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Posts posted by TheFunPolice

  1. I think it's simple: a 95 year old Ralph Wilson told Russ that he was getting too old and frail to run the day to day operation, so he told Russ to run it for him and that he would let him run the show.


    That said, Ralph (or his handlers) could veto a move at any time, and Russ still works for them.


    The way some people talk Ralph Wilson signed ownership of the team over to Russ Brandon last winter. Russ is the first one gone when a new owner takes over, so he better enjoy it now.

  2. I can say that Ralph really has ZERO say at this point. Russ has 100% control. Ralph has not had a say in a long, long time. It was Littman that had the say and that power has all gone to Russ recently. Based on what I know Littman was always the problem.


    It makes sense that a guy who is 95 going on 96 and whose health is too poor to travel likely stays out of the day to day business of the team. Maybe the "inner circle" just lets Russ play and have his fun more than before.


    However, if Ralph or his "handlers" get wind of something they don't like, Russ is going to do what he is told. Ralph Wilson is the owner of the Buffalo Bills. Russ Brandon is a marketing guy who gets to play big shot because the real owner is pushing 96 years old.


    Good for Russ, must be cool. But let's not pretend he suddenly owns the team.

  3. Ralph will always have a "say"


    He signs the checks. Any power Russ has was GIVEN to him by Ralph.


    This is part of the problem though. We have a lightweight playing with someone else's toy so nobody knows who is really in charge here.

  4. Teams consistently win because they have better football players. Belichick didn't suddenly become a worse coach. he just has a weaker roster. Denver and Seattle (and SF for that matter) are teams LOADED with talent all across the board. Heck, Denver is missing some major parts of its defense and they held New England* down to a FG for 3 1/2 quarters until they went to prevent defense.


    Seattle, SF, Denver. THAT is what a talented roster looks like. Buddy Nix could get those GMs coffee, but that's about it.


    I know, they won a game vs New England when Brady threw 4INT and had a complete meltdown. So 1-5 in 3 years against them makes Nix a hero to some. I get it, that game was fun. BTW, the Jets almost swept them this season and the Dolphins beat them as well. Teams beat New England* every season. Time to have some real standards.

  5. This thread is amazing; thank you for the laughs!


    Buddy Nix is a great talent evaluator? Where's all the talent then?


    The Bills have a handful of good players. Other than that, it's below average. Ever since the "genius" showed up and subsequently "retired" to take his consultant role, this team has hovered between 4 and 6 wins a season. Why?


    The AFC is freaking pathetic. 8-8 gave you a great shot at the postseason this year. And yet, the Bills could not muster up even an 8-8 record in this conference.


    You know what a talented roster looks like? Seattle. Denver. Tons of talent all over the place.


    I know, I know. If you aren't in awe of Buddy Nix and his Hall of Fame career you're just a "hater." After all, you can't argue with success!


    Unfortunately, 6-10 every year (at best) and total irrelevance in the NFL is not success.


    I'll never understand the love Bills fans have for Buddy Nix. What is it based on?


    You liked his accent and when he was GM the Bills somehow managed to win ONE game against New England* (a division "rival") in 3 years?


    I really think that's it. Going 1-5 against New England won this guy hero status. And we wonder why this team is so completely irrelevant in this league.

  6. Well if they offer Pettine the job so be it. But you have to ask yourself if leaving Buffalo for Cleveland is an upgrade??


    It is if you're getting a job you dreamed of since you entered coaching (being a head coach in the NFL)!


    Those types of chances don't come around often. Would Pettine be getting a real look if Cleveland wasn't so hard up? Sometimes success is about being in the right place at the right time, and that is exactly what is happening here for Pettine IMO.

  7. You can't really blame Pettine. It's a shot at a HC gig, there is a lot of talent on that team, and you get a nice payday so that your financial future is secure pretty much no matter what. It also raises your profile for other gigs in the future.


