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Benjamin Barker

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Everything posted by Benjamin Barker

  1. To everyone else: Do you at least want the Bills defense to lay a big hit on Tom Brady? I know if he takes a big blindside shot there is a good chance it will hurt him, but I still want it to happen, don't you? If Welker goes across the middle, do you want our safeties to lay the lumber to him? If he takes a really violent shot and gets shaken up and our defense sends a message, wouldn't you cheer? Is it okay if I want him to just get shaken up and maybe miss a play or two, but not the whole game? Or maybe be happy if we nail him and knock him out of just one game? It's a violent sport, where people literally try to hurt each other with big hits all the time. Where do you draw the line then?
  2. Bowery you have said multiple times now that you want me to get injured. Let's think about this. I want Tom Brady to get injured because I don't like the Patriots and it would help the Bills win. He will still be a mega millionaire and has access to the world's best doctors and will still have a wonderful life ahead of him, but he'll just miss a few football games. Players get hurt every single game, it's part of football. Yet you think feel strongly this is wrong thinking on my part. HOWEVER You want me to get hurt! How is that better?! You are still wishing for someone to get injured! Except I'm just an average guy with crappy health insurance, and if I got injured it would have a much tougher impact on my life. I'd miss work and have trouble with the medical bills. You don't agree with my opinions on some Internet forum, and as a result you want me to get physically hurt? This is really what you want? How badly do you want me to be injured? Do you also want me to die? Or just get beaten up really badly? Seriously, what is wrong with you? Think about what you are saying.
  3. http://www.doubleviking.com/videos/page0.html/face-vs-watermelon-13608.html its worth it
  4. In another thread, I mentioned I would be happy if Tom Brady got injured. I was SHOCKED when many people were upset at this remark, and thought I was way out of line. Am I really the only one that was happy and was high fiving people when Brady suffered that early season knee injury a couple years ago? Do you guys not remember when Wilfork threw and intentional forearm shiv into the side of Losman's knee and injured him on purpose? We couldn't beat the Patriots the year Brady was hurt anyways, but at least we stood a better chance. They are confirmed cheaters on many different fronts, we need any advantage we can get. If Stroud lays a vicious sack on Brady this year and knocks him out of the game, you better believe I will be cheering my ass off about it!
  5. Joe Namath was an original gangsta. He might be overrated but he had some extremely productive seasons and led one of the great football stories of all time. Putting him in the same category as Trent Dilfer is absurd.
  6. Here's another happy one (not all of mine have been negative guys!) fallen defenders lay hopeless in the wake of number twenty-one
  7. fans lash out in rage as the wise man provides truth they can not handle
  8. Yes I would too, I had him on my list and just missed tagging him when I was doing the bolding. Oops I would not add Jim Plunkett. He's borderline, but he did win a Heisman and was in the league for like 20 years so he's not some scrub.
  9. even if you dont like my opinions, you have to admit my collected poetry is a cut above
  10. Maybin would work better as a janitor. Seriously though he lacks the size and strength to play on the interior, he would just get pancaked every play.
  11. if you guys dont know, a haiku is 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second, and 5 in the third a lot of these are not haikus
  12. hot dogs on the grill beer and games and girls in shorts glorious football --- endlessly waiting the bathroom line never moves just go in the lot --- the wildcat is fierce as the bison is helpless predator and prey --- drunken fans begin their chorus of boos and jeers in the third quarter --- angrily honking sad fans wait through the traffic in disappointment --- smoke slowly rises as ricky williams lights his pipe of victory ---
  13. Bart Starr, Green Bay Packers - SB I Bart Starr, Green Bay Packers - SB II Joe Namath, New York Jets - SBIII Len Dawson, Kansas City Chiefs - SB IV Johnny Unitas, Baltimore Colts - SB V Roger Staubach, Dallas Cowboys - SB VI Bob Griese, Miami Dolphins - SB VII Bob Griese, Miami Dolphins - SB VIII Terry Bradshaw, Pittsburgh Steelers - SB IX Terry Bradshaw, Pittsburgh Steelers - SB X Ken Stabler, Oakland Raiders - SB XI Roger Staubach, Dallas Cowboys - SB XII Terry Bradshaw, Pittsburgh Steelers - SB XIII Terry Bradshaw, Pittsburgh Steelers - SB XIV Jim Plunkett, Oakland Raiders - SB XV Joe Montana, San Francisco 49ers - SB XVI Joe Theismann, Washington Redskins - SB XVII Jim Plunkett, Los Angeles Raiders - SB XVIII Joe Montana, San Francisco 49ers - SB XIX Jim McMahon, Chicago Bears - SB XX Phil Simms, New York Giants - SB XXI Doug Williams, Washington Redskins - SB XXII Joe Montana, San Francisco 49ers - SB XXIII Joe Montana, San Francisco 49ers - SB XXIV Jeff Hostetler, New York Giants - SB XXV Mark Rypien, Washington Redskins - SB XXVI Troy Aikman, Dallas Cowboys - SB XXVII Troy Aikman, Dallas Cowboys - SB XXVIII Steve Young, San Francisco 49ers - SB XXIX Troy Aikman, Dallas Cowboys - SB XXX Brett Favre, Green Bay Packers - SB XXXI John Elway, Denver Broncos - SB XXXII John Elway, Denver Broncos - SB XXXIII Kurt Warner, St. Louis Rams - SB XXXIV Trent Dilfer, Baltimore Ravens - SB XXXV Tom Brady, New England Patriots - SB XXXVI Brad Johnson, Tampa Bay Buccaneers - SB XXXVII Tom Brady, New England Patriots - SB XXXVIII Tom Brady, New England Patriots - SB XXXIX Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh Steelers - SB XL Peyton Manning, Indianapolis Colts - SB XLI Eli Manning, New York Giants - SB XLII Ben Roethlisberger, Pittsburgh Steelers - SB XLIII Drew Brees, New Orleans Saints - SB XLIV So just how important is a good QB to winning the Super Bowl? Every eight years or so a "bad" QB wins the Super Bowl, and other than that it's basically Hall of Famers. Keep this in mind when things get tough this season and take solace. Nothing matters anyways until they get a top QB prospect! Hopefully these Bills can live up to the hype secure that top draft pick to give us a shot at a real QB. Go Bills!
