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Everything posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. After hearing the interview, I think you're wrong. But, I'll hold out hope until proven otherwise.
  2. Just passing through, unfortunately. I don't see the FO paying the "Buffalo premium" it'll take to keep him from leaving town without a deal.
  3. I've seen him play plenty here. Uhhh.....no thanks. In any round or even undrafted FA.
  4. #7 Maybin, Losman, & Edwards? Wondering why you included them in your list of players with character issues? Granted, none have really performed well on the field (for the most part), but I don't recall any incidents that call their character into question. Maybe you consider Maybin's holdout a character issue? Can you refresh our memories?
  5. Man, for missing the playoffs for a decade, this FO sure gets a lot of free passes. Switching to 3-4 but no NT, no problem. Signing Cornell Green - good move.
  6. If by year you mean half year, then yeah he was pretty good.
  7. If he does come back, don't the coaches want to move him to OLB? Is that a factor weighing on his decision?
  8. What's the guy from East Aurora have to say on the subject?
  9. So the Bills FO gets praise for taking a patient approach to free agency, but if others do the same it somehow proves a point supporting a personal vendetta against Incognito?
  10. We'll see how smart it was when we see the upfront money. Teams don't just "get him to sign" by making false promises without something for the other side. Players agents aren't stupid either. Either way, signing 34 year old bad players isn't the best way to start rebuilding.
  11. Reread the quote from the article. He's basically been assured by the coaches he'll be starting at RT. Could he be beaten out by Bell or Meredith, maybe because the bar isn't set that high, but the coaches have him penciled in as starter. He wouldn't have signed for $9M otherwise.
  12. Guaranteed? No. But he's our new starter at right tackle. And judgments on him are based on his proclivity to commit too many penalties and allow too many sacks. That's on him, not his team. Pro scouts rate him as "adequate," not his team. And his crappy team, which is better than ours by the way, has been consistently looking to replace him. Their gain is our loss. "After his conversations with Buffalo's coaching staff over the past day or so, Green believes he'll be manning the right tackle position when all is said and done, a position that's very familiar to him."
  13. If by one of the better you mean middle of the road, then yes. Funny though how Green was the one component of that line that they consistently were looking to replace. And he's 34. And he's a penalty flag magnet. And he's been beaten for more than his share of sacks. And he's described as "adequate" by scouts. And he fits right in with the high character philosophy our organization says it wants So yeah, his track record does suggest more futility for this line.
  14. I held out hope that the new regime was at least smart enough not to bid against itself
  15. That's fair when it comes to the draft. But this guy is a veteran with a track record that suggests more futility on our OL.
  16. And? See 3 posts up, and please explain why you think this is a good signing.
  17. If it makes you feel any better he'll suck just as bad after you've seen him play.
  18. See above for why he could've been had for around league minimum. Not to mention we were bidding against ourselves.
  19. Yeah, filling a hole with Raiders rejects. Great. And $3M to boot, when he could've been had for league minimum. Way to bid against ourselves
  20. We laid the foundation for Tebow today by signing Cornell Green to protect his blind side.
  21. Yes, "adequate" in both the run and pass game is an improvement and what we should strive for.
  22. I don't know what's worse - Gailey if he believes they are a better fit, or you for believing anything Gailey shovels at you He believes our DE's are such a good fit he's moving them to a new position! Who's taking over their old spot? Has Stroud ever played that position in his long career? And Kyle Williams and McCargo are what you build a 3-4 defense around?! Oh, and I forgot, Gailey has a long and respected resume as a defensive guru.
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