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Everything posted by joshfitz

  1. Works for me, though a little laggy. I had to install a plugin first -- using Firefox 3.5.
  2. Me neither. Seriously, those people are the worst...
  3. This. Live video isn't going anywhere, and sites that provide this service have far more legal reasons for existing than Napster or PirateBay ever did. I would say the majority of the files or trackers on Napster/PirateBay were illegal in some way. For sites like Justin.tv, the illegal broadcasts are probably in the minority.
  4. They have very similar biceps, but that's about it. Not a match. We have nice parting gifts for you, though. http://www.joshfitz.com/images/bills/byrd-scott.gif
  5. Thanks! There was a lot of debate over whether ESPN was allowed to use the photo on their site (since it was owned by the Buffalo Bills) so they eventually decided to just link over here to the forums. I think that works out even better
  6. You are absolutely correct. Check out this GIF I made. I copied the body of #24 and pasted it over #25. They are pixel-for-pixel identical. Animated GIF of matching bodies Aside from the Jauron thing, I think I'd be a little pissed if I was a player and found out that they pasted my head on someone else's body..
  7. I just updated the original post to include a scan of a better (less wrinkled) flyer. 2009 Buffalo Bills (better scan) 2009 Buffalo Bills HI RES 4 MB (better scan)
  8. In the original flyer, the grass doesn't have that white "sheen" on it on the left. That's probably a little glare from the scanner. The sideline, however, is clearly messed up. But it's so obvious, I just assumed they were doing work on the sideline that day...
  9. Whoa. Great catch. This is turning into one of those "Spot the Differences" bar games...
  10. Actually, on the flip side of this flyer is a team photo from the '60's where Ralph is missing. In the credits he is mentioned as "not pictured" so I would assume he is normally in the team photos. It's certainly possible he was missing here, too. It would just seem odd to have Jauron and Brandon slightly offset from center like they are. The only thing that's going to settle this is the original photo. Someone in this forum HAS to have a copy somewhere. The Bills had to have used that photo for something other than a random flyer late in the season...
  11. Haha... well, this is a scanned photo of the original flyer. I think that's just a wrinkle in the paper.
  12. A friend of mine just returned from the Bills - Miami game and showed me this flyer he got, featuring a huge photo of the 2009 Buffalo Bills. 2009 Buffalo Bills We were joking about how we should cross off all the players that ended up waived or on IR, so I started to comb through the players in the photo and noticed that Dick Jauron wasn't there. That's weird. Don't they take these team photos at the beginning of the year? There's no way they got everyone together AGAIN just because Dick was released. Or would they? Then we slowly pieced together more and more evidence leading us to believe this photo has been altered: 1. Xavier Oman (#44) is in the photo. He was waived on 11/11. Jauron wasn't fired until 11/17. This photo couldn't have been taken after his firing. 2. Ralph and Brandon seem to be a little off-center. It seems that the logical place for Dick to be standing is right next to Ralph, where the three would be perfectly centered in the photo. 3. Who is in that spot? Jairus Byrd. And he seems larger than normal. In the photo he looks slightly taller than #29 next to him (Drayton Florence). Except Byrd is listed at 5' 10" and Florence is 6' 0". See a zoomed-in photo 4. Take a look at #29's right ear. He seems to have some extra pixel's... either that, or Kawika Mitchell has a seriously weird forearm. Conclusion: The players were digitally shifted over to cover up Jauron's image. Not a big deal, but we thought it was amusing. If only we could erase his legacy so easily... Here's the super-high-res version if you want to try to find more evidence. EDIT - Scanned a better version of the flyer: 2009 Buffalo Bills (better scan) 2009 Buffalo Bills HI RES 4 MB (better scan)
  13. I've always wanted to see them in concert. Thanks for letting us know!
  14. Ha! He even stomped his foot like a kid. That was great!
  15. What a perfect thread to post this link in!! This is the inspiration for my avatar -- (wait till the end to get to the rock theme). Dad's Home (flash movie)
  16. No way Miami wins next week. oh, wait ... There's always hope!
  17. Only a tad. I honestly think the Colts would have embarassed us also, but hopefully not this badly.
  18. I'm going to guess the first set. The second set has a game with only 7 attempts and I can't remember that happening. But really they all look kinda similar.
  19. Winner! I'm in disbelief at some of these comments -- I can handle a colorful QB debate at this point, but to dog on Henry is absolutely ridiculous. What does the guy have to do for you people? He played like a mad man when he was on the field and had a FANTASTIC season last year. He accepted his role as backup gracefully this year and waits until the end of the season to express his desire to leave ... And your goodbye present is a heaping pile of dung? And whoever said that he was a cancer in the locker room this season -- Why the hell didn't you mention it during the season? ... Exactly. Here's hoping that Henry continues to do well in the NFL, and hoping that his dedication on the field isn't spoiled by sh*tty, ungrateful fans off the field.
  20. I've never heard this opinion before. (just kidding -- welcome to the board!! )
  21. Boy you nailed that one on the head. How did you ever figure out our true motivation??
  22. We have to talk slow so that people can understand us. In a way, Manning and Bledsoe are both statues in that they don't move around much. The difference is that Manning gets the job done, and Drew doesn't.
  23. If by Trey Teague you mean Drew Bledsoe ... then yes, he stinks.
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