    I do agree it would be nice to see some evidence that things are moving forward. Methinks we'll hear (a lot) more from BFA in the coming months.


    I've never understood it, and it seems that the US is always on the giving, not receiving end of that charity work.


    I suppose, but I think a lot of the athletes who compete for other countries because their mother is part {insert nationality} do so because they wouldn't make the US team. That seems to happen most frequently - or where I've seen it most frequently - is during the Olympics.

  9. Wow! How can we even begin to have a conversation when your levels of comprehension is that of a 9 year old.




    From your link, Soccer and Hockey were listed as the only two team sports.


    I rate your comprehension levels that of a - nincompoop :doh::lol:


    Did you not notice that ice hockey was rated ahead of the team sport you claimed required the best cardio stamina? And did you notice soccer wasn't even on the other list - but Aussie Rules Football was?


    Perhaps, contrary to your opinion, soccer is not the team sport that requires the best cardio stamina...


    And BTW, it's comprehension level. Singular. Not levels.


    Look man, I'm not a soccer-hater; as I said upthread, I played it in high school. But some of the arguments in this thread are more than a little over the top.


    Just a thought: Perhaps soccer fans would be better served following the lead of many hockey fans: Enthusiastically promote the sport to people who ask questions and seem interested but recognize a certain percentage of people just won't/don't/can't get into it.


    Maybe it's because the culture of the sport is foreign to them, or maybe it's because they have no desire to learn it, or maybe they gave it a chance and decided they just don't like that particular sport. It's okay. But don't waste breath trying to convert the non-convertible.

  10. Uh, no, it is a fact, not an opinion. Try reading up some.


    Excellent post - I rate it Fanboi Level (expert)


    But okay, okay, I'll do some reading. Let's see, I'll google "team sport requiring highest cardio stamina" and see what I find...


    Okay, let's see which team sport what the highest ranked team sport is on this list: http://www.fitday.co...o-sports.html#b


    Let's see how these guys rate soccer: http://www.topendspo...tm Interesting, Aussie Rules Football made the list, but no soccer...

  11. <snip> If you truly don't believe that there isn't more conditioning and cardio in Soccer than any other team sport, then you are absolutely deluding yourself. That's a Fact. Not an opinion, but a fact



    I think you don't know the definition of the words "fact" and "opinion."


    But carry on; it's surprisingly entertaining to watch people getting so snarky about defending a game.

  12. :P


    The worst part of the World Cup is the morons who know nothing about the game and act like they do.


    Having played soccer, I thought part of the attraction was its simplicity.

    You are right of course in that this is a Bills fan board and most are not just Bills fans, but tackle football fans in general.

    What's humorous, at least to me though, is when someone who is a fan of tackle football calls another sport "slow". :)


    Good point. Football, baseball, and soccer do tend to have people just sorta standing around an awful lot.

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