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Posts posted by TheFunPolice

  1. Holy ****! People are real ignorant how big business works in WNY. This has nothing to do with tax dollars! It's already budgeted money that is being spent in Buffalo vs other areas of the state! This is good news in a state that has neglected WNY for too long.


    Man, I love this town, but I think the old mentality in this town needs to wake up, or just move.




    Enough "falling on our sword to look noble..."


    If that money wasn't spent here it would be spent downstate. NY doesn't have unspent money, so not "wasting money on this" would just mean some pet project on Long Guy Land would get the dough.

  2. What do you call the guy who graduated at the bottom of his medical school class?




    Great quote! Everyone of course wants the doctor who was #1 in his/her class, but as in any other profession there are amazing world-class doctors, good doctors, mediocre doctors, and people who really should not have graduated but did because someone didn't want to be the reason for them not having a career.

  3. I hate the term "luxury pick"


    What does that even mean? When I read it I see it as "We don't need an AMAZING superstar player! Just get us a right guard!"


    The concept of a "luxury pick" is absurd. You are NEVER worse off taking a potentially incredible football player. We have enough "lunch pail" guys. Average at best, hard working, nose to the grindstone guys are good to fill out your team, but you are not winning anything without elite talent on your team as well.

  4. which is fair enough - i think many didnt take into account that littman might also be above him on the food chain of ralphs personal finances, even if russ is declared top of the bills totem pole.


    Exactly. I mean, Ralph (or whoever is running his finances for him) is looking out for what will be a good $700+ million estate. This is big time $$ and big business we're talking about here.


    What happens when Russ wants to do something that Ralph's money men (or Ralph himself) don't want to do? I think we know the answer, because there is really only one answer that makes sense.

  5. i dont know that hes beloved for his accomplishments as much as simply heralded as being different so its owed patience.


    I don't exactly mean to say that he's beloved. More that some have really bought into the idea that he suddenly owns the team or something, and wields absolute power.


    At the end of the day, he works for Ralph (and by extension Ralph's money men in Littman and Overdorf). The idea that he can do anything other than say "Yes sir, thank you sir" to Ralph's inner circle is laughable.


    You can't fire your boss. Russ has it really good and he's been a good foot solider for Mr. Wilson, which is why he gets to play big shot until the team is sold. Sounds harsh I guess but I don't quake in my shoes at the awesome power of Russ Brandon like some do. lol

  6. You're the third person I've asked this of in this thread...who? So far I haven't gotten an answer from the other two.


    According to Graham Marrone blames the training staff.


    Maybe I'm wrong about that, but it's been my perception.


    All of this "things are different now guys, RUSS runs the show" stuff we've heard on the radio and on some message boards. Maybe I'm overstating it some because it drives me nuts.

  7. This is sadly what happens when a nearly billion dollar organization has no leader.


    Yeah, I know: Russ Brandon is God here now to some. He can do ANYTHING he wants (he even said so!)


    The reality is that he works for Ralph and whoever Ralph has put in place, and the reason he gets to play with Mr. Wilson's toy and act like a bigshot is that he has always been a good EMPLOYEE to them.

  8. Fitzpatrick isn't even the best journeyman backup who will be out there.


    "He has heart, and guts" blah blah blah. Plenty of guys have just as much "heart and guts" and they also have more talent.


    Time to stop playing the loveable loser and become a real team.

  9. There's no LA stadium? Well, there is also no Toronto stadium. The Rogers Center is a dump that is too small for NFL football.


    If any team moves to Toronto it will go into a brand new state of the art facility. No such facility exists, so Toronto is no further ahead than LA. LA is also a major American television market without a team. It is going to happen eventually.


    And London? Who is going to play for the London team? Unless you are a star player the logistics of moving your family not only to another country but another continent are considerable. Then there is the cost of doing so. For a guy making $500,000 a year for a few years he'd blow a lot of his dough shuffling things around. Of course the top guys will always be fine, but not everyone is a top guy. Russell Wilson is making 300K a season right now. It sounds cool to play for the London team until you realize what's involved.


    If you get signed by Kansas City you can pack a uhaul and drive there with your wife/kids/girlfriend/mom/whoever. If it doesn't work out you pack it back up and drive to the next gig. Get signed by the London Jaguars and you're going to have a freaking nightmare on your hands going each way. Get your kids in school? Want to bring the girlfriend with you? Want to bring your stuff across the ocean? $$$$$$$$$$$


    It is sad that Mr. Wilson is here in name only. He used to be extremely involved in everything the Bills and the league were up to. Now we've got a marketing guy playing with a toy he could never buy himself.

  10. Seattle's formula is pretty hard. It basically involves having an all-time great defense and a superb, playmaking QB.


    I agree....


    Some people don't seem to realize that Seattle is DEEP. That secondary was missing one of its key players in Browner. And they were still brutally effective.


    That entire team is stacked with talent, from the OL to the DL to the LB to the WR to the secondary. Heck, they didn't have Rice last night and they only got Harvin back last night.


    They are like a Madden video game team. And they are young. They could very well be right back next year. As good and as physical as the 49ers are, they have blown them out a couple of times in recent memory.

  11. I think it's because there is far more pressure on the offense than the defense.


    The high powered offense needs to score a lot of points for the team to win. As soon as things start to go wrong, the game gets away. You can't be balanced and run. You start to force things. That favors the D.


    Also, as someone else said, it's easier to play amped up on defense. You attack, destroy, and hit. The Broncos had one 12 or 13 play drive where they had gone 50 yards! LOL


    That Seattle D will give you a 3 yard catch and then they will destroy your WR....

  12. If the Bills move I think it will be to LA.


    The NFL is hot and bothered to get a team in Los Angeles, so if they are going to take a PR hit for ripping a classic team, might as well get LA to balance it out. Also, Toronto looks terrible because of this deal.


    Don't forget that the NFL ultimately approves owners and can veto or approve any moves. IF any team moves in the near future it will be to LA I think.

  13. Sure - -






    1. There are a few exceptions that I didn't include in the above excerpt because they don't apply to the Bills - - you can see the full text including the exceptions at the link if you want.


    2. Downtown Toronto is less than 75 miles from the nearest edge of the Buffalo city limits (as the crow flies) - - although I suppose it might be possible in the future for Toronto to build a stadium in the northeast suburbs that would be outside the Bills' "Home Territory" - - pretty sure the Rogers Center falls within the 75 mile limit, though.


    Would they consider Orchard Park as the starting point for the 75 mile radius?

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