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bills in va

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Posts posted by bills in va

  1. I found the links I was looking for.




    These a scanned copies of the original police reports. And because I know most of you wont click the links to read them...


    "I was approached by the complaintant in front of Buffingtons. She advised me that while in capitol city, she was sexually assaulted or Sexually manipulated by the suspect around 1:30 hours. She stated that one of the suspects podyguards escorted her to a back room/Hallway area where the suspect was. Once there she stated the suspect asked her for sex. At this time it is unclear to what happend after this point due to the complainants recollection being foggy from her intoxication level. However she did write a statement of what she thought happened."


    I bolded the important part. The written statements he is talking about can be viewed here.




    You will have to click ahead to page two, but in the report written by the "victim" she writes, "he had sex with me" after her statements of "this is not ok". Maybe the foggy part was her agreeing to boneing him? Who knows, but to take any of this as fact would be a mistake because she was too drunk to even remember what exactly happened! Who knows what happended, but I dont think he raped her.

    You proved a point that she was too drunk to give consent. I hope you're drunk one night and Big Ben wants your butt in the bathroom, his bodyguards don't let you leave and we'll say it was your fault. That girl was somebody's daughter. Ben R should be ashamed, so should his family, the NFL and the Steelers. If you think what he did was OK I have pity on you and your family.

  2. I have no idea when or how many times people have been run over but I do KNOW every single Bills game I have been to you don't have to look to far to find EXTREMELY loud music, a fight or drunken idiots who really are in need of policing more so than a player and employee leaving the stadium. I unfortunately don't see cops telling the heavy metal beer bonging guy next to me in the lot to take it down a notch. I even like metal but come on. Guess they are too busy telling players to keep a lid on it or alleging that a multimillionaire stole $20 from their wife.


    And yes, without question anyone should be responsible for their own actions regardless of how those actions come to light. The problem is that it causes animosity between those who get preferential treatment and those who don't. We are all equal in the eyes of the law right? WRONG, because the eyes of the law belong to people of different colors and cultures!


    Follow the logic here and do the math:


    1) A majority of most peoples friends and family are of the same race as they are. (Check)

    2) People show preferential treatment to friends, family and people like themselves. (Check)

    3) Cops are people (Check)

    4) Many cops are white. (Check)


    PLEASE I don't think all or many cops are racist but they are all human. I don't think this phenomena is racist but in many instances the end result can be the same.

    You my friend fit the definition for RACIST

  3. I have not read one national or local article that ranks the Bills anywhere but last in the division and bottom 5 in the entire NFL. This is the reality after 10 years of losing and no post season games. God forbid if a fan is cynical around here. We get beat to death and our have our hearts ripped out since wide-right and we're supposed to have optimism if we're a "real fan"?

    Ive been a die hard for 30 years, been to many, many games, bought tons of merchandise and drive the only car in my town decked out with Bills stuff, I love my BILLS! But newsflash-The Bills Suck! When they start to win consistently or are even entertaining I will say The Bills Are Getting Better! Hopefully one day I'll say The Bills Are Great-Again! Then I'll be able to write about their great Dfense, Oline, QB and so on. I'll still be open-minded but optimistic and give credit where it's due. I don't understand why when a fan says the obvious and truthful staement that The Bills Suck, they are crucified around here. You can be a true die hard fan and have an opinion based on fact that differs from others, but not here.

    And for those that will pummell me for having a different opinion, for being negative about our team I say too bad. I have earned the right to be upset, pecimistic and sick of losing. AND I have fought for your right to free speech and mine!

  4. Sure, but there is no league without the players...

    Actually there is, albeit not as good. Watch'em strike or get locked out and we will see replacement players again. It's not the chicken or the egg argument. The owners come first, who hire players. The Owners have all the leverage because they are still all billionaires with or without being entertained by football. Where else can any NFL player earn millions-nowhere!

  5. Dude thanks for regurgitating our team weaknesses. I'll make it simple, watch how I do this, you'll have more time to be a moron and less time to type nonsense!

    1. Our OLine is weak at the tackles

    2. Our QB's are average or worse

    3. Our WR's are unproven except for Evans whom you show manlove for

    4. Maybin sucked last year and when you saw Blindside you became an Oher fan

    5. We should have hired Cowher


    See that took me about 1 minute, now I have time to bone my wife, play golf or watch Operation Repo on DVR

  6. The guy was fast off the edge and I can still see him intercepting the Brady throw and running in for a touchdown last year in the first game and it could be that he was on teams that were not real good for an entire decade.


    I, however, don't feel as if he was that great. I never heard of him being a great leader in the lockerroom, his sacks weren't exactly timely or clutch, and it seemed like he was injured quite a bit especially during the last two or three years.


    He was a solid Bill and played hard when he was in there but this does not seem like as big a loss as the media is making it. Hope I don't have to eat these words.

