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bills in va

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Posts posted by bills in va

  1. I hope I'm wrong, but it feels like 2009 all over again. We went into the season with an unproven rookie at LT and no depth. When we lost our starting tackles to injury we were screwed, scrambling the rest of the year to send out healthy bodies regardless of effectiveness.


    Fast forward one year: we have the same problem at LT (unproven-coming off knee surgery) and a Raider cast off at RT, and no experienced depth. The tackle situation is worrisome at best. We may be bitching the entire year why we didnt address the problem more seriously. Green-Wang were the best Nix could do? If this situation blows up in our faces again this year I might fill my BILLS golfbag full of cow crap and send it to Nix's office!


    Don't believe the propaganda about Bells' athleticism and we're gonna run it most of the time so it doesn't really matter. If we don't win this year because of our tackles ineptitude I will have made up my mind on Nix. It was our biggest offseason need along with QB. Nix said he didn't agree with the fans that our tackle situation was that bad-I hope he's right!

    Are you comfortable with our tackles going into camp or should we have done more to date?

  2. I need to admit in my response to you that I have neither seen the movie or read the book "The Blind Side" but the concept is obvious and simple. However, I don't agree with it at all. Any defensive coordinator worth a darn will hit the weakest part of the offensive line with a run or pass blitz whether the player is a c, a g or a t. In fact, I would argue that with more teams going to the 3-4 defense, the guard and center are more valuable than before because their speed and quickness to get to the linebacker level on runs becomes key and blitzes come just as much up the middle as they do from the outside although I will say that the potential for an injury may be greater certainly from the blind side than from another. Don't make a strength a weakness because it may be more important. If we had a weakness at corner which could be argued is more important than safety, I wouldn't move Byrd over there. I would maintain my strength in an area. Same thing with Wood.


    I am not disagreeing as much offering a consideration.

    The blind side reference refers to the LT, not a movie. I still think that comparitively speaking Bells' success is more important than Woods' in predicting wins-losses. Your preaching to the choir when talking x's and o's with me. Rg is protected by RT-C-RB on pass plays. LT is on an island unless we max protect. So again I state my opinion that Wood is not the most important OLman on this team.

  3. Success or failure should never hinge on one player but the health of Eric Wood will be an important variable in the offensive equation for the upcoming season. Never have the critics fed upon the Bills like they have during this offseason and besides the position of quarterback there has been no other position which has met with the criticism like the o line. It is not as though there is not some justification, but the same questions were being asked last year but most especially before the first NE game and our Bills line held their own against the Pats in a game we all know we should have won.


    Hangartner is ok and can hold his own against Wilfork and Jenkins and Levitre was fine and actually improved during the season. Wood was getting better every week and looked to become dominating. He can solidify the middle and provide a push. If he is healthy and can stay healthy a mediocre offensive line can become a non-factor which is neither good or bad but it will at least not be the reason for wins or losses which most Bills fans would gladly take.

    Seldom does a right guard dictate your ability to win. I agree that he is important but not more so than any other O-Line position. I think that the success or failure of either Bell or Merideth will more accurately predict our teams wins and losses. The blind-side tackle is probably more important than our RG, especially since we are strongest up the middle versus our tackles and ends.

  4. Thanks to all for your responses to my original question. I just needed some validation that I'm not nuts for staying a fan for the past 35 years. I still come to WNY each summer (parents still there) , hit Buffalo for real wings, the Falls and take in a game. I will see them play 2 times close to home this year at Wash and Balt. There really is something special about being a BILLS fan. We are good, hard working, blue collar type people that love family, friends and football.

    They got my loyalty as long as they are the BUFFALO Bills.

  5. Depends on when (or even if) this organization gets on the right track.


    We all would like to think that Chan is going to be a great coach who will get the most out of his players - remember the hope we had when Gregg, Mularkey and Jauron were stepping into the job? What if Chan is just another in that line of guys in over their head?


    We would all like to think that we are drafting good players and making good player acquisitions - remember how hopeful we were when we drafted Willis McGahee, John McCargo, James Hardy, Aaron Maybin and brought in Langston Walker and Dockery and T.O.? What happens if this year's class resembles any of the past 10 classes? What happens if the veteran talent we bring in doesn't pan out?


    We have a ton of holes to fill, but I think 3-5 years is a reasonable timeframe IF we get on the right track, and when that happens is anyone's guess. Frankly, I am stunned at how many people are convinced that we are finally moving in the right direction with Buddy and Chan even though they haven't shown anything yet.....