    I think Pettine would be very successful there. All the Bills can offer him is a DC gig, so if someone else will offer him a promotion you really can't hate the guy for it. I would like to see the Bills grab Pepper Johnson now that the Patriots* canned him, even as an assistant on D.


    ha! Three of us were typing about Pepper at the same time!

  8. doesn't part of you wonder how much being successful early has helped both of them?


    They might not be elite passers, but they have won so much that they are "budding stars" now, so they will keep doing at least very well if not great.


    Now had either of them been drafted here and gotten beat up on a bad 6-10 team for 2 years they could be about finished in the league.


    Makes you wonder. So much of success is mental belief in oneself and circumstance

  9. Toronto wants to take the team away from Buffalo. It's that simple.


    Everything Rogers and the powers to be up there with this series have done was to further that goal. They could care less about making it viable in WNY. Why would that matter to businessmen in Toronto who want a team in Toronto full-time? If anything the Bills being viable in WNY hurts the possibility of a Toronto franchise.


    If/when they move it will be to LA. In the eyes of the NFL this series has become an embarassment (not even 40,000 at an NFL regular season game that was touted as an international series?!) so when it comes time to broker a deal Los Angeles will get the nod over a place that has proven to be a total disappointment to the NFL.


    In short: screw Toronto.

  10. Rogers wants the team in Toronto full-time, and this series is an attempt to get their hands on the team in some fashion so that they have an advantage when it goes up for sale.


    It's that simple.


    Anyone who beleives otherwise is delusional. See the article below: http://www.torontosun.com/2012/12/16/whats-the-point-for-the-bills


    A Rogers vulture is paraphrased in the article:


    When Rogers signed its first five-year deal with the Bills, a Rogers person told me what their ultimate game plan was: In his words, they had basically taken out a five-year life insurance policy on owner Wilson’s life. He was 89 at the time. He’s 94 now. Wilson is alive: It was Ted Rogers who passed away part-way through this arrangement.

  11. I just hope they go to LA and not Toronto


    I mean, it's pretty much a done deal they are gone. Russ Brandon hold a thinly veiled disgust for the fan support in WNY as it is. And he is a WNYer! What happens when some slimy fatcat from Toronto buys the team? I'd rather see LA interests swoop in just so Toronto can come up empty in its bid to steal our football team. Screw em.


    If there are 15,000 seats left unsold for a division game in December against a traditonal rival that just gives the heartless, scum sucking vultures in Toronto and in the NFL offices more PR cover to rip the team away

  12. If Miami wins out and the Ravens win out not only could the Bills cost the Pats* the division but they could knock them out of the play-offs all together.


    I know, it's likely just a dream but it would make for an awesome season ending despite everything that has happened this year.




    That would make this season worth it in my opinion.... It would mean a W on the road in New England* against the bullies, with them playing to win because they NEED IT

  13. For me, the two best things in football are a Bills win and whatever hurts the Patriots*


    This week is a win-win either way.


    In some ways, if Miami does win and the Patriots* lose in Baltimore (very possible) then the Bills would have a shot to beat New England* in Foxborough to cost them the division in week 17.


    How great would that be?!

  14. I'll always cheer for Wilson because he seems like a great guy and he is a fun player to watch... the whole run/option thing is over in the NFL, but he can still make a lot of plays


    As far as Shanahan, I will just smile. The guy could have come here and been treated like a GOD. Instead, he'll go out in an ugly and protracted way in Washington, but at least it doesn't get cold in DC.

  15. Patriots* fan: time is undefeated. Enjoy it now, because your QB is 36. August 2014 he'll be 37. He's got maybe 3 years of good ball left (37, 38, 39).


    Tick tock. How many QB's won a Super Bowl when they were 39, 40, 41?


    The window is closing quickly, and hopefully your years of being in a division with QBs like Sanchez, Losman, trent, and Cleo Lemon are coming to an end. No more automatic 6 wins.


    There may be some who feel equally happy, but I guarantee NOBODY will feel HAPPIER than me when New England* is pounded in the playoffs this season.



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