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Everything posted by BillsFan130

  1. As Al Davis said, "just win baby". I would have preferred Jimmy
  2. Exactly. I mean any win is good in the NFL so I was really happy about beating the colts, but I just didn't think the colts were a great measuring stick
  3. I kind of thought the colts were overrated coming into this season so even when the bills beat them, I wasn't quite as thrilled as a lot of bills fans were
  4. Descent team but I saw on the first page which summed it up, I think they have 10 turnovers in 2 games and a few very fluky. The football gods will even that out a bit
  5. Definitely don't hate the jets as much as I used too but I never can go for a division opponent against a non division team
  6. these flags in NFL are getting ridiculous. It's almost getting unwatchable
  7. I was screaming at the tv all game about this. It made no sense to give them the short throws, that's what brady does best. It seemed like the patriots were in 2nd and 4 or 2nd and 2 all game because of the quick drive starter throws
  8. Valid points but you said it, they still let over 500 yards of offence. Regardless if the bills gave them extra possessions or not that is an eye opening number. But you are correct, against brady you can't go three and out multiple times in a row
  9. I agree 100 percent with what you said. It was a bad game for sure, I don't know what Rex was trying to accomplish with his game plan. I do believe he will bounce back though, he's been an elite defensive coach for almost two decades now, so I do think it was just one very bad game plan because he didn't give the bills defenders a chance too succeed. Jerry Hughes covering gronk one on one and Rambo on Edelman one on one on a few plays? That can't happen
  10. No worries sir! Who's panicking? Have you not been on this site the last 2'days? You would think an Armageddon is coming after this loss
  11. I for one think Rex had a terrible game as well as the whole coaching staff and players. But lets remember it is one bad game against the super bowl champs. Does anyone remember in 2010 when Rex got beat 45-3 by the pats on MNF about 4 years ago? That same year he came back and beat the patriots in the playoffs and shut Brady down. Rex is a great defensive coach who had a bad game. This season is far from over, need a big win in Miami and I would consider it a very god start to the year. Go Bills!
  12. Ya I know. It was a one score game but New England was in control for the most part, they just got arrogant towards the end with trying to run up the score. It made the game look closer than I think it was. You are right though there were bad calls and who knows if it would have changed the outcome but I do think new England outplayed the bills today and deserved the win
  13. He wasn't good but had no help from greg roman and his o line
  14. The NFL is definitely a joke when it comes to penalties. To your other points, New England was just better than the bills today plain and simple. The bills definitely got screwed on a lot of calls today but that wasn't the reason they lost
  15. I get that but chances are you will have to go through new England to get to the super bowl. I hope you're right though lol
  16. taylor can get out of trouble at times and I understand the pass protection was terrible but he had happy feet on numerous occasions today
  17. Personally I didn't see many positives. McCoy looked good. Maybe Darby? but besides that I think this game was a dissapointment
  18. You are right that people are overreacting but I think today was a sad reality. As long as the pats have brady and belichick the bills can't compete against this team. 1-1 is a ok start but still gotta beat new England if you are going to do anything in this league
  19. What really annoyed me is that the bills would refuse to play tight on the receivers. They knew that new England would try and get rid of the ball quick but yet made no adjustments all game
  20. exactly. I've been saying this all week. Why is Rex talking like his record is 9-4 against belichick instead of 4-9. Now 4-10 I think. He just looks like a complete idiot now
  21. defence looked very vanilla today. disappointed to say the least
  22. bills have to push the ball downfield. new England is stacking the box daring the bills to throw long and the bills continue to run with 8 in the box
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