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Posts posted by TheFunPolice

  1. this smug Canadian thinks that they are doing us a favor by taking our team, well guess what buddy if they go they aren't our team anymore. :angry: :angry: :angry:




    "Yes, the Bills won’t leave Western New York until 2020. That sounds like forever, but it’s well within the acceptable window. It’ll take years to build the team a new home somewhere on Toronto’s waterfront and transition them over the border. Until then, the two cities can split games between the Ralph and the Rogers Centre.Buffalo knows in its heart that this is finally for real. They’re understandably torn. Hopefully, by the time it’s over,



    we’ll be able to explain to them that we’re not taking their team away. We’re ensuring its longevity.


    Most importantly, this doesn’t need to be zero sum.We’re always willing to share with friends."





    I wanted to puke when I read that. No wonder the rest of Canda can't stand Toronto!

  2. Plenty of other professionals work 80-100 hours a week, and bring their work home with them and at the end of the month are worried about paying their bills and staying afloat.


    An NFL coach makes more in one year than most people make their entire careers.


    So yes, it's stressfull. You can also retire and live comfortably whenever you want to.

  3. Correction, how stupid can the teams that play against N.E. be? Even when they can't do it themselves, the other team seems to make a bone headed mistake and gives the game to them!


    Yup. They are in other teams' heads. The Patriots hang around, and wait for you to do something dumb (which teams usually so). Then they pounce.


    Almost always works.

  4. The hours are long, but not physically demanding. Majority of time, by far, is spent watching film or in meetings. Doesn't participate in or seem to have any home/family obligations for much of the week.


    Contrast that with people who work multiple jobs on their feet all day while getting paid far less and raising a family. Just saying...


    And there is no evidence that Fox's condition is related to his job. It's likely congenital. Ditto Kubiak's TIA--doubtful related to work.


    What happens when a garbageman has a heart attack on the job due to the physical stress and long hours in the weather when it's 95 degrees out at 9am?


    Nobody hears about it, because he isn't on TV all the time.


    What happens when a line cook drops on a Friday night in the kitchen during the intense fish fry rush? Tons of stress, have to be on your feet moving all day long, often with no real breaks. Late nights, early mornings.


    Nobody hears about it, because he isn't on TV all the time.


    Lots of people have stressful, physically demanding jobs, and they are not paid millions of dollars a year. Harbaugh could retire any time he wants and live a life of luxury and wealth.


    The garbageman and the cook (if they survive the heart attack) will have a choice to make: go back to working 60-80 hours a week on their feet for $10/hr, or "retire" and live off a couple hundred bucks a week from disability or unemployment.


    Forgive me if I don't hop on the "coaching is killing these guys" bandwagon.

  5. The game was there for the taking... 17-3 and the Bills win...


    Alex Smith cannot win a game when it's an obvious passing situation (like a 17-3 game on the road in the 3rd would be).


    That play sent me outside to get some yardwork done.

  6. that game was a lot of fun to watch! Dallas implodes, Dez Bryant almost fights Witten, Damarcus Ware looks like he threatened to kick his a$$....


    It's so much fun to watch Dallas blow games they should win... It doesn't happen with the Patriots* sadly, but Dallas is a nice 2nd and they deliver time and time again!


    And they lost. Thats why they say stats are for loosers.......and of course fantasy geeks.


    You missed a great ending! Dallas lost

  7. Ehh, He'd be ok. The Sabres are a disaster due to the current owner not coming in and cleaning house. Pegula's an absolute moron when it comes to the on Ice product.


    Pegula doesn't seem like a very bright guy, but he did somehow make billions


    I almost think keeping Darcy was his way of saying "FU" to all the Sabres fans who have criticized him instead of worshipping him.


    That, or he really is totally clueless


    On another note, what's with calling Golisano "sugar packets?" I've seen that on multiple message boards but I don't get it.

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