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Everything posted by FLutieFLakesPLZnoOJ

  1. If somehow CJ plays this week with Fred i KNOW we will take this game! GO BILLS
  2. I know...im not good at giving intensive details,I just keep it short
  3. No i watched it....they asked him about getting to tommy boy and how he likes buffalo and the d-line we have
  4. Yea they showed the repeat then they showed him live....he was talking about the 1.5 sacks against clevlend and his Mario-O's...it will probably be on buffalobills.com later today
  5. Im new here and i gotta say MOST people on here are respectful,whether they agree or disagree...been on sites that are alot worse
  6. i seen Mario Williams on NFL AM about an hour ago..Bills are getting some love
  7. I listen to everything don't matter to me just keep em coming Besides last week Tom Brady and Brandon Lloyd have not been on the same page..hopefully Gilmore helps with that...28-20 BILLS!
  8. i remember how the away jerseys look in the preseason...didnt like them too much..Nike effed up.
  9. yea the LBs are gonna be tested...if dareus and kyle can press the middle, i see us still getting to Tommy
  10. according to recent post im confused about every player we have ..But really im impressed with Gilmore and Williams in the past two games the press coverage is really helping them.
  11. Our D-Line better than their O-Line and vice versa....most games are won in the trenches despite the QB league crap.
  12. yea i hope sign one of them... i can see that Thigpen days are almost over
  13. Good..with the d-line we have it is a smart to keep bumpin and runnin
  14. I was so mad when i heard Derron Shape apologize for showing highlights of the game...it doesn't matter if YOU(so called experts) don't find certain teams entertaining ITS THE NFL NETWORK!!! SHOW EVERY NFL TEAM!!!
  15. The NFL gotta have the most fan fight than any professional sport in America....sad when u cant take a child to a game without drunk bafoons making a mess of things.
  16. our O-Line is better then their D-Line and vice versa...so yes we have a chance to beat them just off that
  17. Keep him on special teams and dime packages on defense....glad they figured it out
  18. No but vick is not 6'5 241 completely different QBs
  19. this...cam is all about him..doin the Solja Boy Superman when your down 20+ is selfish
  20. Chris Brown is an average repoter...he is not horrible but his paragraph questions are a little tiresome....me as a fan i like to acually to know what players like outside of football...Hannah Buehler needs to do better on how she ask her questions but i think shell get it....why not have a cute girl interview them
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