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Everything posted by MarlinTheMagician

  1. He is a Bill who swoops like an eagle on opposing QBs. Locks QBs and RBs in his sinewy talons.
  2. In honor of the great British ski jumper who also overcame long odds - we should knight Yarbs "Eddie the Eagle."
  3. Behind Davis too, but the kid must be amped. Could see the field. Can you imagine how he feels after kicking around the last two years and never even being on the 53? Must be cool.
  4. You beat me to it! So we may see Lee today --
  5. Was just thinking - assuming we can squish fish 2x in December, and beat Jets again, plus our existing 2-1 record, that means 5-1 in those games. If we just go 5-5 in the other ten games our final record is 10-6. Seems - not that unlikely. Though I probably just jinxed it. Boy, fish look bad. Punt!
  6. Last 7 for the Fish - they could easily lose them all. Sun, Nov 19 vs Buccaneers 1:00 PM Sun, Nov 26 @ Patriots 1:00 PM Sun, Dec 3 vs Broncos 1:00 PM Mon, Dec 11 vs Patriots 8:30 PM Sun, Dec 17 @ Bills 1:00 PM Sun, Dec 24 @ Chiefs 1:00 PM Sun, Dec 31 vs Bills 1:00 PM
  7. Saints! Their season could really be in trouble if they lose today. Not because of 1-2 record, but because of who they lost to. Losing to Jets and Aints when you have to play this version of AFC West plus Pats twice. Yuk.
  8. We all have our doubts and want to see it. Agree sacks and tackles are not the sole measure of the man here. Don't care what he makes money-wise, not a negative, he got what he could out of Whaley. I want to see him fired up and putting out effort. If he is and does, the rest should take care of himself. I have chosen to forgive, but not forget, all past sins and am rooting for him. The thing that is hopeful about Marcel - it is not like he is incapable of being very good. But mentally I had kind of written him off.
  9. Not sure the ankle is good enough for that, but I am hoping. M-A-R-C-E-L, M-A-R-C-E-L!
  10. He has to prove it. I am on his bandwagon for the time stated - one more suspension, one more disciplinary problem, and ship him out. It is funny, for a time he was what he should be. Don't think the talent is gone, it is all between the ears and in the chest. We shall see. Go get 'em Marcel
  11. I have been hating on Dareus for a while (mostly to myself, not on this board), as I believe a lot of fans have been. Getting suspended last year, not being in shape, the apparent "whatever man" attitude. He is flamed, and deservedly, all the time on our board and in the press. This morning I was shocked to find myself feeling pangs of sympathy for Big Puff. The defense is getting rave reviews and, as McDermott has implied, the bus left without Dareus a few weeks ago. One tackle YTD. But just maybe being sent home in the preseason and being left out of the praise the defense has won this year is just what was needed. At some point, you would think pride would motivate him. Leslie Frazier is emphatic that Dareus is fully bought in. Perhaps he is just being the good cop to McDermott's bad cop. But perhaps it is true. And if it was and Dareus elevated his game to 2014 levels, it would be like getting a high first round pick in mid-season for free, as we have got nothing from a pro-bowl caliber DT that we are already paying. So starting today I give the big man his last chance (as if he is waiting on a chance from me!) I am pulling for him until he gives me a SINGLE reason not yo do so. One more suspension, one more disciplinary problem and I would cut his big butt, cap hit be damned. Now or never. But until then, I am an unrepentant Dareus fan. I am going to believe he finally gets the message and emerges as a dominant force in the middle following the bye when he is fully healthy. Wouldn't that be awesome? Go Bills, get those dirty birds!
  12. For the boys to show up, act like they have been there and compete at a high level. For our run to be re-established after facing two nasty D's to run against, and for continued development of the offense. Would not be too disappointed with a competitive "L" -- BUT JUST WIN BABY!!
  13. I agree with this post. And I think we should see how he does on this A, B, C list before we chuck him over the side. If he leads this Bills team to the playoffs (big if), how do you move on from him lightly? It has been 18 years now, and this was supposed to be a hopeless, tanking, evaluative year where we had no wideouts. I never bought that, but I did think we would be 7-9 or 8-8. Still might be, but if TT gets them in the dance he can't, IMHO, be dumped lightly. If he looks bad from hear to the end and finishes 6-10, we know what we have to do. But for a QB to emerge as a quality starter in his 3rd year (as a starter), is not really slow development and TT's last 6 games or so are pretty promising.
  14. So you didn't believe me? Why would l lie to you guys - check out the links posted above and say you're sorry.
  15. Neither in sync nor momentum is a made up thing for observers. Played a lot of QB over the years. The guys you played with a lot - you knew how to read them better than others. Granted, not NFL route runners by a long shot. And anyone who ever has played any sport at a decent level has felt momentum shifts. I still remember playing OG in youth football (way to skinny to have ever been a guard), and at times when we got rolling we could not be stopped by a d-line that had been stuffing us earlier. Or in ice hockey, when a line is cooking together and the other team can't get the puck out of the zone. On and on. It is illogical to think Tyrod and Zay will not develop more chemistry over time. Loving me some Jmatt too!
  16. And for the fan above who asked for a link on "fans were upset he was cut" - having a hard time re-finding it. But this makes a similar point - that he was having a strong camp this year. I will look a little more for the fan thing too. I believe he had two sacks in the Saints game referenced below, not sure what the "impressive debut" game was. >> Eric Lee keeps trending upward during Training Camp after an impressive preseason debut. The inside linebacker was again active in the front seven against the Saints, but special teams will likely be where he’ll need to show out to make this team http://houston.cbslocal.com/2016/08/18/nfl-texans-camp-confidential-818-joint-practice-nick-martin-deandre-hopkins/
  17. 40 Time came from an old USF press release - has a headline that does not mention Lee, but is something like "NFL Scouts Show Interest in Several USF Seniors. I will look for that too. I think the 4.72 was his combine workout. When I saw the 4.56 on his pro day I was like "holy crud." Here is a link to the pro day results. Check out the bench too. http://bigcountypreps.com/181/2016-usf-pro-day-numbers/ Here is another that talks about it a little bit. He is a "D" end, he says, but worked out as a linebacker to show versatility. Texans tried to force him as a OLB in their 3-4. Not his natural position or the one he is most comfortable in. http://www.usforacle.com/news/view.php/1018514/NFL-hopefuls-make-first-impressions-at-p
  18. I am thankful to the posters in this thread that have said "hey, thanks OP for digging this out." I am a diehard Bills fan and have been since age 4. It is the 50th anniversary month of my first game vs. Raiders in 1967 at the Rockpile. Live in NYC area now, but going 10.29 to see the Raiders and celebrate that 50th anniversary in honor of my now-deceased Dad who took me to the game. I love coming on this site and reading about our Bills, but sometimes all the negativity sucks the joy out of it. I am an optimist, and it wears on me. So thanks to all of you, when I saw my post had a bunch of replies I expected to see "just a scrub" and "so we are dumpster diving." You all brightened my day. P.S. Found Texans fan stuff on one of their sites that is like this one. I will try to re-find and post if I can.
  19. We all agree so I don't think this will be lost on McDermott/Dennison. Thus my prediction - they find a way to get him going a little.
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