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Posts posted by DefenseWins

  1. I love Pegs, I really do, But what a joke the Bills and the Sabres have become since he bought them


    You mean they weren't jokes before he bought them??


    Bills haven't made the playoffs in 17 years and you are blaming Pegs for that??


    And when was the last time the Sabres were serious contenders??? How many years ago was that???


    Pegs made a bad hire in Rex... Jury is still out on Tim Murray and really hasn't begun on McDermott yet... Whaley is still to be determined as well - though I have not been very impressed by what I've seen so far... The trade to get Watkins was a mistake IMHO...




    QBR is nonsense. How do they make it? We have no real idea. It's opaque and gives more weird results than other stats and we don't know why.. At this point, the only people who use QBR are ESPN, because it's their stat, and people who find that other stats don't back them up in whatever argument but QBR does.


    Tyrod isn't a top ten guy. He simply ... is not.


    And yeah, the cap hit in 2017 is OK. But looking only at the cap hit for 2017 is like putting something on your credit card and saying, "See, it's a good deal, because the December payment is very reasonable."


    When looking at a contract's impact, you don't look at one year. You look at all the money that will have to be paid on the salary cap for every year money will have to be paid. If Tyrod stays one year, that will be $30.75 million. For one year of Tyrod. Which pretty much means we'd keep him for two years. So if he stays for two years - the likeliest amount for a bridge QB in this situation - the Bills will pay him $40.5 mill, total, for two years on the roster.


    That's franchise QB money.



    Bridge QBs are rare too. But that doesn't mean you pay them like you pay the ten or twelve franchise QBs. And with Tyrod's contract, that's what would happen. We'd be paying a bridge QB franchise QB money, $20.25 mill a year.


    I hate to say this again and again but people just don't seem to hear it, so ... here are the only QBs who receive more than $20.25 mill per year average salary, in order:


    Andrew Luck

    Carson Palmer

    Drew Brees

    Kirk Cousins

    Joe Flacco

    Aaron Rodgers

    Russell Wilson

    Ben Roethlisberger

    Eli Manning

    Philip Rivers

    Cam Newton

    Matt Ryan, and

    Tom Brady.


    There are no Tyrods in that group, and yet, that's the group we'd be putting Tyrod in. If he stayed for two years, he'd receive $20.25 million per year, and only five QBs would be with a million per year of that figure: Brady, Ryan, Newton, Rivers, and Eli Manning. Tyrod simply doesn't belong there.


    Another way to look at that list is which QB would you rather NOT have than TT??


    And if you add guys like:

    Andy Dalton

    Derek Carr

    Dak Prescott

    Carson Wentz

    Matthew Stafford

    Jameis Winston

    Sam Bradford


    Which one of those do you NOT choose over TT??


    IF you decide that TT is not and likely never will become a Franchise QB than it is a sin to waste $15 million per year on him... That is money that could be spent much more wisely to help the team...

  3. Cmon folks... It's one thing to say that a new coach will "have input" into who his QB will be. In the end though the GM makes the final call on who will be on the roster. I am no fan of Whaley. I think he made a terrible decision trading for and drafting Watkins. But this is the way it has to be. That is the job of the GM - to make and be held responsible for the future of the team. I think that Whaley deferred to Rex when he brought in TT. I think Rex was the driving force that brought TT to the Bills in the first place. My guess is that like many of us fans, Rex knew from the start that EJ was not going to cut it and wanted a QB who he thought he had the best chance to win with. Now that Rex is gone, Whaley is probably convinced after seeing TT's play that he is NOT the answer and it is time to move on. Once you determine that, it would be foolish to pay TT $15 million per year when you can draft a youngster who can hopefully grow into the kind of QB this team needs and at a much cheaper salary. In the meantime you pick up a cheaper "bridge QB" to hold the seat warm for the youngster. Most, if not all QB's being drafted these days, are not ready to start on day one. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't draft one just because it will take time to develop him...

