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Everything posted by ToGoGo

  1. All I know is that only one guy has proven he can make those throws.
  2. All it takes is a couple completed passes like the throw to Gragg to force defenses to adjust.
  3. You win the 2015 "missed the point" award.
  4. I agree about the yips. But did you see him yesterday, looked very focused and confident. Had the respect of the huddle. Yips can be overcome, but they can always come back so it is a mark against him.
  5. I just think it's like that in everything. People want the guy they like more. If they don't like you, you have to really prove yourself and overcome the bad vibes until they can't deny it anymore.
  6. I'm hearing a lot of "preseason" doesn't matter around here. That's somewhat true, but it's very naive to think there's nothing that can be learned from it. I am slightly concerned about the defense yesterday. We went up against a super bowl winning QB on a perennial winning team, a team we could face in the playoffs if we make it, and got taken on a long drive, and I didn't even get the feeling Roethlisberger was trying that hard. We couldn't stop Martavis Bryant, how are we going to stop Antonio Brown. I'm also concerned about our secondary if McKelvin and Gilmore miss too much time. So please don't use that as your argument. These little flaws will become very apparent during the season. There's a reason we went DB with our first pick this year. I just feel "preseason doesn't count" is being used as a crutch around here when it disagrees with your viewpoint.
  7. I'm sure he improves somewhat. But I can't get over his height. And I don't think he could've stood in the pocket and made the Clay and Gragg reads, maybe not even the throws. I wish I can give a factual analysis for Yoho, but I can't. This is just my gut.
  8. Let's put an end to the forum then and only post statistics. Or maybe just viewpoints that you agree with instead.
  9. You're missing the point. I'm not saying a long drive leading to a TD is his ceiling. What I'm saying is that making solid short and intermediate throws (with the occasional bomb) down the field with the strong threat to run is his ceiling. When I see EJ, I see him making 25-30 yard throws on the money, picking up big chunks of yardage, while being elusive in the pocket. In other words doing everything Tyrod can do, with less running ability, but at a higher level in the pocket. One guy is solid, the other guy can be a top 10 QB in this league.
  10. I'll bite. Why don't you tell us exactly why Easley isn't very good. You should know since you go to practices and are an authority on Easley.
  11. But here's the thing. When I wrote my previous comment I wanted to point out whether it's really coaching, or if it's just EJ's natural learning curve. If you've ever taken golf lessons, there's a period in time where all you think about is your body position and mechanics. It takes a lot of repetitions and muscle memory. The NFL QB position probably has 50x the amount of knowledge that needs to be absorbed into the subconscious before you can just "let it fly". How do we know it was poor coaching by Marrone and company, and not just EJ absorbing the nuances of the position and now that he's gotten it, he's starting to play without thinking too much.
  12. What struck me on his 2nd TD pass was that 1. He had loads of time and no pressure 2. There was no happy feet. He stayed calm and composed and did not take his eye off his reads. So in my opinion, anyone discounting his throws as easy by saying he had lots of time, has blind spots to all the other awesome qualities he showed.
  13. Ceiling and "standard" are two different things. Don't know what you're arguing.
  14. In my experience playing sports, at first players prefer the guy they like most, whether that's white or black. But once a guy has earned it, they will respect that guy. But if he hasn't, it's going to be a mark against him. I always think about Joe Flacco and how Ray Lewis made his early career miserable, getting the team to root for Troy Smith.
  15. I'm serious. You're not the only guy here who's watched a lot of football. You can get a feel for what kind of player a QB is, his floor, and his ceiling by watching him. I have a pretty good feel for what kind of QB Tyrod Taylor is and could be. And I think EJ's potential blows him out of the water long-term. Deal with it.
  16. I ignore everything he says. He likes to bring people down, but not even with good logic.
  17. I really liked what Taylor did yesterday. But here's my concern about having EJ be #2. How is he going to improve without game time? He's not a rookie anymore, he's ready to play and he won't learn from watching Tyrod like he would from watching Peyton or Rodgers. Second I feel like Tyrod is already close to his ceiling, while EJ looks like he's ready to take the step to the next level which after yesterday looks like a level above Taylor. By making EJ #2 I feel like we are stopping him from growing again. How much better is Taylor than EJ that we should stop the guy with the higher ceiling from playing and growing? Like Simon said in a previous thread, is a couple bumps in the road at the beginning worth a long term answer?
  18. I'm hearing now that EJ's improvement is due to "coaching". How are we so sure that's the case? What exactly about the current "coaching" is better than the previous "coaching". I understand that it makes sense on the surface, but let's dig into it a bit. Why are we so sure it's the coaching.
  19. He's had heart issues right? Maybe his doctors limit the amount of snaps he can play per game?
  20. I understand why they would pick Tyrod over EJ, but I just feel like that drive we saw from Taylor yesterday is his ceiling. He's pretty much maxed out. And I can't get over his height. EJ showed us a glimpse of his ceiling and it blows Tyrod out of the water. EJ can be Cam Newton with good intangibles minus some running skills.
  21. I watched the replay of the Clay throw a couple times. What a major league arm EJ has. Not that many QBs in the league can make that throw the way he did. And it was accurate. Hmmmmm
  22. Nobody's torn. They know exactly who it is. These quotes from Wawrow and Carucci tell us they have the same source using them as shills for the Colts game.
  23. Pretty sure the bad EJ throw was a tip. Anybody have a replay or gif of it?
  24. If that's what the media is saying it's spin. I wouldn't even listen to it.
  25. Super easy to get a stat line like his in the NFL. Really, really, really easy.
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