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bills in va

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Posts posted by bills in va

  1. This is an pointless argument. Let's assume every player you draft is a bust, but every player you sign as an UDFA turns out to be a Pro Bowler? In the end, does it matter one lick how a player wound up on your team as long as they help you win?



    Except that you pay megamillions in signing bonuses to a player who doesn't see the field. Money you could have spent on free agents or resigning your best players. So in the end you are very wrong. It does matter that your 1st-2nd round picks are busts. It also means your scouting department sucks and are not earning their money. You cannot win hoping your 7th rounders all start.

  2. Maybin looked like he weighed 150 lbs last year when he played, albeit a quick 150. Anytime he was touched he was either driven back 10 yards or crumbled to the ground. He's got no ass! He looks like a male GQ model but his muscles don't translate into football strength. When a RB steps up to block you and you can't move him backwards, and your a NFL-DE, you got no ass behind you!

  3. Instead of just going through the motions and not revealing anything to the opposition, don't you think this would be a good year to really practice the playbook and take full advantage of these games. Maybe hide some of the running schemes since that will be the majority of the playbook but how about really giving Trent as much real game experience as possible.


    This is the first season ever for me where I have zero expectations and my main thought process is just improving each game. It is a win win this season as this is Trent's last chance. If he actually turns it around and can run this offense, great. If he goes down in a ball of flames, 2011 draft will be the most important one since Kelly retired.

    I thought last season was his last chance?

  4. Beating out any tackle on our roster still doesn't mean that he was a good value pick at the nine spot. Spillar was drafted in the vicinity of where he was ranked. Bulaga, also, was drafted in the vicinity of where he was ranked.


    I wholeheartedly agree with you that our tackles are very questionable. This organization is taking a major risk with staying with what they got. As it presently stands they got little choice but to go with what they got.

    Nix had the entire offseason to do something about it and did relatively nothing (Cornhole & 5th rounder). I would rather have Bulaga at 9 and play tackle for 10 years than to have 3 starting RB's. So when spiller plays we have 2 starters, including a 1st rounder, on the bench. The long term success of the team wuld have been better served by giving up some value to sure up the biggest hole on the team. I don't care who's in our backfield because having the worst tackles in the NFL is too much for a horrible offense to overcome. Spiller better be able to vanish into thin air and then reappear 10 yards down field because he'll never get past the line of scrimmage without being plastered.

  5. Speak for yourself. I played the game at the collegiate level and do coach pop warner games not to mention following the team daily for 30 years. I don't post out of ignorance but realize I'm no Nix or Gailey either. There have been many times over the years that I've been right and the Bills brass has been wrong but in the end my opinion doesn't matter much. It's not like Ralph scans TSW for ideas and direction for his team. It is a place to have intelligent discussion and debates about the team you follow.

  6. Glad your not worried. The tackle situation scares me to death. I think we have one of the worst tackle situations in the league. We also have NO DEPTH. If one of our starters gets hurt we will be back in the same situation we ended with last season.

    Sorry couldn't disagree with you more. Nix should have done more this off season to strengthen our biggest need area.

  7. We won 6 games last year with the "o-line of the week" plan. Hard to get worse than that.



    Actually we only won 5 games, the Colts gave us one. And it IS possible to be worse than last year. I don't think the tackle situation will be worse but it's possible. It's still the biggest ? on the team, if 1 starter goes down then we will be worse off and Nix will look incompetent for not addressing it.

  8. Yes, I know, they're only playing against our anemic offense right now, but even the most pessimistic fan has to be pleasantly surprised by reports of how this D is coming together this early in camp.


    Could it be that we really DO have the players and talent for the front seven in the 3-4, and one of the best secondaries in football?


    Nasty defense, strong running game...these sound like the ingredients for a successful team in WNY.

    Let's see how we look next Friday in Washington and then we'll talk.

