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Buffalo Billy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Billy

  1. But this is where the D falls apart I'm afraid...
  2. Screw it, if we score, go for two so we can win it on Lindell's leg later.
  3. I no longer get excited seeing them line up in the shotgun, quitems the opposite now.
  4. Well Fitz could save this if we could get our O on the field.
  5. I'm starting to think Fitz can come in to save this for us.
  6. Holy crap guys, they're eating you alive on those predictable short passes.
  7. That's the idea, keep Edwards out of the game lol.
  8. Defensive stops are nice and all, but I need an INT to stop my drinking. Or a TD, but the chances of that...
  9. But yeah, blatant blown call on the pass interference...
  10. Hey Merle, see Jackson slip there? That would be 10x worse on a mist-soaked field in a stadium built on the falls!
  11. That double blitz was sexy. And I love McLovin.
  12. Finally a finished tackle from Florence, nice one.
  13. Man, if we lose this game my week at work is going to suck. I already hate that job and was hoping for a Bills win to keep me going...
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