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Everything posted by SACKMARINO

  1. Hey Jay. Could I take a pair off your hands? let me know. thank you.
  2. wait a min! where is Lauvale Sape on this list!
  3. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=3945 thats gonna make it damn near impossible to get a recovery.
  4. anyone have a pic of last years shirt? that way i can see what to expect for this years to see if i wanna get one? thanks in advance.
  5. i dont mind seeing whitner in #20, but Shaud in #36!! that number will look weird on him. he's pretty much the anti-bus. me bets he changes to a lower number once the season starts, and a train gets the boot.
  6. posey was released 3 year too late. was a class act though, never heard a peep from the guy. his saftey on David Carr was his best play with the Bills.
  7. what a friggin joke. no one was better than bruce! no one!
  8. "Buffalo? beat us at home in the opener! your crazy. no autograph for you pal".
  9. i agree. olandis gary type v. 2.0
  10. looks like he's bout to spit on the cake.
  11. i know miami dolphins training camp does NOT allow you to record.
  12. i think the bills should pay us for our loyalty and support of a pretty crummy team over the past 5 years.
  13. i think i see something on willis right leg pad.....................wait, it was a crumb on my monitor. my mistake.
  14. i would have eye goudged for a jim kelly worn hat.
  15. lol. thats nasty. i have a glove phil hansen gave me one year, its till has his blood stained on the front. i also saw antoine winfield give up his half drank gatorade to a kid before and signed it for him. lol
  16. luckily Gibson came at a much smaller price tag!
  17. http://photos.signonsandiego.com/gallery1....sA248878x76.jpg
  18. http://www.billszone.com/coppermine/albums...oto064%7E19.jpg he looks as fat as mike williams if u ask me. look at the dome on this guy.
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