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Everything posted by MarlinTheMagician

  1. That is a pretty elite defense to do that against. Media Darling Dak Prescott had a QBR of 35.1 against them with Dez Bryant and Witten. And vet Phillip Rivers had a QBR of 60.8.
  2. I know you were being positive, but IMHO Tre White looks nothing like Darby because he will flat out smack you. I was not a fan of Darby's. Darby could not tackle, and Tre likes to hit. I think it was Thomas -- Tre hit him so hard on a 7 yard out in the first quarter that I could hear the distinct "crack" of the pads pretty loudly through the TV. Gaines and White both - catch the ball in front of them and they will absolutely make you pay. I think that was a factor today.
  3. Was 126 vs Denver defense. Just saying!
  4. Simien was "off" because we (i) made them one dimensional (aside from the one CJ Anderson run for 32 after we scored he had 7 rushes for four yards), and (ii) he was under duress throughout. But I agree, he was way off!
  5. Funny you say that. I just posted the same thing in a thread about Thornton and Washington. I thought both of them looked really good today, and maybe it will motivate Mr. Big Stuff. Let's hope.
  6. Agree on Pitt and Miami games. Felt bad for Lorax and Kyle. Won't happen this year. Cedric Thornton by the way. Say hey!
  7. Agree as to Atlanta. Likely loss, but with a smart, competitive team - an any given Sunday. I don't feel hopeless going in, but a win would indeed be a surprise. And two posts back asking for who of low character who is gone. I note that I was more applauding who they brought in than attacking anyone who left. But it is also a compliment to whom they have voluntarily kept (they have no choice with Dareus). Tyrod is of the highest character. Kyle is a heart and soul dude. Lorax? That is a man who wants it. I was unsure when we acquired him, but I feel Shady would die for his team. All of them could have been cap casualties.
  8. I am not close enough to it to know any "low character" players purged. I was not putting anyone down who is gone, I was more applauding the type of folks they are bringing in. Read their stories - Matthews, Zay, Gaines, on and on. Player after player they have brought in has a great story, and I have enjoyed reading them. One who I suspect (but have no way of knowing), who was not a good influence was Gilmore. You just can't point at your teammates while they go in for a score, anyone who played knows that. But again, I am not in that locker, I mean it more as a compliment for who they have brought in than a put-down for who is gone.
  9. Same here. I was fully ready for the kneel down - and praying it wouldn't happen.
  10. What does hovering around .500 for two Rex years have to do with this ball club? Nothing. The personnel has been turned over. Not too early to see this is a highly competitive squad if you know the game. They got high character guys that like to compete. Everybody laughed at that (Jauron II; give me talent over character). But people who know the game and sports in general know sufficient talent + character = wins; sufficient talent with low character -= losses. You are seeing the proof. If you are willing to.
  11. It is really amazing what McBeane have done with the secondary. I always thought Darby was soft in run defense, and he was so-so even as a cover guy last year. Who misses him now? Is the sky really falling? I will take Matthews and the third for Darby all day, and twice on Sundays for that one too. What the administration did with Watkins and Darby reflects these guys really believe they know there stuff, and it was absolutely courageous to make those deals. "their stuff"
  12. Hate to say it, but I called 2-1 after this week about Wednesday. Though in fairness, I thought we would beat the Panthers too. I had us for a loss next week, hope I am wrong! "have" us for a loss
  13. Very early my nads. We have a new OC. Offense is not the strength of this team, but it will only improve. D is sick.
  14. Relax. Took Moulds until year three to even play. Way too early to start crying.
  15. Saying it is "ignorant stuff" to pass on expending our draft capital on a QB is just slanderous and unnecessary. Don't want to see them blow all or a substantial number of those picks on one guy. Everyone knows high drafted QBs carry a lot of risk. People can differ, but neither drafting a QB number 1 nor not drafting one is "ignorant." And I think they would be idiots to shoot all their draft capital to move up and get some guy that may not work out. Take a QB with one of those six picks if they like one. But don't anoint him and don't reach if your guy is not there - that would be "ignorant" and is how we got stuck with EJ (who I still root for). Let any pick try to win the job and let Tyrod try to fight him off. If the rookie can't when the job, let him develop a year or two and trade him we can get picks like the hooded one did with Mallet and like he could have with Garrapolo. But we do not have a "hole" at QB. We have a competent pro. Time to stop being stupid and chasing rainbows.
  16. At a minimum Beane and McDermott should give Tyrod this year with an open mind. All the Tyrod haters are probably the same ones posting we have no receivers and no chance now that we traded Sammy. Give him a right tackle and a legit #1 wideout that is not injury prone to go with Matthews (who we WILL sign) and Zay.
  17. I said it. And yes, Dilfer, Brad Johnson, and that stiff from the Redskins Ripien. You can win with Tyrod. And you don't know what you get in the draft. A potential head case, drugs, performance deficit. Who knows. How did the darling Sam Darnold look yesterday. Eeesh.
  18. Playoffs or not - it is different. We are on the right track. Anyone that can't see that either likes to be miserable or has no football sense. I said at the time of my first post after the Jets - who knows if we have enough talent to make the playoffs (given the moves of that moron Whaley), but this is a real team. They are solid. They play for each other. And we, my friends, are headed in the right direct. I played this game as long as I could (sadly only through high school) and have watched it 50 years. We are on the move. May take a couple years, but it will be a fun ride. And it may not take a couple years to make the playoffs - we are right on the edge right now.
  19. How hard do we have to strain for negativity. Zay will be fine, and he contributed greatly as a blocker today. 3 games in for a rook receiver, relax!
  20. After the Jets game I posted that "this win felt different." We were not stupid. We were composed. We were not penalized to death. It got a lot of replies. Many said yes, but just as many said "its just the Jets." I hate negativity. So for one day, the optimists have it. Does it feel different yet? Absolutely! Consider what McDermott have done with cap and personnel. Just incredible. Six picks, out of cap hell, beat the Broncos and sitting in first place - and our two highest paid players (I believe) did not even play. Un-bill-evable! Pats looked like crap against the Texans. I am not sure we are not the stronger team. Fish = gutless.
  21. Don't mind the bugs. I don't want a QB next year. Tyrod is good enough to win with. He is superior to some QBs that have won Super Bowls. The young man is competitive, a leader and refuses, just refuses, to turn the ball over. I will never, ever understand the hate. Use those six picks to build out the roster and get behind the young man.
  22. Sammy whiners. Brilliant trade. Very good zone corner and a draft pick, are you kidding me? Twice on Sundays. What I love about the kid, he twice has come out of games after dinging the shoulder the first time. And twice he was back on the next series. Kid is a beast.
  23. This was a grinding, dominating win. By the end, their offense had no answers.
  24. Make no mistae: 2-1 and on our way to the playoffs baby! Er, no mistake
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