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Buffalo Billy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Billy

  1. 1. Everyone by now should already know about that site. 2. That site isn't exactly hard to navigate. You don't need to post every single link on the site. Just remind people OF the site if you must.
  2. Merle, just stop. As nice as it would be, there are just TOO MANY individual obstacles to make it happen. And considering each obstacle has little to no chance of being solved in THE REAL WORLD, your constant hypothesizing is irrelevant. You'd be just as likely to put our new stadium on the moon. Comon guys, I don't want cowardly excuses! Give me your ideas on how to get the new stadium built on the moon! If you build it they will come! No pain no gain! Why not?!? Do you see how silly you sound now? All the theorizing in THE world -here- won't get the stadium built in the real world. Are you a real estate developer? Oh wait, I forgot. This thread was just to stroke your own ego getting people to respond to your "brilliant" ideas.
  3. Bump for game day. Anyone around St. Kitts going out to watch the big game?
  4. Ya nucci, its pathetic how people get caught up with media spin and buzzwords. OHMAHGAWD, SOCIALIST MEDICINE, OBAMA IS A COMMIE!!! Well us Canadians, as well as many other countries like England and France have "socialist" health care and we're doing JUST FINE. And this war crap, getting caught up in the "either with us or against us" mentality which is why Americans are so hated around the world. Loyalty is good, but blind faith in something that has bad roots (oil) is bad.
  5. Hey Merle, you're slipping into another habit from the old forums just like I predicted. Fact.
  6. Gee, by your brilliantly titled "WTF" thread, I thought this was surely going to have something to do with Buffalo Bills football. Note to self, stop clicking on threads with asinine, meaningless titles.
  7. If this is a joke, I don't get it... Either way this needed its own thread because? Yes, I'm in a jerk mood tonight.
  8. For the record, bragging about predicting the obvious makes you look like a huge tool. Going out on a limb to say Spiller (who looked good all preseason) would start over Jackson and his broken hand, and Lynch who had only just came back from a foot injury and clearly wasn't 100% THE DAY BEFORE you made your "prediction"... Real Nostradamus we have here.
  9. Ya bowery4, I'm not going to get excited even if that guy predicts us to win the Super Bowl, with crappy "expert opinion" like his. One of his gems claims teams that have more combined completed passes and runs during a game tend to win. Duhhhhh. What's next, predicting whomever wins the game will be because they scored more points?
  10. If he didn't say it, then don't title your thread as such. All he said was that Miami's run D might have a hard time with Spiller.
  11. Wow you guys are retarded... TECHNICALLY TECHNICALLY TECHNICALLY !!! Gawd give it up and admit you're wrong in the context of the thread and conversation. The technicalities are irrelevant. And you don't need to call me a d-bag for no reason, I only pointed out the rhyming thing because idiots were arguing about it earlier.
  12. I don't like agreeing with you Ben, but it is mind-boggling some peoples urges to argue semantics just for the sake of argument.
  13. I don't really think the distance should matter that much, there's also that issue of being on another country. There's people IN Buffalo who can't make it to games for various reasons. But yes, its a bit north of Bunting and Welland.
  14. No, I don't hate it. It is correct because it is commonly accepted. Like how new words get accepted into the dictionary. By your logic, it is also technically correct if written in the japanese language. Thus an "incorrect" westernized version is acceptable due to translation and written issues.
  15. I would be there by now, but that stupid Rogers company decided to take a bunch of the Blue Jays channels and stick them on a channel not provided by any carrier available in town here. So I'm hanging at home for a bit listening to it on the radio. *edit* bunch of the Blue Jays -games-...
  16. Don't get me wrong, I would love a stadium within reasonable hiking distance of the border. But its never going to happen.
  17. I shouldn't have laughed at that, but since I did I guess one will have to be tipped back for "The Merle". Thanks lets_go_bills, last I checkec there were no official Bills Backers places here, which is disappointing. I had half a mind of starting one.
  18. From the creator of such classics as "if you build it, they will come", "get with the program", and of course the legendary "why not", comes visionary spam-director Merle Haggard's newest literary debate masterpiece, "all good things in life come with a little pain".
  19. I love you guys (no homo!). You too Merle, just in a unique, love-to-hate kind of way. Anyways, I think I might go give the place a try tonight for Vikes vs Saints. In my Bills gear of course, for some reason.
  20. But dean, that's irrelevant because we're not speaking Japanese. The commonly accepted "westernized" haiku is as he described.
  21. Something like "J Tapps" on Bunting Street. Its not a "new" bar, but they just put some new flatscreens in this week, with a couple more coming over the weekend. They're apparently under a new owner who wants to make it into the sports bar it was supposed to be all along.
  22. Armchair GM- "Actually, you're wrong...look it up, then come back and apologize." Actually he was right, YOU apologize. I looked it up for him. "A haiku is a non-rhymed verse genre.There are five syllables in the first line, seven in the second and five again in the last line. The word Haiku comes from the Japanese word meaning "Light Verse."" Note it also specifies non-rhyming.
  23. So tbonestake = AtlantaBills1984? That's just lazy man, copy and pasting the identical thread across multiple forums. You're acting ke Merle. Btw, it is steak. Stake is a sharp piece of wood.
  24. The new sports bar down the street just got some new flatscreens, I think I'll be heading there sunday. Anyone else around?
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