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Buffalo Billy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Billy

  1. Pete, I did put the channel back on for a while after failing to see it reported elsewhere, but didn't see it post again before poker came on. It was falsely reported before by others, so maybe its Sportsnet's turn to screw up. But whether its true or not, I saw what I saw. I even did a double take because I didn't believe it at first. I only decided to post it because they don't put old news like the earlier reports on the live ticker.
  2. Watching this guy have a conversation with himself is both a comedy and a tragedy. Its like Shakespeare.
  3. Yes, you caught me. I completely made up this "Sportsnet" channel. Its totally not an actual channel owned by Rogers, the company behind the Bills in Toronto Series. Its not like they would have a sports channel where they would host their Blue Jays games and such. Get real tools, I know better than to just make **** up for no reason.
  4. No, niche, I gave you an exact account of what the ticker read.
  5. DC, in short my "source" is Sportsnet. In longer, ask them where they got the report from.
  6. I don't know kasper, I was just watching highlights on Sportsnet and "Report: T.J. Houwhatever signs with the Vikings". They tend to put only current news on the live ticker like that.
  7. Um for the record, the "finally" part was in reference to the end of unrealistic forum dreamer speculation, not of his actual signing. I thought that part should be obvious.
  8. There were earlier false reports that he had signed. Him eventually signing doesn't make old false reports true retroactively.
  9. Just saw on Sportsnet ticker he signed with the Vikings. Finally.
  10. Merle, you're really not making a convincing argument if the best you have is "he is on par with WHAT WE HAVE" and "why not". Because there are several reasons why not, but just about no reasons -why-.
  11. For one thing, you said I'm on your ignore list you liar. Second thing, nope, I'm pretty sure I have the right guy. Even your denials are word for word identical to your banned accounts. Why you have this compulsive need to create these characters is beyond me. Why can't you just admit it? Why can't you just settle for one account and see if your ideas will stand on their own merit? Just because we both know no one else will agree with your crazy ideas, it doesn't mean you have to compound your craziness with such obvious shenanigans.
  12. Its alright notwoz, he may not realize it but he did answer my question. I posed it to Doctor but Merle answered instead. He can't even keep his characters straight sometimes, just like all the other forums he's been banned on.
  13. Do all your multiple personalities suffer from denial? Do you get a group rate, or do they each get their own shrink?
  14. Sarcasm on. Wow, Merle and the good doctor agreeing on something, that's shocking. Sarcasm off.
  15. Transient, I just did a quick search and actually found a thread by Merle about building on the falls. He's a lonely old man, so his habits are really hard to break. I don't know if its more sad, or funny.
  16. Haha "Merle", you called me guy all the time on the other forum too. You still also use the same strings of question marks, and constant all caps LOLs as well. You're worse at hiding your secret identities than Mr. Bean.
  17. TC, speaking of spoilers, wasn't there a similar issue this past season? Something about a live ticker showing final scores and stats DURING several tape delayed games?
  18. Well prissy, one of his personas DID play college ball, which according to him makes his opinions more valid than yours.
  19. EastRoch, he would always preach about how its a personal attack and against the code of conduct whenever someone would imply his characters were the same person on the main Bills forums too. I'm waiting for his famous "Fact." and telling people to "pound sand" or else they will "eat crow".
  20. I see where I got confused, NFL.com had blogs about "Lions players to be fantasy stars" and another blog touting a Gronkowski on the same page. Fuzzy memory from working the midnight merged them.
  21. Guys, the more you respond to TheProphet/thebowmanbody's threads, the more the thinks his crackpot ideas are valid, and you'll never get rid of him. Next thing you know he'll be preaching about Ricky Ray, and building a new stadium on the Niagara Falls. I'm surprised he hasn't suggested we trade for Bradford, since he literally made no less than 18 threads about getting him pre-draft.
  22. Actually I consider Edwards to be more encouraging than Spiller. We -knew- Spiller was going to be good.
  23. Isn't Gron being hailed as a big fantasy sleeper? I don't think they'd let him go.
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