    In all fairness, besides for Maybe, the last draft with Jauron brought us Wood, Levitre, Nelson, Byrd. If Maybe has a good year this may turn out to be one of our best drafts in years.

  6. I have to ask myself occassionally why I am such a die hard. I saw my first game in the 70's, watched in horror most of the 80's, proud as hell through the early 90's but the past ten years have really made me wonder. I haven't lived in WNY since '89 when I graduated from Fredonia but still go to at least one game per year and follow them religously. What have I got in return? A broken tv (wide right), chronic heartburn from April-December, disappointment, heartache...I could go on and on. There have been alot of great times as well, just not this millenium. I guess it boils down to loyalty. They have been my first and only "favorite team" and no matter what I'll always love them (unless they move then I'm done). I get harrassed often when I'm golfing for having a BILLS golfbag. I hear "they have sucked for so long" and "4 straight Superbowl losses" and "you must be a die hard".

    Besides for loyalty I was raised in Jamestown. So unlike my friends who were Steeler, Miami, Dallas, Browns fans becasue they were good at the time. I stayed with my BILLS.



  7. As an aside, NO stadium in the league is worse than FedEx field.

    How do you figure? I've been there many times and it's by far better than alot of stadiums I've been in. Besides for the burgandy and gold I always get a good seat, plenty to drink and have a good experience. What's wrong with Fedex?

  8. I just want to win. I don't care if its Trent, Brohm, Fitz, Brown, or the Chroise (when they bring him back). Of our current choice of QB's, I like to think TE (as of right now) is the best available option. Fitz will never be there, he doesn't have the tools. Brown could get there in 3-4 years. Brohm could be the man as well.


    TE and Brohm are our best chance of winning. I WANT playoffs and I don't care who gets us there.

    Just Win Baby! Now that I can agree with. I am just so tired of Trent apologists on this board. He's had his chances and has showed me nothing. Except for 1 game in 2007 against the Skins; I was there when he drove us down the field, in the freezing rain for the winning field goal. But the Skins sucked that year and for most of the game Trent sucked too. One drive against a porous defense is not enough for me to cheer for him, or have to if he wins the job. I was dumbfounded that we made little effort to improve the worst QB situation in football during the offseason. If Gailey pulls a rabbit (QB) out of the hat and makes any of them look serviceable I will BILL-EVE in him!

  9. Not to make a comparison, but as I said before I was once a big proponent of Edwards and am now under the belief that this is his last chance to make a statement or Brohm's only chance as otherwise we will be getting a new QB in next year's draft. But, back in 04, the Chargers drafted Rivers because they thought Brees was a bust. Could Edwards have a year 4 breakout of epic proportions?



    Year W-L Comp% Yds TD-Int Yds/A Rating

    2001 0-0 55.6% 221 1-0 8.2 94.8

    2002 8-8 60.8% 3284 17-16 6.2 76.9

    2003 2-9 57.6% 2108 11-15 5.9 67.5

    2004 11-4 65.5% 3159 27-7 7.9 104.8



    Year W-L Comp% Yds TD-Int Yds/A Rating

    2007 5-4 56.1% 1630 7-8 6.1 70.4

    2008 7-7 65.5% 2699 11-10 6.6 85.4

    2009 2-5 60.1% 1169 6-7 5.3 73.8

    2010 ????

    Just admit it, you think he's hot and have a major man-love crush on the caliboy. Maybe he'll sign a used jock strap that you can cuddle with on the couch while watching him warm our bench at the Ralph!

    You remind me of all those still blaming Bush for Obama's economy.

  10. The quickness and elusiveness of Roscoe, if used properly, either with reverses, fake reverses can or make up your own play can be the straw that adds a bit more to the camels back for defensive coordinators playing the bills.


    The Bills lacking talents can no longer be used as an excuse if Roscoe, CJ, Marshawn, Jackson, and Evans are put in situations that can take advantage of their skills.

    So in 3 years he's never had a chance? He doesn't get into games because he isn't productive given the opportunity in Practice or Games. He is not this "hidden gem" stashed away, never used, underutilized, unappreciated. If he had it he'd show it and get on the field and produce. Use him on punts, in situations where the game is not on the line and not deep in his own end. He's proven he's good for that and little else. If Gailey ges more out of hime great but we have enough recievers to catch the ball and not fall down when finger tackled.

  11. I am astonished by all the pundits predicting that this team is one of the worst in football. And there are a ton of people on this board who feel the same way.


