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Everything posted by thebug

  1. 105 points says otherwise. How many points did your team have? They are showing their youth and they have run into an insanely hot team. It’s not over yet.
  2. At the end of the broadcast they showed a bunch of philly high sticks on Pens players, so looks like the Flyers got away with a few as well.
  3. I had it on, but volume turned down and not really paying attention. Were there some crappy calls?
  4. I like how you photoshopped the phone out of your selfie! Nicely done!
  5. That’s it!! You have crossed the line and hurt my feelings. I am deleting my account now! 3inch1trick will be your name going forward!
  6. You don’t even realize you’re being douchey, do you?
  7. You really wish you were Canadian don’t you? I have to admit, it’s pretty !@#$ing great!
  8. Wow, you should read a little before commenting.
  9. Sorry, I only give necklaces to girls, but whatever works for you!
  10. Actually your ass is kind of scary to me because you are full of ****!
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