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Everything posted by ToGoGo

  1. Dallas should be all healed up from whatever bug they had this week.
  2. Great point. Absolutely nothing to complain about. No trolls or negative Nancy’s tonight. Some hand wringing in the playoff odds thread though.
  3. Unexpected losses happen every week. It will all shake out in our favor. NO WAY that everything goes against us if we win out. These negative scenarios would only play out if we lose 1 of our next 3.
  4. If win the SB this year, I hope every poster on this board has to reread all of their posts between the Eagles game and the Chiefs game again and again and again.
  5. Love it. I think not being able to criticize refs is the reason officiating is so awful today. But I just love that these golden boys finally get to share in the big stinking pike of adversity that the rest of us do. And they are NOT handling it like champs.
  6. Bills are a strong team with low odds because of their record. It’s a great bet for a sharp.
  7. The narratives around Allen have been downright bizarre his entire career. Something about him man, I don’t know, it brings something out of people that’s negative.
  8. That’s the majority of fans. Especially the ones with STRONG opinions.
  9. You’re reaching. There’s always a negative reason why a team with that kind of point differential is near .500. It always evens itself out eventually.
  10. What I see is a team that will soon revert to their mean as a playoff team. If anything that data shows me how much better we are than the others. Not sure if you realize but point differentials like that require high performance on both sides of the ball.
  11. Yes and no. Rewatch the final drives in both those games. The refs put the Giants and Bucs in those positions with iffy calls.
  12. He’s a salty troll who’s reaching. Ignore him.
  13. Man some fans can’t comprehend the up and down cycles of life and football.
  14. Great post. I’m younger than you but I watched that play live and it sank my heart for days. Since the play today was Kelce lateraling and Swift was in the stands, today would’ve been a pop culture moment. Thank God Toney saved our season and a pantheon level blow to the gut.
  15. He forgot for a second that he’s pretending to be a Bills fan.
  16. You’re seeing it. He’s losing it because he might have lost the chance at a first round bye. Imagine if the playoffs were on the line.
  17. Very serious business. Especially a man who puts character first. Allen said it best today, “McDermott is one of the better humans I know”. I’ve been appalled the last month way more than I have been posting. To get after McD’s character and call him a phony. I just can’t imagine. Very serious spiritual test for him. “Do you really want to win a SB for this ungrateful fanbase?” “Will you forgive them?”
  18. Screens are about numbers. You see the Chiefs do it right that one play. 5 blockers and 2 defenders. We’re so often outnumbered on ours. It’s basic football and the main thing Belichick’s dad talks about in his book. Fundamental knowledge.
  19. Says it all. I've known this about Mahomes for years. I'm glad it's finally coming to light. If he played for the Bills he would be Carson Palmer at best. Preach.
  20. Whomever said that Reid was backing him up to make him look better is correct. Reid AND Mahomes look like sore losers now. Mahomes better toughen up, because more outbursts like this will get the country perceiving him as a spoiled brat. And it won't be long until Reid stops backing him up after games and media questions turn into "how do you get Mahomes to calm down in difficult situations".
  21. What's great is that this game will be known in Chiefs lore as the "Toney Offside Game". Enjoy being on the other side of this strange luck universe we live in.
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