    This team lacked leadership last year. The coach was horrible. Horrible.


    Was there ever a worse fit for a no-huddle offense? I mean, 3 points v. Cleveland? They had no clue.

    Look at all the recent press on Roscoe Parrish. The guy has flat out speed and skill, and he caught 3 passes last year. What a ridiculous waste of talent.


    We were missing nearly 40% of the team by the time things wrapped up. We missed Marshawn for 4 games, enabling Fred Jackson to show his skills. Now we've got a 3 headed MONSTER at RB.


    I know people say we have no line. We have issues at tackle. The interior 3 is very good. We signed a guy from Oakland for RT, we've got Bell and Meredith to work at LT, and we drafted 2 guys who have a lot of promise. We've got solid talent at TE, and we've got Josh Evans and a pile of others at WR.


    We've got a 3-4 with a pretty good talent level ready to tear it up in the interior, and a TOP NOTCH secondary.


    Our special teams may actually be better with Bruce DeHaven back in the fold.


    Our head coach made successful quarterbacks out of journeymen, and somebody will be coached into success. We've got the right guy. We've got the right pieces in place to wreak some havoc on the league this year.


    Miami is in trouble on opening day. Believe it. It's true.

    Wow-are you serious? The talent level on this team is below average, our QB situation is one of the worst in the NFL ( name 5 starting QB's worse than Trent), Boby April is gone, no proven pass rush on the roster, 3 RB's means no rythm for anybody, unproven NT (most important position on the D). I could go on and on about the reasons we are picked last in our division and maybe the AFC. I do agree that we may be better than 5-11 but see no way in hell we make it to .500 with our talent level. We are 2 drafts from the playoffs given our division.

  12. I can easily see the Bills going 2-0 to start the season. With so many changes in schemes they should be able to keep the first two teams a little off balance because there isn't a lot of film on them yet. JMO

    The only people off balance the first two games will be the team with the new coaching staff, new defensive/offensive schemes and a QB who's in way over his head.

  13. It's not so much that he is "the biggest bust ever". It's the fact that he was drafted too high, held out instead of learning how to play, is a real egotistical jerk off the field, celebrates after jumping on piles, has no counter moves and is built like roscoe parrish on HGH. He is getting alot of blame because we should have taken Orakpo but he has shown us absolutely nothing so far. He does have BUST written all over him but I hope I'm wrong. If he has a great year with double digit sacks I'll be the first one to apologize and admit I was wrong....but don't hold your breath.

  14. I just like many of you on this board was hoping against hope than we would get Cowher as HC. But the more I listen to Gailey the more I like the guy. Just a gut feeling because we haven't played any games yet but I feel that maybe we got a guy that knows what he is doing on offense.


    When Buddy hired him I was like oh hell no.... but after watching his pressers on the Bills website he seems like in complete control...never did I get this feeling when Jauron was in town. Seems like Jauron was happy to play not to lose, while Chan is more old school in his ways about football which is refreshing.


    Very interested in seeing what training camp is going to be like this year. That will tell volumes to me. If they actually have a REAL training camp for once I will start to believe we are going in the right direction.


    I don't think this team is going to be as bad as people think. Chan is an upgrade on the offensive side coaching wise and we have lots of talent on D in the secondary. If DC Edwards can find a way to stop the run with the players we have a chance to be decent. Maybe not playoffs this year but they go 7-9 or 8-8 and show improvement as the season wears on I could live with that.



    I agree completely in regards to Chan being better than our first impression and an improvement offensively. He also is an upgrade in strength and conditioning, I bet we have half the number of IR's. He also makes them work harder, earn their jobs and pay and has added much needed competition. I think we will surprise people even with our brutal schedule.

  15. I just like many of you on this board was hoping against hope than we would get Cowher as HC. But the more I listen to Gailey the more I like the guy. Just a gut feeling because we haven't played any games yet but I feel that maybe we got a guy that knows what he is doing on offense.


    When Buddy hired him I was like oh hell no.... but after watching his pressers on the Bills website he seems like in complete control...never did I get this feeling when Jauron was in town. Seems like Jauron was happy to play not to lose, while Chan is more old school in his ways about football which is refreshing.


    Very interested in seeing what training camp is going to be like this year. That will tell volumes to me. If they actually have a REAL training camp for once I will start to believe we are going in the right direction.


    I don't think this team is going to be as bad as people think. Chan is an upgrade on the offensive side coaching wise and we have lots of talent on D in the secondary. If DC Edwards can find a way to stop the run with the players we have a chance to be decent. Maybe not playoffs this year but they go 7-9 or 8-8 and show improvement as the season wears on I could live with that.