  4. Money IS the issue here with keeping TT! You don't pay a "bridge QB" $15 million per season... Once you determine that TT is not "the guy" you need to move on... Draft one of the top 4 QB's mentioned in the draft, whichever one you think stands the best chance of success... bring in a cheap vet to hold the seat warm while the rookie adjusts to the NFL game... or if Whaley thinks AJ McCarron might be the answer trade for him... This presumes that the Bills front office knows a good young QB when they see one (I have my doubts about that part but hey...)


    The money you save can go to rebuilding other parts of this team...

  5. I loved Lorenzo's season, but I would not throw any money at him. He is going to be overpaid somewhere I think


    Agreed... He had a wonderful season and was well worth the price we paid... but cmon, the smart move is to let him walk... same with Gilmore... and I believe the same holds true for TT...


    I'd draft a QB at #10 and a CB in rd 2...


    Or maybe acquire McCarron from Cinci for the Bills 2nd - That's assuming Whaley thinks he can play... I'm not necessarily advocating this move, but hey it's another possibility right?

  6. I know your trying to make a point....I am just not sure what it is.


    Just draft the best F***kin QB you can find in round 1.... Is that a little clearer for you?


    The quality of the player chosen at pick #10 (whether QB or any other position for that matter) is bound to be significantly better than the one you could choose in round 2


    I want the best QB the Bills can get (assuming they can identify one when they see one)


    Wouldn't Dak Prescott have been a good 1st or 2nd round pick last year for ANYTEAM???

  7. if im taking a qb at 10....i dont want to fix accuracy issues coming out of college


    if they decide to take a qb at 10 then so be it but just know your probably passing by a elite player at another position for a player that will probably not be ready in year 1


    WR - we need a player that can be leaned on heavily in the worst kind of way here.....yes....we have Watkins who just went though a very injury plagued season.....Woods is not returning the HCs calls and past those 2 we have NOTHING that can consistantly be counted on to catch 10 balls a game.


    S - Our safety position is in shambles.....Willaims might come back but what does it say about that position that our best player cant make it through a full season


    BOTH of those positions might have a elite player there for us to select at 10


    If we are gonna have to take a qb that is gonna need to be developed I would rather do it in round 2




    You mean like the supposedly ELITE player the Bills drafted in the 1st rd last year (Shaq Lawson) instead of say Dak Prescott??


    Or perhaps the other supposedly ELITE player the Bills drafted in the 2nd rd last year (Reggie Ragland) instead of say Dak Prescott??


    The point is there are NO guaranteed ELITE players at any position in the draft regardless of the round they were chosen...






    Then you should change login to OnlyQBmatters.


    Do you honestly believe that if the Bills still had SuperMario of a few years ago or if Shaq had been healthy and had a standout rookie season last year that the Bills would have made the playoffs? C'mon be serious...


    If the Bills had drafted Derek Carr at their original draft spot in 2014 instead of trading up for Watkins, would they have been more likely to have made the playoffs last year?

  9. Right now there is nothing to discuss... Aside from TT keeping up with any medical appts/rehab on his recent surgery there isn't much else to do on either side...


    Also there are a significant number of QB's potentially changing teams (Romo, Kaepernick, Cutler, TT, Garoppolo, McCarron could all change teams before the NFL Draft)


    Tennessee has two #1 picks and might be receptive to a trade up by the Bills to #5 (The NFL Draft Trade Chart shows only a 400pt difference between #10 and #5) (1700-1300=400)


    Thats the equivalent of the Bills 2nd rd picks value...


    If the Bills like one of those 4 top QB's (Watson, Kizer, Trubisky, or Mahomes) only one should be off the board before they could make a deal with Tenn...


    Lots of possibilities here...

  10. The Bills are entering into a second generation of repulsive play. They haven't had a legitimate franchise qb in twenty years. They have been out of the playoffs for more than generation in a system designed for parity. If you want the writers to be more uplifting and less reflexively negative then run a more competent operation that can produce a respectable product on the field.


    Do you think that WGR or TBN find it appealing reporting on a product that at times can be excruciating painful to watch and cover? What's the positive story line? A team seriously competing for a playoff? Or a team actually in a playoff? Every year it is the same pathetic scenario. You don't think that year in and year out same dispiriting story gets tiresome for the people who cover the team?


