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Posts posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Actually, the incidence of quite a few of those has been relatively constant since the '30s (drug use, vicious dogs, rude children, even school killings and workplace shootings).  The prevalence of media coverage was vastly different, however.  For the most part, though, there's always been sick and stupid people willing to do sick and stupid things...





    Does this fall in line with our moving to a consumer society?

  2. It does now. I understand your point, which I assume is faster and more widespread communication.


    However, 40 years ago, if such things were commonplace it would not have possible to bury it. The press was just as hungry for a story then as now.


    One thing, these days, is that a good number of folks have little or no knowledge of how things were. - time marches on, the young replace the old. To many, crudity, confrontation, mistrust, etc. are simply components of what they grew up with.


    I was born in the early fifties. Here is a list of some things that were not prevalent then:


    security cameras

    anti-theft packaging




    obscene phone calls

    the studying of martial arts

    unlisted phone numbers

    school killings (even though we boys invariably carried jack knives to school with us)

    locked doors

    credit cards

    incessant screams about "my rights"

    snotty store clerks


    vicious dogs in residential neighborhoods

    obscenities on radio and tv

    gratuitous blood and gore on tv

    children insulting strangers

    grade inflation in school

    workplace shootings and killings.


    I could go on.



    Things that did go on in the early 1950's:


    Emmitt Till gets murdered for looking at a white woman.



  3. I like to refer to that part above the Chicago River as HISTORICALLY WISCONSIN! ;);)


    It is a historical fact that Illinois moved it's border with Wisconsin north to about the 42.5 north parallel to protect it's interests near the "Chicago Portage."



    Anyway, Zion is practically in WI, even without the border question.



  4. It doesn't matter. The same can be said about the Clintons, Rostenkowski, etc...


    Throw the book at 'em.


    The same standards that everybody else lives by should hold true for the big wigs.


    I remember starting my federal career with Buffalo district. At that time (late 80's) they just finished up investigating TDY abuses and fraud. It was empahsized how IMPORTANT it was to complete your travel orders and voucher correctly and accurately! Even at the lower levels they would chase down the abuse. At these levels some guys (only making yearly salaries in the teens!) would be unethical in reporting their TDY... I suppose they would use the per diem to just get by?


    The point is they will throw the book at you for chump change or a lot of dough... And rightly so... It makes no difference, fraud is fraud and it effects every federal taxpayer!


    Now if he can get off? Kudo's to his lawyer. That is what they are there for. If there is reason to suspect abuse, they should report and investigate it.


    I also know as a federal employee, I have to take ethical training... They go over everything that can be done, what you can take as a gift and from who? Do they do this at the top or is it just "lip service?"

  5. Way to compare apples to cinderblocks.  The Union banned MILITARY members who drove cars made by other manufacturers.  Management is making their own employees who MAKE THE FUGGIN' CARS park further away if they drive cars made by other manufacturers.


    Yeah, this is very hard to understand.  You should know how far off you are just because EII agrees with you.  <_<



    Nobody has addressed the fact of what happens if I show up with a "rebadged" vehicle?


    I am in the middle... I got no problem with the policy... But, I can also see it both ways...

  6. Just curious... You noted the dishwasher as "built in." Are they any other choices nowadays? Do they still make the portable ones that would roll away and hook up to the sink?


    My parents have a portable Kichen-Aide for about 30 years now... They eventually built it in... The thing is a tank... The nice thing is since it was a portable, it had more insulation around it... When they built it in, the added insulation really made the thing quiet... You can barley hear it!


    That leads me to believe that the more "top-end" you go... The better... Look for good sound insulation?


    Right now I got a cheesy Kenmore and the thing has to be shut off while watching TV... Sounds like a train wreck!



  7. TD doesn't pay at toll booths. He just drives thru and covers his face and license plates.





    I heard he was behind the NECCO scam on the Illinois Tollway.


    For those who have not heard... NECCO waffers fit perfectly into the baskets along the Illinois Tollway... Officials claim they "jam" up the machines and will prosecute offenders to the full extent of the law!


    Along with accepting NECCO's, Illinois is the only tollway to accept pennies.


    TD has been seen throwing huge handfuls into the machines so as to tie up traffic while the machine counts them. He has even been known to throw in one "penny shy" and then argue relentlessly with workers that the machine miscounted his change... Snarling traffic up further!


    What a jerk! :o

  8. I am not try add gas to the flames. It really SHOULD have been handled better by BOTH parties.


    FFS... You add such great insight.


    Mr.Clutch... All I can say is read my posts. You glean one of my earlier posts in the dicussion. Notice my progression and the general softening of my stance and move towards the middle as all sides get a chance to add to the discussion.


    The kid is 17 and will act like 17. When thinking about this age certain stories come to mind. I am reminded of my older brother at this age and how he would lie to no ends to keep his story straight. Kids at this age are infallable, they see no end... can do no wrong to achieve thier goal? One of the poster's here had such a story about breaking a neighbor's window and lying to no ends to corrobarate his story. It happens, I am not saying it doesn't happen with adults either.


    Where is the happy medium? Years ago, if you got beat in school and came home to complain... It was immediately thought to be your fault. Today, a teacher looks cross and the parent will defend their kid to the end.


    I believe in unconditional love. But, with unconditional love comes the ability to accept when your kid is wrong and have them be accountable for their action... This has got to be the toughest part... It is much easier to defend their choices to the end.


    In the end, with time served... Things seem to have ended correctly.



  9. Sorry man.....I thought that my "smilies" indicated that I was just teasing you.....except for the "hag" thing, which I sincerely mean.  :o




    I wasn't gonna reply, then the hag thing twisted my arm! :doh:


    I knew that... My smilies indicated that I was cool with it. I got no problem with you. You always speak with passion in your heart!



  10. I got it!!!!! that is I got lots of stuff to put in thr bottom of the bird cage.Unbelievable. Told my wife you could have given me a $10,000 bankroll, and I still would have never had those horses.


    Oh well, the party was great. good time had by all.



    You would have been telling that to the divorce court judge? A mumbling mess as your wife and judge strip you of your financial dignity!



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