  9. In case any of you were unaware as I was, Lori Chase is no longer with us. After Tim Graham, a very good friend of hers was rudely treated on this forum, she decided enough was enough and it just wasn't fun anymore. When you look at it from her perspective, how could you blame her, Tim takes the time away from his busy schedule to come onto our forum and we treat him like trash.


    I say we because unfortunately a few bad apples can make the whole bushel turn rotten if you don't remove the bad ones.


    This is Lori's Twitter http://twitter.com/LoriTBD Facebook http://www.facebook.com/lori.chase



    You guys get a chance, drop her a line, let her know what she means to our Forum and how much we miss her, or post your support on this thread,



    Lets get Lori Chase back home to our Forum where she belongs...

    I agree that she has good reads and has value. But why quit? You have to have thick skin if your going to post your opinion. You cannot expect only nice responses. Especially somebody in the media, she should be able to shake it off if she cares about the board. Instead of quiting write a story that will encourage posters to be more respectful and positive. Take off those rose colored glasses, there are mean people in the world and some are BILLS fans who post on here.

  10. Me, my father-in-law, and a buddy are coming up from Richmond. We have an extra orange parking pass if any BILLS fans are interested in parking next to us in the lot and tailgating, just looking to recover the costs of the parking pass.

    Go Bills!

    Yes I am coming to the ame from Winchester and would be interested in the parking pass.

    Let's talk.

  11. Does anybody else have mixed feelings about Schoebel? I certainly do, I know I'll be crucified on this board for not kneeling to his holiness and kissing the gound he walks on BUT....If he goes on to play for another team my opinion of him will surely deteriorate. Why not help out your life long team when they need you? Why switch teams at this point of your career? Where's the loyalty? It would be like me changing into a Redskins fan becasue I live closer to DC than Buffalo, and it's too hard on my family to travel to Buffalo to see them play. He jerked us along for the past two seasons

    ala Brett Farve. I may retire, 90% retired, 70%-30% will play, I am a Bill, I may be a Texan, c'mon enough already. I am glad Nix said enoughs enough. You either want to be a Bill or you don't. If he goes on to play for another team then my opinion of him takes a serious hit.


    Go ahead fire away!

  12. Bulaga at #9 would have been a reach for a RT IMHO. I wanted Brandon Graham but the FO going with Spiller and not reaching for a need shows me they are building for the future by aquiring real talent.

    Never said Bulaga at #9. I said trade down into the teens for an OT and get ourselves another pick. Of course you have to find a willing partner but that'll never happen if you sprint to the podium.

  13. Last year we should have taken either Orakpo or Oher. This year we should have taken a 1st round OT by trading back and getting extra picks. This organization has consistently F'd up 1st round picks. They miss twice as often as hits and wonder why we suck! The past 2 years I have screamed NOOOOOOOO when they made their first pick. I am starting to question those who reply "They are professionals and know more than the fans". Really? I know that my 1st round picks the past several years are better than theirs. The only one I missed was Woods and I doubt many fans called that one. I am very tired of their first round blunders. Now Spiller may turn out to be special but he's still a luxury given our RB situation. I have been saying this for 2 years-Our OT's are killing this team and we continue to fail to address it. After watching our OT's implode last year I knew they would HAVE to do something about it either in FA or the Draft....NOTHING.

    As much as I love the BILLS I will be laughing when their miserable OT's kill them again for a second straight year, and even then I bet they do nothing again next year because they know more than the fans who follow this team and watch them religously.

  14. I know I am re-hashing an oft-debated item, but if Bell ends up playing well, it will add to an already strong stable of RBs including Jackson and Lynch. Which further re-inforces the question about why we used our #9 to draft a RB. For those wondering what my position is - I would have traded down if there was no player we liked at #9.

    The BILLS sprinted to the podium to take a player we couldn't afford to take. They should have traded down, took Bulaga or another 1st round OT in the teens and picked up another 3rd or 4th rounder. If we started the season with Fred, Marshawn and Bell as our running backs, had Bulaga to shore up our miserable tackle situation ands threw in an extra pick at OLB we'd be way ahead of were we are now. The only reason they took Spiller was to sell tickets as he may become the only exciting player on a boring team. Unfortunately we need a strong foundation more than fancy windows.