    This focus on the media is a distraction from the real story which is the garbage product on the field. If you want to direct your anger and frustration direct it at the right target. This blame the media for one's own angst is so off the mark and Trumpian!


    The Bills are entering into a second generation of repulsive play. They haven't had a legitimate franchise qb in twenty years. They have been out of the playoffs for more than generation in a system designed for parity. If you want the writers to be more uplifting and less reflexively negative then run a more competent operation that can produce a respectable product on the field.


    Do you think that WGR or TBN find it appealing reporting on a product that at times can be excruciating painful to watch and cover? What's the positive story line? A team seriously competing for a playoff? Or a team actually in a playoff? Every year it is the same pathetic scenario. You don't think that year in and year out same dispiriting story gets tiresome for the people who cover the team?


    This focus on the media is a distraction from the real story which is the garbage product on the field. If you want to direct your anger and frustration direct it at the right target. This blame the media for one's own angst is so off the mark and Trumpian!



  11. If the Bills decide to move on from TT they will more than likely draft a QB high in this years draft... They may bring in a "caretaker" to provide veteran leadership skills and start most of the season while the new "kid" develops...


    This should have relatively little to any impact on Cardale Jones... Cardale may have a canon for an arm but there is a whole lot more to becoming a good NFL QB than just having a big arm... Can he learn to read defenses? Does he have good pocket presence" Can he develop "touch" on his passes? These are just a few of the many hurdles he will have to overcome if he is to develop into a good pro QB... Most "projects" of this type FAIL... A QB's ARM doesn't usually determine his level of success... It's whats in his HEAD that matters most...

  12. WE (fans) do not have the necessary skills and knowledge to know a "Franchise QB" if he was staring us in the face... It's more than just stats... I'm not sure the Bills (or most other NFL FO) do either... But you have to at least TRY...


    If you want to take the defeatist point of view, then nothing is gonna matter until Brady retires anyway...


    We got nothing nothing out of our top two draft picks last season... Dak Prescott would have looked pretty good in the 2nd or even in the 3rd round (instead of A. Washington for example)


    The draft is a crap shoot anyway you look at it... QB is THE most important position on the team... But we should ignore it again - until NEXT year??? and then we can ignore it till the year after that because maybe there will be another bunch of supposedly better QB's???


    Try living in the here and the now for a change...

  13. Renegotiation of TT's contract simply isn't gonna happen... If the Bills don't pick up the option TT knows someone else WILL... (Denver?)


    The most important thing for the Bills to do is INVEST that #10 pick in their QB of the future... There are at least 3-4 plausible QB choices to choose from (Trade up?)... Is AJ McCarron worth acquiring? Is Casey Keenum worth a look as a caretaker/bridge QB while the kid develops? CAN the Bills FO even identify a viable QB pick? I have my doubts... But if they don't try...


    But the money they might save by not picking up TT's option is simply too hard to ignore... Cardale Jones is a project not likely to pan out (most projects fail)... Until Brady retires they are not likely to win anything anyway so it is time to build for the future...

  14. $50? Zero? Would you be fans if it wasn't virtually free? No judgement, just curious, I promise.


    First, as a taxpayer (like ALL of us) I automatically have a "stake" in this team... In previous years I attended 2X games per year... And I do have Bills "merchandise" bought in previous years... I attended games at the "Old Rockpile" - Did You? I'm not being judgmental here either... Promise...

  15. Would I like to have Romo for a couple of years as a bridge to someone they draft at #10 (or higher, if they deem it necessary to get the kid they may want)


    YES... depending on what it takes to get him... (2nd rd pick maybe?)


    Or maybe acquire AJ McCarron or another vet FA guy but the Bills need to draft a kid high if they hope to get a true franchise QB...


    I don't see what some people see in Cardale Jones... He is what used to be called a PROJECT... 4th rd Projects rarely pan out...


    Let's also not forget that in essence the defense will be bolstered by Ragland and Lawson this year assuming they have both recovered from their injuries...

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