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Everything posted by swimtoga

  1. Im not mad I could care less about posts or whatever, I am just sick people getting harrassed by people who have nothing better to do then harp over every word people say, if it doesnt agree with their blind-following mentality. I understand the intend of the OP, its not to hard to follow seeing how it is not deep and brooding. It really has no place on this board since it has nothing to do with Bills football. I would hardly characterize wanting more from an organization people spend their hard earned money on as a knee-jerk reaction. I come on here to read peoples different opinions, not to read someone always putting them down, I dont want people to stop posting their ideas and opinions because if they post something that goes against the grain of this like minded clique, they will be ripped to shreds. Yea I get it you guys have so many more posts so you must be way cooler than me. The truth is I never feel the need to post, I just like to read and listen. I only post when I feel I have to, not just to feel included. Ive been coming to this site for about 10 or 11 years, so although my "posts stats" dont show it I probably have a better idea of whats going then people who just love to post. Heres a riddle for ya: What has two thumbs and doesnt give a crap about you and stupid bridge? This guy.....Peace
  2. Dude you are by far the biggest troll on this site, are you related to Ralph or something? Anytime anybody has anything negative to say about the Bills you jump all over them for whinning or crying? Guess what? You're wrong, the Bills havent been in the playoffs in 11 years, its our right as paying fans to demand more in our teams. You're not a better fan becasue you will drink the kool-aid and never question the Bills. In fact that makes you a worse fan. Des a good parent let their kid do whatever they want? Or do they push and expect more out their kid? I just wish for once you would shut your pretentious mouth, you sit back and act like some wise sage but in reality your nothing. For years Ive seen you crap on people who have legitimate claims and concerns about this Bills, you have over 10k posts and not one of them worth a crap. SHut up and let people vent about their team. +1
  3. I just want to know where we are going to spend the money we have too? Def lock up Stevie long-term and I guess Fitzy. Its a gamble but if he has a year better then last we have no chance of re-signing him next year, (I just hope he doesnt give us the same excuse as POZ, saying he wants to go to a team with a 4-3 defense ) But if we do resign I just want to know where we are going to spend the money we have too? Def lock up Stevie long-term and I guess Fitzy. Its a gamble on Fitz but if he has a year better then last we have no chance of re-signing him next year, (I just hope he doesnt give us the same excuse as POZ, saying he wants to go to a team with a 4-3 defense ) But if we do resign him he will probably have the worst year of his career. We're effed either way
  4. Chris Brown said it on a Rochester Radio show...thats who said it. He said the Bills wont target the top 60 free agents....not sure if he is right or wrong but he said it. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/131866-per-chris-brown-bills-wont-target-top-60-fas/
  5. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81fff481/article/bills-pull-pensionplan-payments-for-now-as-lockout-drags?module=HP_headlines Bills havent lost a single dollar to the lockout, yet they couldnt wait sieze an opportunity to save a couple extra bucks.....
  6. Woah easy guys, I never said I hate anyone. I am not one to B word about the Bills, I've been critized my whole life for standing by them. My point was they made a pretty big deal about this and lets be honest I was shocked to see they only gave away 3 jerseys, its pretty low number, espically with the lock out going you would think they would want to be over generous to the fans. And PTR, 10 would have made me not notice nor B word, you holier-than-thou troll. Im pretty sure "Some people just look for reasons to B word." is set up on one of your funtion keys because thats pretty much your response to anytime anyone has a gripe with the Bills. Yes, I thought it was very cheap, deal with it. And BillNuts $200,000, is pretty unimpressive, its equivalent to me handing out pocket change then having a press release about it. My fiance works in the philanthropic service department for the largest non-profitcommunity foundation in Baltimore, where the franchises donate alot more money and usually anonymously. Bender your probably right that it has more to do with Verizon then the Bills, so for that I apologize. GO BILLS!
  7. I've never been one to complain about Ralph being cheap but for some reason the fact they only gave away 3 free jerseys really chaps my a*s....I mean seriously they cost him pennies on the dollar and they gave away 3? Sorry to vent but I felt I needed to, and lets be honest I live in Baltimore so you gusy are the only ones who would listen/read http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/TXT2Win-Sweepstakes-winners-announced/d97afbac-97a3-4b30-9ceb-4046260b47e4
  8. I really think this year we're going to be that team that surprises everyone
  9. http://www.chichesterinc.com/images/Buffalo%20Coat(sader)Lg.jpg
  10. soo manly....ive got a friend of a friend whose cousin is doing time with OJ and they were able to get me this unreleased photo of the new uni's http://www.chichesterinc.com/images/Buffalo%20Coat(sader)Lg.jpg
  11. agreed....I apologize metzelaars_lives
  12. Thats crazy two cities/towns with the same name....thats never happened before, we should just assume any town mentioned is in New Jery and if you drink a Pina Colada youre a giant diamond....can we all agree that those are two fair & logical assumptions?
  13. Well then its a good thing Ocean City is in Maryland....Trust me I look nothing like those fools, unless they always have a Bills Shirt and Blue jeans (with skoal ring)on, when I am not at work wait I dip straight skoal....so by your reasoning I would be more of a man then anyone who doesnt
  14. they can drink shirley temples for all I care....its all a matter of what you like...I'd love to see someone tell them they are less of a man for drinking a pina colada Most girls you hang out with are probably guys...I was in Ocean City a couple weeks ago and everyone was drinking Pina Coladas and frozen drinks and nobody said a word...most girls actually find it childish if a guy pounds his chest about what he drinks
  15. Because what you drink defines you as a man....keep your whiskey and beer, Ill take the hot chicks and Pina Colada
  16. I saw a few youtube videos of him and he looked a little small, so I was glad to read he put on some extra lbs....thanks for the post and staying optimistic.....GO BILLS
  17. http://www.ninersnation.com/2011/3/16/2054932/2011-nfl-rule-changes-illegal-hits-kickoff-changes its BS but all wedges are banned starting next season
  18. I thought starting this season there were no wedge's of any form
  19. thanks for the priceless contribution to the thread
  20. Their most celebrated citizen was a fictional character, I would say pretty dumb!
  21. he def has season tickets to the Cowgirls http://www.bing.com/events/search?q=Buffalo+Bills+%40+Dallas+Cowboys&p1=[Events+source=%22vertical%22+qzeventid=%22f626860%22]&FORM=DTPEVA
  22. Binged Bills 2011 NFL schedule....shopping results came up as Oct 9th @ cowboys....looks like the fish aregetting the Thanksgiving game
  23. eff that noise keep him on one more year...his cousin promised great tickets
  24. Take this for what its worth....Aaron Maybins cousin came into my work today, he saw all my Bills stuff on my desk, then told me who he was. I told him to tell Aaron to get his sh*t together. He laughed but said he changed his diet and is up to around 245lbs, ideally they want him around 260 lbs.
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