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Everything posted by ARMchairgm

  1. do you know how long it took TKO to return to form after the injury? atleast 2 years run him out of town and you will regret it in time
  2. or the qbs sucked out loud.... hardy was open a lot but never saw the ball outside that jvill td. then he got injured and never recovered.
  3. zack brown, ronnell lewis, sean spence. then you got the tweeners like mercilus, perry, curry. who could possibly play at de/olb as well. then you got inside lbs that could possibly play outside like luke k, burfict. seems like wannsted wants speed at the lb position
  4. would be a great draft. I really like alshon, could be a first year probowler.
  5. tearing an achilles isnt roids related at all, players tear them all the time, mostly due to the turf. plus he was probably also on hgh which strengthens tendons and ligaments.
  6. dont think he makes it that far, too much talent. i would trade down from 10 and grab him and pick up another 2nd and 3rd or so.
  7. the bills will be adding another 7-10 players in the draft plus mario williams
  8. cant think of another wr in the draft that fits that description better
  9. it's really in the bills best interest to play a game there, the money and world wide audience is too much to pass on.
  10. if he is truly healthy I believe he will return to probowl form within the next 2 season, I just watched some preseason games, he was very explosive in them. Let him play out his contract here.
  11. i like alshon jeffery, he's going to be a star in the nfl.
  12. i'd rather have okoye, he will cost less and is only 24, and seems to be hitting his prime.
  13. just let him stand up and rush the passer like he normally does he could play strong side lb or rde imo
  14. still sub par players, not worth the roster spots
  15. why they suck? get okoye and draft a young gun
  16. wasnt the original surgery 2 years ago but then went in this past season again, right?
  17. remember how long it took tko to return to form? atleast 2 years, this will be year 2 for shawn
  18. you keep him, cut dwan and spencer.
  19. keep building the defense and we will be close to a top 5 d, we still need a corner, lb and a rde.
  20. okoye played well in chicago last year and is prime to breakout imo, still only 24 and been in the league 4 years
  21. swap firsts bills get wallace in return, that would be a great deal
  22. who cares? i like poe, would prefer burfict over hightower. Wouldn't mind gilmore but I really don't want a corner. I really believe the bills need a big fat guy like a wilfork. hampton ect.
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