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Everything posted by BuffaloBillsForever

  1. Donahoe and Whaley are essentially the same at building a roster but Pegula let Whaley spend myopically like a drunken sailor going to port while Ralph stood their with the tightened purse strings.
  2. They can't afford both right now even under your hypothetical.There is there is no extensions right now to manipulate the cap and teams are able to pick up any of these players. The most realistic situation is they land one player at best...but I doubt even that.
  3. Not really. The fact they can't afford mid-tier free agents is a reality. With further manipulation they might land one guy at best. But when you look at the cost of all the restructures and cuts they are still behind and will have to look at the draft to land about 4 players to improve to be a playoff contender...that is with staying healthy at key positions...
  4. So even under your hypothetical as of right now they can only sign one of Knighton or Brown and that is even a stretch...wow!!! Overdorf is a genius and Whaley is a top 5 GM!
  5. Who are these best players in the league? McCoy was one for 2 years at his position ...but ya know...not anymore.
  6. Even in this pipe dream, your context is landing 1 of these players correct?
  7. The Bills have like $5 mill in cap space right now, who are they going to sign that they can afford in the mid-tier market that could improve this club?
  8. They can't even afford the mid-tier free agent market which is the more important point to be looking at when with any free agency IMO.
  9. This is how I have felt about the Bills the last several years.
  10. It is all connected. The Bills are at this point BECAUSE of the cap problem. Because they are in cap hell this year they can't improve the team other than though the draft.
  11. One is good, two if you are lucky...bills need to hit on 4 players to play impact roles this year IMO to fill out the flaws on the current roster...it's not gonna happen.
  12. Who cares. What really matters is what Chris Hogan can do for this team and his body of work suggests he is a replacement level WR.
  13. If the Pats sign him the correct move would be not to match. Have at it NE.
  14. Not all thought it was the rage. I have been the most vocal detractor about this strategy. Unfortunately as I predicted there was no "win now". I certainly don't want continuity either. Hopefully after this season this wakes up the Pegulas to the do the same thing they did with the Sabres. Give extensions then fire them...lol.
  15. Yup! They also have terrible depth at TE where their only competent starter has completed a full season once in 5 years. As of right now I see this team below .500
  16. Agree. Elway knows what he is doing. He has been an excellent GM so far for Denver. This is what happens when the NFL raises the cap every year. Salary inflation going through the roof.
  17. With the attention to detail Gilligan and the writers put into this show I don't see how they would let that go unexplained. I imagine it will end up involving the character arc for Nacho in BCS.
  18. Absolutely. The writers could go in either direction (keep him alive or kill him) based on that Easter Egg.
  19. Not necessarily. Nacho is referenced once in BB when Walt and Jesse kidnap Saul. While Saul is on his knees he says" No, it wasn't me, it was Ignacio. He's the one." That makes me believe Nacho could still be alive during the BB period.
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