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Everything posted by HurlyBurly51

  1. Yeah, it's funny how some were claiming we're "deep" at Guard, when in fact if Wood can't go (and there's a good chance he won't be able to), we're in sorry shape.
  2. Confirms what we've long suspected of the geritol crowd.
  3. And the Sabres were in town, but he didn't go to the game decked out in Ryan Miller gear to show support. He obviously hates Buffalo, and the USA.
  4. And he should be working out, preparing for the upcoming season of course
  5. Thank you for documenting and confirming what we already thought of you.
  6. He's a douche, and has been called out on it, practically unanimously. The true measure of his character is that he's been around, but won't acknowledge he was a douche, which makes him an even bigger douche.
  7. Saying it once could have been in error, confirming it validates your idiocy Go back to Madden and let the adults discuss intelligently. Snead or Skelton going in the 3rd round Priceless, and the best part is you don't realize how stupid you sound!
  8. Hahaha! I didn't think Mr. Wonderful could do it, but he has managed to replicate his idiocy in yet another thread! Maybe he should spend a little time at some pro day workouts before spewing some of this stuff.
  9. For an alternate view from Sporting News: "Morgan is a junior who came out early for the 2010 draft and should immediately contribute as a rookie. He is athletic with a rare combination of foot quickness, explosiveness, playing speed, size, and playing strength. He could be effective as a defensive end in a 4-3 or 3-4 scheme or as a rush linebacker in a 3-4 defense. Pro Bowl aspirations will not be far off." But according to them, he won't be an option anyways, as they have him going #2 overall to Detroit.
  10. Hahahahahaha I mock you. I mock you mercilessly. Consider yourself mocked. Seriously, you spew this idiocy of taking Skelton or Snead in the 3rd, and have the nerve to call others "knowledgeless"? WOW! So with picks like Spiller at #9 and Skelton or Snead with our 3rd round pick, I can imagine who you have in mind for our 2nd rounder. Or did you trade that away? I did a disservice to Donahoe by including you in his crowd. Go play Madden. Really guy, really?!
  11. You folks can consult with Buddy anytime. Those that want Spiller can join Donahoe on how to build a football team. Where's he currently employed again?
  12. I'd be thrilled with either Williams or Morgan. The top of the draft class usually does pan out the way we think it will though, just maybe in a different order. This years class has 7 players as the cream before the drop off, and those 7 players will almost certainly go 1 through 7.
  13. As mentioned, anyone who read the source article can see that this thread was started under false pretenses. How you say as a matter of fact that "Mitchell to the outside" after reading that article, I'll never know. Then again, a poster on a Bills message board named "move them to LA" is probably just trollin'.
  14. Uhh, yes it would. Have you learned nothing from the past mistakes? Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it I guess. That won't be the case with Nix, and why I'm glad armchair GM's aren't really running the show.
  15. Buff News article linked on the front page.
  16. This is all it says. Quite a leap to start a thread which states as a matter of fact Mitchell to the outside. "Davis joins an inside linebacking corps that includes Paul Posluszny and Kawika Mitchell. When the Bills switched to the 3-4, it was presumed Mitchell would move from his weak-side outside role in the 4-3 to the inside. The three could battle it out for two starting positions. It's also possible Mitchell still could play on the outside." http://www.buffalonews.com/2010/03/16/9898...with-davis.html
  17. "Even the Baltimore Ravens, the team that drafted him in 2004, didn't make much of an effort to bring him back." But that's not really the point being discussed.
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