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Everything posted by disco

  1. I assure you they don't know nearly as much as you do about the Bills or Chiefs. Honestly. With a few exceptions, most of these national guys don't have time to follow every team. The Bills and Chiefs generally fall into the neglect category.
  2. I don't know why he isn't embraced by this board. He actually doesn't hate the Bills and understands Bills articles generate a lot of traffic. On a national level, which he's definitely at by now, there's no greater % of Bills stories.
  3. Seriously? You can't understand the difference between the two questions, particularly given my position on Evans? Secondly, wtf? You are so solidified in your position that you instantly jump to insults? I've always enjoyed your posts, whether I agree or not. Did I really say something so offensive to warrant that? Whatever man. Actually it's not. My position was that Evans, like anybody else, went through a lot in Buffalo. Losing year after year, QB carousels, coaching changes, etc. That wears on someone just like in any job. While I believe Evans could still be a star, I don't think it was going to happen again in Buffalo. A player on one team doesn't necessarily have the same value on another. The first point was whether every GM/QB/Coach would agree that Buffalo is better with Evans. I disagreed. The follow-up was whether or not another GM would prefer Evans or [Easley/Jones/etc] for their team. It's a completely different question, particularly given the point I was making involved Evans needing a change. See Randy Moss in Oakland vs NE. The Moss of New England was never going to show up in Oakland.
  4. You've changed the question haven't you? Did you not originally ask whether or not the BILLS would be better with Evans? I don't think you're ready for poker.
  5. I would take that bet in a heart beat. There is absolutely no way that's even close to the truth. See my post above. The 2006 Lee Evans isn't who we traded. The desire of an Easley or Jones as a Bills #2 may very well be greater than Evans as a #2. He may not be done as a player, but he was done in Buffalo. People in GM and coaching spots understand that better than anyone.
  6. I think something continually overlooked here are players are only human. At some point losing year after year after year wears you down. QB carousels wear you down. Somewhere along the line you're suddenly a #1 WR averaging 40rec, 600tds, 5TDs. Which, yes, most NFL teams would move on from. Is it player ability? Is it offense? Is it lost desire? Could be any of those things, but sometimes players just need a fresh start. We don't really know if Evans can still be a star, I hope can be. I always liked him. I'm pretty convinced he wasn't going to be 2006 Lee Evans in Buffalo again though.
  7. Love the interview. The only thing I find amusing is his apparent confusion on where the idea that we don't want to spend money might come from. Not saying I don't believe him, but pretty obvious why some people might think that.
  8. I can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take a butcher's word for it.
  9. It is crazy talk. But the thing is, as your #1 Moats fan, I can't find any other way to make the team. I don't actually want Batten cut, he's looked great. Just in disbelief that as good as Moats looked at OLB last year, we moved him inside and suddenly he's on the cut bubble.
  10. Seriously man if you just joined in July of this year and ALREADY needed a few days away from the site...you're not going to like it come week 3. You might want to cut the cord now.
  11. First, you think anywhere close to 20% of people here played football past 10th grade? 1 out of 5 posters? Are you insane? Second, just because I never filmed a movie doesn't mean I can't comment on which ones suck. Same goes for my car that I've never built and my air conditioner that doesn't always work. It sucks too. Sometimes when I watch the Bills I yell at my TV along the lines of "YOU'RE NOT DOING IT RIGHT!!" But to be honest it's a lot more fun to do so on a message board where everyone else is yelling too.
  12. Well to be fair Stevie probably get to go to a winning team so it might be a win for him. The funny thing is I don't think being cheap is what the fanbase is angry with. It's that they don't know what the hell they are doing. Spending money won't fix it - see Dan Snyder. Actually hell see the Buffalo Bills. When they do spend money it's on the wrong guys. If you're going to be cheap, at least let someone who knows what they're doing have a shot at it.
  13. No disrespect to any posters here, but it is news when this type of information is coming from the AP and not a message board. Even what are just inferences from JW are things not often written. A few years ago there was a story on buffalorumblings.com that had some severe words from John Rauch (http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2011/7/20/2275370/buffalo-bills-ralph-wilson-john-rauch) but that kind of information isn't particularly common.
  14. This is ridiculous. All this bashing over Overdorf. You guys act like he didn't even attend the NFL Executive Program at Stanford University in 2004. Well guess what. He did. Says so right in his bio: http://assets.buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=3578
  15. Seriously? You think the only source of Evans wanting out of Buffalo is Chris Brown?
  16. haha could just be me but a "actually floor starts in 2013" might have sufficed here.
  17. Wait a second, while all this is good speculation....JW if you're reading this, can you clarify if that's what Nix was implying? You mention Nix didn't handle trade talks - can you expand on knowledge of whether this is uncommon for Nix? You don't have a quote from Nix in the article and I can't find any other AP related story in which Nix implies he didn't want to trade Evans. The only direct information I can find is an interview in which he seems to say he made that decision: http://www.democratandchronicle.com/videonetwork/1108251671001/Buddy-Nix-talks-about-the-Lee-Evans-trade I'm wondering if other factors he doesn't want to publicly state is the fact that Evans asked to be traded. Chris Brown has reported Lee Evans wanted out. Remember, the Bills had just paid him a $1.1 million in bonus money. If this was just a money decision, they could have traded him in the off-season and saved that cash. I seem to recall Nix saying he didn't want any player that didn't want to be a Bill. I can't find any interview with Evans in which he was asked if he wanted to be traded. His comments once the rumors started didn't exactly sound like someone who was looking to stay a Bill. He basically said "Well, we'll see what happens!" Am I understanding correctly that with the new salary cap floor next year, like it or not the Bills are going to have to add ~35m in roster salary?
  18. "...delivered a blow that transformed Buffalo receiver Donald Jones into a limp rag doll" Maybe I'm just too sensitive from seeing Kevin Everett but I just don't agree with celebrating an illegal hit or mock what could have been a serious injury. http://www.denverpost.com/commented/ci_18726671?source=commented-
  19. I really think Fitz showed enough to be given a shot at starting at QB. I don't know if I really have heard anyone say franchise. Definitely not good enough to make up for the lack of an oline.
  20. I just don't know why it has to take yet another preseason game to tell us our oline isn't good enough. I mean it wasn't good enough last year, did we really need another preseason to confirm it? Was there some level of promise exhibited at the end of the season that gave someone hope? It really just reminds me of Trent Edwards and our need for another few games of failure before moving on. Only in this case it was even more clear.
  21. To me it just suggests there's too much to correct in a few weeks. Bad games happen I suppose, but I just don't have much to point to as a positive from the game. The continued experimental use of Brad Smith makes me a bit concerned that Gailey is focusing too much on the exotic and not enough on the basics. The offensive line continues to be a major concern. I honestly don't know what Gailey focuses on between now and JAX. The primary issue is probably oline, but he's already taken that carousel of starters to an extreme, what more can he do in a week?
  22. hard for the bills to 'pass him over' when he was taken ahead of them at #2.
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