    I agree completely in regards to Chan being better than our first impression and an improvement offensively. He also is an upgrade in strength and conditioning, I bet we have half the number of IR's. He also makes them work harder, earn their jobs and pay and has added much needed competition. I think we will surprise people even with our brutal schedule.

  16. Played at Rich stadium for Jamestown HS section VI championship-beat Kenmore east Used Bills locker room


    Sat with Jim Kelly and Bruce Smith at the Aud during first Ultimate Fighting Championship


    Kicked a hole in my TV when Norwood missed Wide Right too poor to buy another for 6 months


    Sported Bills golf bag during John Riggins celebrity golf benefit at Congressional amongst all Redskins fans-took abuse


    Displayed giant blue charging Buffalo during football season in front yard in Virginia until stolen, vandals left a redskins flag

  17. What about the effect on statistics? Will there be an * asterik next to every new record because the season is 2 games longer? Will 2,000 yard seasons be a yearly occurrance? Will 5,000 yard passers be the new standard? Will 30 TD seasons be the high water mark for a RB?

    You get where I'm going with this.

  18. Uh no.


    I will slow down on the TD crusade when retards stop saying that Lynch is the 3rd best RB on this team. Get over the hate for what he has done off the field. It is blinding people to the reality on the field. NO!! The TD thing hasn't been debunked...pretty sure last time I checked....YEP....Lynch still scores more TDs than Freddie whether he is the starter or not. This is not a work horse/goal line RB situation either. Don't fool yourselves. If you can even entertain that thought you are a BS troll trying to get an argument and you apparently didn't watch any of the games last year.


    Lynch is better than Freddie and better than Spiller who has yet to do anything in an NFL uniform. That being said I think by far Spiller COULD be the best of the 3.

    Man I've watched every game for 30 years and can say with certainty that LYNCH IS THE FOURTH BEST RB ON THE FIELD.

    I would take Freddie-Spiller-Bell before Lynch. Give him away for a used jock strap because we don't need that P.O.S.!

  19. no, WE don't suck. WE support this train wreck emotionally and financially through thick and thin.


    it's the owner who SUCKS and is unwilling to commit to doing anything about it. Say it with me: Ralph Wilson sucks.

    I've been a die hard for 30 years and support this team in every possible way, so I've earned the right to say "over the past decade The Bills Suck"! When that changes I'll be happy to change my tune to something positive. It hasn't always been this way and won't last another 10 years I hope. I do have faith that within a few years things will be alot different.


  20. I just thought I'd look this up to see whether the Bills really were the worst team over the last ten years.


    Bills 66 wins

    Cards 62 wins

    Raiders 62 wins

    Browns 57 wins

    Texans 49 wins*

    Lions 42 wins



    * the Texans have only played 8 seasons, vs. the other teams' 10. If you average them over ten seasons, they would have won 61 games, still worse than the Bills.


    Of these teams, only the Lions and Bills have failed to make the playoffs throughout this period, and the Card and Raiders have each been in the Super Bowl once during the decade.

    Numbers don't lie. WE SUCK!

  21. Who was the Saints LT last year? Bushrod, who at best could be described as serviceable. The Cardinals got to the Super Bowl with Mike Gandy, and the Steelers had one of the worst Olines in the league that year. Who was the Colts LT last year? Charlie Johnson.





    Yeah, I guess it really is the way to get to the Super Bowl.

    Dude you don't get it. I can name their quarterbacks: Drew Brees and Peyton Manning. If you have probowl QB's you can get by with serviceable tackles....we can't!

  22. Is Meredith outplaying Bell or is Bell still gimpy? If Bell is healthy and Meredith is outplaying him, just stands as testament to the absolute insanity that preceded last season's opener.

    Bell is still rehabbing same as Wood. But i saw absolutely nothing out of him last year except false starts, holding calls and sacks. If he is our "penciled in" starter we are in a world of trouble.

  23. I fell asleep! :devil:





    I think it's much easier to fix a game in baseball, basketball and hockey because there are fewer officials and more judgment calls. The NFL also has the most liberal use of instant replay of any league. If an official is on the take it's gonna be much harder for them to influence a game.


    I doubt there are too many players who'd fix a game, because if there teammates found out they'd be dead men.

    Can't replay a holding call to wipe out a td pass, can't replay a inadvertant whistle by Ed Hoculi like in Denver

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