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Maury Ballstein

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Everything posted by Maury Ballstein

  1. Talib messing w the wrong guy. Steve smith is a beast for a man of his size
  2. Sorry we all ain't wearing our fancy pants in San Francisco. Gummy life savers are great ! What sort of goodies does your haberdasher make for you ?
  3. Definetly. GSP don't owe Dana White shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Dana white hasn't made enough money off him ? What a greedy bastard.
  4. I've never assaulted a woman cop or teenager. No reason my freedoms would be in any jeopardy. He's a pos. It is what it is.
  5. Turn on the news bro. It's well documented He beat up a cop and had a domestic thing pre Trayvon. Ex coworkers thought he was a loon who went to HR to complain daily. I can't buy anything this cat is selling. Hero to 3rd I meant.
  6. System I advocate would have taken his gun after he assaulted a police officer..... Pre (murder/self defense) from a stoned candy toting teen. He has a history of being a dumb shhhhhht. I get he's a hero to some here.
  7. So many strikes and grey areas for GZ. None are connected. Just one of those kwinky-dinks for sure.
  8. How shoddy was this similar story a month or so back when he punched the old man in the face and broke the ex's iPad while drawing his gun there as well ?
  9. Check out the news Dude has to pull his gun on someone daily it seems. It's clear that he's a headcase, all of the tales from ex coworkers painted a picture of a neurotic maniac. Wonder if his new girl set him off with talk of going on a gluten free diet.
  10. Gz. My man the psychopath is back at it. No smoke no fire though. Killin teens/ beatin up ex wives fathers/now gonna shoot his new girl as well. Nothing to see here. Gz doesn't antagonize anyone. Ever. Lock this fat pos up puleeeeeze.
  11. The only B word we have to talk about is Geno Smith. What an arse whooping for him. But if you want to go "camp unicorn" you can read about how we only won due to the fact the jets alternate wins and losses weekly. We just happened to catch them on the bad week . Lucky us.
  12. Anyone that wants spiller gone is clueless IMO. And like Ricky bobby says "with all due respect" We need a banger to replace Fred (age) and assist CJ as he fits a 2 back system well. Defenses always have an eye on Spiller as he is such a weapon.
  13. Yup. I put down 50 on jets and chargers. Both lose !
  14. Embrace Cam already ... Do it for your proud state of NC.. he's a megastud....can't wait til the panthers add a good wideout as Steve smiff is a little long in the tooth but still an animal.
  15. He's been off injured the past few years. 3rd or lower due to that He's a beast but I expect him to miss a few games always. This years been good to him in the medical dept
  16. or the broncos this year with the pu pu platter of hillman/ball/moreno. or the pats with the woodhead/faulk/insert rb name here crowd.
  17. the truth does hurt and also plays small forward for the Brooklyn Nets. poor day for a rb against top run D ain't that scary. 37 points on the board.
  18. did you see the jets bash drew brees's face in last week? it was definitely a good game from EJ vs a tough defense
  19. RTDB with part 1 and part 2 of the jump to conclusions too soon crowd ? you have a few but make sure you round up their leaders sameoldbills. hah.
  20. So wheres all my Geno lovers at ? :sick:
  21. just hopped back onto Bovada......................didn't have to wait more than 5 mins for the 33.00 6 man SNG pays top 2.
  22. “I gave Georges St-Pierre the third round, that’s it. … Nevada is a very scary place. This is the worst commission on the planet. I am afraid to bring fights to Las Vegas. I never thought I’d say that. This is the city I live in; this is the city I love. This is the worst commission on the planet.” White continued: “This is the thing that makes people not like fights. I don’t even know what to say. I’m still so blown away by it. Georges knew he lost, his corner knew he lost. Hendricks knew he won, his corner knew he won. … These guys, this commission is just despicably horrible.” White even cautioned against the NSAC ruining MMA in the same way many believe it has boxing: “The Nevada State Athletic Commission has a lot of work to do – a lot of work to do. And it makes me sick. They better get to work, and they better figure out how to not destroy, not only the sport of boxing, but this sport, too.”
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