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Everything posted by thebug

  1. Big scary Greg? Tell him to call me when he takes his dick out of your ass.
  2. Deflect. You would make a good politician. Being the smartest man alive also helps! Did you link the wrong thing tard? Maybe you could get someone to help you?
  3. You really are a retard. Your mom can get funding to help you. I’m not butt-hurt at all, but how hard is it for the smartest man on the planet to reply to the person he is talking to?
  4. I was a boxer, not a lifter. Almost 18 years running my business, so.
  5. You would think..... considering I own a tech business. I will look into that! Thanks!
  6. Sorry dude. Wrong guy. Got a pic of a guy pulling a hockey jersey over your head?
  7. This is such a great thread eh? First punch doesn’t mean sucker punch dummy. I see your true colours shining through....I see your true colours, that’s why I love you! Lol just like the rest of the cult....agree or you are scum! Losers!
  8. That would be silly. Do you have a lot of experience in the ring? Because I do. Please retard, you are no Canadian. You are a troll that probably has never set foot on Canadian soil.
  9. You are a douche. Don’t care where you come from. You have yet yet to best me! Clown!
  10. Well why don’t you quote the person who the !@#$ you may have been talking to? !@#$ you too! You arrogant !@#$! You bested me with “who’s your daddy?” Are you Boyst? !@#$ this is fun you losers!
  11. Because I did not start the “he threw the first punch.” He started it!!!
  12. I always throw the first punch, so you are preaching to the wrong guy. That was hardly a punch.
  13. Like this thread? That kind of positive? Or just when it suits you?
  14. You mean you hoped I would agree with you. Carry on. This is a positive thread.
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