  14. Hey guys I'm not trolling, I am a bigtime Bills supporter. I think a lot of you have the attitude that if you just pretend that the Bills are a top teams, that somehow makes you a bigger fan. When you say things like the Bills will have a winning record, or that you hope I get injured, or call me names - really you just make yourself look pretty foolish and immature. I just made a list of some things I would like to see happen this year. I don't think they will all pan out, but the point is that I am realistic about their chances and evesuppn if they lose a lot of games there are still some positive things we as fans will be able to take away. I suppose this isn't the place to have intelligent discussion, though, and instead if a place to just say "zomg Bills Super Bowl all teh way!!!". Go Bills!
  15. Okay as much as I want the Bills to win the Superbowl, I don't think this is the year. Here are some things I would like to see happen. - A record of 2-14 earning the numbers one pick in the draft, and with both wins being over the Patriots. - Injuring Tom Brady. - Electrifying touchdown runs from C.J. Spiller. - The young guards establishing themselves as a top interior line. - Enough from Bell to allow him to be a starter (hopefully at right tackle) going forward. - Sean Nelson contributing to the offense. - Byrd producing enough to show he was not a flash in the pan. - McKelvin making some sort of quality contribution to the defense. - McKelvin avoiding any further penis lawns. - An unexpected linebacker playing well. Moats! - Someone besides Lee Evans getting some production at WR. - Lynch or Jackson traded to a team that suffers an early RB injury in exchange for a draft pick. - Chan's offense looking more dynamic that Jauron's abomination. It's okay if the Bills lose a lot, there are still lots of positive things to build an actual foundation on that can happen!
  16. Okay obviously Buffalo is far and away the best team in the NFL, that much is obvious. But let's pretend that some terrible rash of injuries or some strange act of God ruins the Bills undefeated season. In that case: Who do you think will win the AFC East? Rank the Dolphins, Jets, and Patriots and tell us why! 1 - Patriots I think they old champs still have a little gas in the tank. They are a bit of an underdog this year, and I think they will thrive in that role 2 - Jets They had a great run, but I think people forget that they wouldn't have even made the playoffs if the Colts didn't let them win that one game. I don't believe in Sanchez, either. 3 - Dolphins They are a tough team that seems to continue to improve, but they just happen to be playing in a division with two other very strong teams. 4 - Bills The Bills obviously have the best players and coaches in the division, but the league will rig the games so the Bills lose most of the time.
  17. This is not about the economy people. This is about Trent Edwards. No one really likes him and so they didn't renew their tickets. If the Bills drafted Tebow or Clausen the numbers would be much higher. Once the Bills get a new QB prospect everyone will come back. The fact of the matter is that the Bills offense is so bad it makes their games consistently boring when compared to other teams.
  18. It's not about how much Trent throws for, because if our running game is firing he won't have to do much except pick up some third downs and not turn the ball over. It's really about whether or not our suspect linebacking corps can stop the Dolphins rushing attack. I don't think they can
  19. I think he is very likely to be a late round pick, and has a reasonable chance at enjoying a few year career as an NFL backup.
  20. It's all going to come down to whether or not this suspect Bills linebacking corps can limit their rushing attack. I'm afraid they are just going to run wild all day
  21. It's definitely less likely to happen in this modern era of security, but it could still easily happen. I think if the Bills were to somehow host a home playoff game, and then win that playoff game in dramatic last minute fashion, there would be a reasonable chance that the fans come out of the field. I know that if even a few others started going, I would follow!
  22. I'm gonna start one now and if they win keep it going!
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