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Everything posted by FluffHead

  1. Well, the Krispy Kreme hot now sign is on, so I bet hes there
  2. not sure of the boards policy on NSFW language in videos, but there is a clip from hard knocks on this guy everyone should see
  3. Honestly, he is the kind of hard ass coach that Dareus needs
  4. Most recently d line coach with rams. He was a real hard ass on hard knocks. Military background. He will make big baby Marcell cry. Native of Hornell, NY
  5. His offenses and in particular his QBs are always terrible.
  6. http://www.profootballweekly.com/2016/12/21/the-way-we-hear-it-tom-coughlin-is-the-frontrunner-to-replace-rex-ryan-in-buffalo/aoh1k2f/
  7. Assume this means Big Bird makes the squad, but my lord. For a 3-4 defense, we have no linebackers.
  8. Yolo beat me to it. There's gotta be something to his league investigation. We have no OLBs as it is.
  9. Need to pick someone up after cuts. Our TEs are terrible after clay. Normally not a huge issue, but in this offense...
  10. Agree. He's not a fit on or off the field. He is a fit in a state penitentiary
  11. DT= Curtis Modkins. A top level assistant that gets the title of coordinator even though the head coach is the real coordinator, because someone has to have it. A coordinator who doesn't call plays because that's the head coach's specialty.
  12. He was such a beast in college I was surprised he didn't work out with the packers
  13. So the next two to go higher than Sammy are mike Daniels and Gary Barnidge. Riiiiiight. Sammy should be top 50 at least
  14. Pretty sure what made him good in college was his pass rush ability. Not sure that would translate to safety
  15. Pretty sure our fourth can be traded. This is the first year compensatory picks may be traded. Maybe I'm wrong?
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