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Everything posted by nkreed

  1. The screen run will happen this drive if the Bills get another first down. Pitts hasn't honored it yet.
  2. I hate Chris Collinsworth.....man, such a negative attitude to the Bills. But Duck. Oh he's great!
  3. The initial spot was pretty sound. Did it get moved forward after he spotted it?
  4. The old there step rule.... The bs of the catch. Was there a football move, which is the play is over at control.
  5. Go look at the fumble in the 49ers win... Situation is the same... But that is a fumble.
  6. I don't disagree with you. It's just inconsistently applied quarter by quarter.
  7. If that is forward progress and no fumble, then Wentz'fumble should have been called the same way.
  8. Wow...bad safety coverage on that 3rd down play
  9. The problem with that statement is the the catch rule doesn't care about the endzone. The possession requirement was in doubt.
  10. Oh. Fck....this will be such a terrible look for the league yet again.... That should be a touchdown but the"process" rule will make it an interception... Yikes.
  11. I'm glad you specified which blonde. Also, good on NY to put a pedestrian centered commercial out. Everyone shares the road together and they should all follow the same set of rules.
  12. Those numbers will get worse Turk. Now they are down by 3 scores.
  13. He did. Looking at the replay of the TD he threw the challenge flag.
  14. His helmet is broken. Watch there be a penalty on both teams....
  15. If you have access to it, watch the refs signal on the sideline. Hands crossing over the head, stop the clock, arm swirling like a windmill, the clock runs. Now I don't remember the play clock running rules, but I believe that the rules changed about 10 years ago where even if the runner gets out of bounds, the game clock still runs except: Last 2 minutes of 2nd quarter Last 5 minutes of game Change of possession
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