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Teddy KGB

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Everything posted by Teddy KGB

  1. Evans, Godwin, Miller as well as Cooper, Gallop, Lamb perhaps.
  2. He kinda just hopes he’s going the right way in coverage. It’s not good
  3. derp de derp de derpa derp.
  4. the fluffer keeps talking for some reason.
  5. Are you under the table in these “meetings” Can you brownnose a little less ? Lmfao @ the Cnn boys that want to shut down anything that doesn’t have Don Lemons #### on it 🥴🤣🤣
  6. You don’t work here 😂😂☠️
  7. ^^ yep, he doesn’t have Covid 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ What’s up with all the new 💩posters ?
  8. welcome to America dumbass, you new ?
  9. Lmao @ your thin skin. He kicked your ass for years and you are bitter about it. I get it, you want to pretend you’re an alpha and didn’t lose. English smack over a dash, LMFAO 🤣🤣 Take your L and move along.
  10. Says another dumbass whose had his ass kicked by DR on repeat. Take your beating and move along, no one wants to hear you cry about self inflicted wounds.
  11. no one wants to see you post anything ever again tbh. lmao @ your level of butthurtness
  12. that’s just because your dumb and he’s kicked your ass 52,000 times. go get your participation trophy
  13. There’s no PPP without DR tbh. This is terrible if true.
  14. Sure, I’ll call it now. You can wait three more years to admit I’m right 🤣🤣
  15. Mahomes is the best to ever do it. Gonna have to win a Super Bowl to start this conversation
  16. Too late Barnwell. Keep sleeping with that Tyrod poster above your bed.
  17. whose taking more pills today in real time ? you or the don ?
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