    Now with my original post I said Nix has not done enough. It appears that our tackles are getting manhandled in practice.

    Now Wang goes down and may need surgery. My point will be validated as the worst takle situation in the NFL just got worse..if that's even possible.


    Everyone on this board who disagreed with me and thought that we were fine with our OT's, be man enough to admit that you were wrong. We are in serious trouble-AGAIN regarding our OT situation and Nix has done nothing to better it.


    I've never argued that Spiller has awesome potential, but it was still a luxury. the 49's got it right when they took 2 first round OLmen this year, we should have taken at least 1 first rounder. I thought we should have traded down and took an OT, got an extra pick and took another.

  16. Nix doesn't really care about this year. The Bills are rebuilding. They are aiming at being good in 2012 or so. If Wang isn't good enough by then, we'll get a decent LT somewhere. Or try.

    Sorry but after 35 years of fandom I am tired of hearing about NEXT YEAR. The Fins went from 1-15 to the playoffs, it can be done now, not in 2012!

  17. Because he said we couldn't address all of our needs in one offseason. If the Bills took an OT in round 2 for example, you'd be here bitching that we didn't address the NT position.

    Yeah but the Redskins got Jamal Charles, McNeil is available in San Dieago, Flozell is available. There were moves to be made outside the draft to improve this team. If Schoebel retires we have 8+mil to spend on a tackle to help THIS YEAR.

    We were just picked to go 2-14 by PFT and the best I've seen is 5-11. If Nix shores up the tackle spot we have a decent line this year, maybe a good one. If 1 starting tackle goes down we will be worse off than last year and I didn't think that wa possible.




    Do you have any actual thoughts in your head? This is a discussion board to DISCUSS issues. So if you cannot formulate an intelligent response save it, because your just showing your ignorance and it wasn't that funny.

  19. I'm gonna have to agree that it is a different situation. Jamon Meredith in my opinion is fully capable of manning the LT if Bell has a setback and then by week 5/6 Ed Wang can take over for Green if his age and Raiderness start showing. Having Meredith in there all pre-season and not being in a situation of being signed off a practice squad and then starting for a new team 3 weeks later is huge. He's got LT ability. However, if Bell is ready and able I'm of the opinion that sooner than later the line will look like: Bell, Levitre, Hangartner, Wood, Meredith. I think that line if healthy has a good chance to grow into something real respectable. Bell being mentally ready all off-season and hopefully physically ready is much different than being the starter by surprise a week before the season. True - the tackle depth is a little scary, but the amount of injuries we've gotten accustomed to is not the norm. I don't think it's as dire a situation as some do.

    Let's say Schoebel retires and we are off the hook for his 8 million+ salary. Why not get Flozell for 1-2 years as insurance if nothing else? He can compete for a starting job and be a very experienced swing tackle WHEN the injury bug hits. I doubt our starters both play 16 games. If Bell and/or Merideth goes down who's plays? Who backs them up? We MAY be in a better position than last year, maybe, but we are young-thin and we have NO room for injury or error.

    Nix hasn't done enough at tackle yet. IMHO

  20. Totally changing the topic-sorry.


    I will be cooking my BILLS Wild Ribs for the TOPS tailgate cookoff at the Ralph on August 7th at 2:00pm. I'll be the only contestant with Virginia plates. Stop by to root me on and a chance to win a few free tickets. I'll throw in some extra ribs for those who do.


    Now back to my thread.....

  21. wide right would have been your favorite play....

    lawrence taylor...

    eli manning...

    trio of rbs....

    great defenses!

    great sb win over pats.



    Do you really think we arethe Clippers of the NFL. Now I don't claim to know squadoosch about the NBA but have the Clippers EVER been good? You know-did they go to 4 straight championship games. NBA finals? Or does the reference have another meaning?

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