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Posts posted by DefenseWins

  1. I don't drink the Kool Aid from Pessimists or Homers, but have to believe that Whaley explored all options with Byrd. Who here really knows what is happening behind close doors? There are a lot of angles that nobody on this baord can claim to understand. The Bills wanted Jairus, Jairus has the right to want to move on. The tag wasn't applied. Let's move on to players that want to play for the Bills. Maybe Delmas?


    Lets see now.... When Levitre left last year, who was it that the Bills brought in to replace him?? Who was that??

  2. Seriously, "they want to trade Byrd for Nassib" is the silliest suggestion I have ever seen on this board.




    It hasn't played out yet.


    The Bills may have been contacted by another team after EJ went down.



    If Minn signs Freeman to start - Ponder or Cassels could be had... But what value does Byrd have at this point?

  3. Because any big contract is going to be big every single year of the contract. That means that in 3 years time when we have to give EJ a $25mil/year deal to pay him what he's worth, there will be a chunk less money because we chose a few years earlier to overpay lesser talented players at lesser important positions.



    Peyton Manning doesn't make $25mil/yr... I doubt EJ will anytime soon either... Not to say that EJ won't be making a big chunk of dough though...

  4. To have him in the stable in case a player goes down. To develop him in-house. So a team in our division hungry for a wide receiver doesn't gobble him up. So we don't have to watch him become a superstar elsewhere.


    I realize that the likelihood of him becoming a star is low now, that this some serious writing on the wall. But all of this is based on speculation. So !@#$ it. Who gives a ****?



    Apparently, no one else seems to think he will become a superstar either... There are lots of guys who have talent... It's how you use it that matters... To put it another way.... If Marrone doesn't believe he will amount to very much, then why can't you and his other adoring fans accept it? I am not trying to be nasty here... Sincerely, it's time to move on... I care more about the players who have worked harder and apparently shown more to Marrone and the coaching staff than any one guy, no matter how talented he may seem to be....

  5. Neither Levitre or Byrd are worth the money.


    Wood is often injured, MAYBE they want to see if he can make it through a full season healthy?


    CJ will get paid but at what price? He isn't AP and never will be so he won't see AP Type money. Problem is he and his agent will say and think he is the best and that causes issues.


    Honestly I wouldnt' extend anyone at this point either. Wait until into the season and see how they are progressing. Inintialize contact with the agent and see what #'s they are thinking. If they are stupid #'s like Livitre or Byrd wants, forget it.


    And people wonder why the Bills never make the playoffs...

  6. Difference is Bryd didn't recently have a pay raise like Peters did. Hopefully, Bryd won't sulk like a fat baby like Peters did and not answer phone calls or show up to work out of shape, putting teammates' health in jeopardy. But based on how Bryd carries himself, this shouldn't be a problem. And he should be the highest paid safety in football. Get it done.


    Peters was UNDERPAID... If you go back and check, Peters was signed to play RT and then got shifted to the LT position. On top of that the Bills you might recall brought in a pair of stupidly expensive players. (LG-Derrick Dockery at 7.5 Million/yr and RT-Langston Walker at 5 Million/yr) If it were you, how would you have liked playing next to a stiff like Dockery who was actually being paid more than you??


    Hopefully, the Bills don't screw this negotiation up like they did the Peters situation...

  7. Yes, missing games in 3 of 4 seasons is pretty much the definition of frail. Him missing "only" 2 games this past season is pretty much luck that the injury occurred late in the season instead of early in the season. If it happened in Game 1, he would've missed 12 games, right?


    Compare this to Nassib, who got shoddier protection at Cuse, and started 38 straight games, never missing one.



    Both these guys would be good choices at #8...


    Barkley started all 4 years in HS and then again all 4 yrs at USC... His OLine problems were talked about on Gruden's QB camp...


    Personally, I will not be disappointed with either Barkley or Nassib...


    Each one seems to have the necessary skill sets to succeed...

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