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Bubba Gump

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Everything posted by Bubba Gump

  1. Referee jersey sales through the roof in N.O. this past week. Poor Saints fans, they never win anything.
  2. Aw, isn't that special. Bell hadn't played an NFL game in over 600 days. Guess what, Devin Singletary hadn't played an NFL game in 8,040 days. Who ended up with more all purpose yards yesterday? Bunch of blowhards.
  3. Why are we talking about this three weeks before it even happens? I'm still enjoying the win over the Jets. ***** the Patriots.....for now.
  4. Gase was caught on camera before a pre-season game taking a big ol' whiff on the sidelines, then shaking his head with his bugged out eyes. It was quite funny.
  5. Players and coaches (Adam Gase) hit smelling salts all the time just to juice themselves up a little more. Hockey players are constantly doing it. Not a big deal at all.
  6. Looks like Tide got smart and switched from Gronk to Peyton for their commercials
  7. Take a dump in it then mail it to Tom Brady's house.
  8. Time to turn Collinsworth off already. Absolutely drooling over the Pats TD drive that was full of pick plays.
  9. Wonder how the Jets fans feel about their new coach after blowing a 16-0 lead and winning the turnover battle?
  10. Well, I guess I'll have to live the rest of my life without balls.
  11. I wonder if Schoop, when ballwashing Jackson this week, will ever mention the fact that he did what he is doing against a team that is trying to lose?
  12. Won't happen, they'll just say the Jets lost the game, the Bills didn't win it.
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