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Everything posted by Strethor

  1. I'd rather deal with a hobbled hauschka then this guy lol
  2. Hopefully rust? wishful thinking.. He can't be doing that vs contenders. The drive was looking very good
  3. Ultimately killing Frank Gore rather than Bell bodes well for the Jets. I dont think he has enough left in the tank to make that strategy viable. Think it's much more about fixing that lockerroom and building culture.
  4. Neutral location or smaller venue games are possible by Sepember in my opinion.
  5. Very discouraging ESPECIALLY considering the whole game plan was: Josh DINK AND DUNK TAKE WHAT DEFENSE GIVES then... boneheaded play
  6. We have trust in our defense - but won't take points. It's crazy that when Allen actually plays cautiously with the football that they go hyper aggressive and avoid taking the points
  7. Thank you for understanding I noticed that they were panic throws in the Patriots game and thats what triggered this post. It's a bad omen to see this from someone a whole fanbase believes is a franchise QB to continuously do these throws - there are missed picks from the Jets game as well as others like you mentioned. I sense a bad trend coming but still remain hopeful Thank you for understanding That's a fair stance Articulated very well
  8. Spinning my words - that is not the case. We know this you are correct
  9. Thats why I said 3 quarters not 4 ?? It's a double edged sword and trade off The two extremes are not good He needs to find a medium ground or he won't last long
  10. If you actually could comprehend my argument you would understand that if you merge risk aversion + playmaking at the right time and we all have the confidence JA can hit the throws when it matters It's about knowing when to go for the ballsy throw you become a more complete QB
  11. Agree but it's extremely disheartening when he makes the same mistakes over and over Good QBs learn I don't want allen to fall into the mediocre QB bucket only cause you said so chief Low standards ?
  12. Our QB threw into double coverage multiple times and ran charging into a helmet that knocked him out-> be less risk averse [relates to previous QB who was risk averse] If you think that makes no sense, or is not rational response.. lol Apologies for making you dumb Thank you fair You speak the truth The news flash is he has made bone headed play multiple weeks in a row and he needs to understand where he's making mistakes and costing the team. If he can remove this Favre gene it's not simply turning into regressing Tyrod I simply used that comparison to stir up people who won't look into deeper issues. The end goal is to become a more complete QB
  13. I believe in risk taking and going for the kill, but with Josh it always seems like he tries to do too much and be the hero when we don't need heroics until the 4th . I've seen some people refer to it as a defective Favre gene, with this defense it is so unnecessary and it's something that I don't think can be coached out of him. I've dogged Taylor mainly because he couldn't hit the throws when it counted but I have confidence Josh can if we are in that situation or make a clutch run. Settle down Josh! We have weapons in the run game . I can only repeat "Oh no Josh" so many times per game I dont believe he we learn that Favre gene will always be embedded in him - but to some respect if we are going to be winning 9+ games this year he needs to calm down with throwing into double coverage. It's not all on him we are a strong team
  14. Very curious about the progression of his reads when he only needs 6 yards
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