    How many other guys are second in team history in sacks, never busted for PED's, great person On and OFF the field, and are white? I can't think of another. he was that GREAT!

  7. Shredd and Ragan invited me on their show today to talk World Cup - anyone hear me?

    Who the F cares? Were you talking Bills football? If not post your soccer crap somewhere else, don't need to hear about your radio appearance talking soccer. Like I said: Who cares?

    BTW Did anybody see me in the stands at the Nationals game last night when Strasburg struck out 14? I was the only guy there wearing my throwback Kelly jersey?

  8. i thought the players on the saints who took the time to help during the gulf oil crisis was really a nice gesture. i sometimes wonder where are the same people i. e. george clooney, sean penn, etc, who couldnt help haitii fast enough! how about stepping it up for the U S A !.. good job saints!

    I thought maybe Madonna, Sandra (blindside) Bullock and Brangelina would be adopting some gulf kids......oops! they're just covered in oil.

  9. after the trent dilfer thread I had to start my own...


    how do you trent supporters explain the many plays where trent had lots of time, and still dumped it off? there were over 50 plays last year that no one got close to him. He did his usual...- look left- look right- find fred- dump it off. When TO called him out finally, was TO wrong? Does TO not know offense or the "inside" on whats really going on? Was Fitzpatricks better production due to a different line? Why did Trent always play bad once people took away the dump off? He played bad for 3 coordinators and 3 lines. Always the dump off or a 5 hard hitch. WOW! Exciting stuff.


    Quit wishing for him to be good, he never will be, never. Every game with him starting is a charity event. I cant believe how long it takes both bills fans and coaches alike, to see how bad a QB really is. Calling rob johnson..., how many starts did he get? I bet his stats are close to trents now. Can someone do a comparison for me? Im too busy hating trent.

    I agree 100%. I am sooo tired of the Trent Edwards' apologists. I couldn't believe that our 2 biggest needs: LT and QB were not addressed higher in the draft, we will pay for that this year, same as last. To be fair to Captain Checkdown: Does anybody remember the Redskins game a few years ago? I was there and watched Trent bring us back late in the fourth quarter, hitting Josh Reed for a 35 yard bomb on 3rd and long. That pass was beautiful and at the time reminded me of watching a Kelly pass (blasphemy I know). We ended up kicking 2 last second field goals and beating the Redskins. This was the game where Joe Gibbs called back-to-back time outs to ice the kicker giving us an extra 5 yards into a driving freezing rain storm. Since then Edwards has regressed so much it's like watching a different player. Even when he has time, and a WR has a step, he checks down to a back or tight end. I hope he resurrects his career this year, but I doubt it's gonna happen. But if by some miracle he gains some of his old form, with Chan calling plays, we might actually surprise alot of people.

  10. Trust me this team needs to Rebuild. And it may take up to 5 years before this team is even close to competing for the playoffs. With the pending lockout, who knows what's gonna happen to free agency. It could go back to the old school of the 80s or could be like it has been in recent times. If it goes back to the 80s style, it's def gonna be build throught the draft. So if we draft bad, the team won't do anything for many more years. If it goes back to the mid 90s style fa, then we might be able to get it together in 2-3 years. It's gonna take time and patience fans. Rome wasn't built in a day. With an old owner and uncertainty of the collective bargaining agreement, your guess is as good as any until this team ever sees the post season. It's a bad football team and It needs alot of work and patience before these guys will compete with the elite of this league.

    Bullcocky Dude! The Fins went from 1-15 to the playoffs. I have been a fan for 30 years but will not sign up for 5 more years w/o a playoff game. So shut the F up if you're making excuses for another losing season and demand that your team be competitive now. We CAN be entertaining, we CAN make the playoffs this year by doing the following: Trade for McNeil or Gaither to sure up our OLine, sign Flozell or another servicable vet tackle and DEMAND accountability from players, EXPECT to be great, practice like CHAMPIONS and finally bring back Kelly, Talley, Thurman, Wolford, Reed to act as consultants and position assnt coaches to foster a WINNING attitude at the Ralph.


  11. I agree with your point, but people why would the Ravens possibly want Lynch when they have Ray Rice/McGahee/McClain. Not only that but the odds they trade us Gaither for a player at a position they don't need are slim/none and slim left town.

    Guess I wasn't clear on original post. I don't think Baltimore will trade Lynch for Gaither. I hope that any of 31 NFL teams might give up a 2nd so that we can use that pick to get Gaither.

  12. If you have been a Bills fan for the past five to seven years, you have heard of defensive players from the Jets, Pats and Dolphins note that the Bills offense was fairly predictable. I almost recall Bruschi saying that he knew exactly where the Bills were going and the play they called.


    If Gailey is the slightest bit more clever than the other coordinators, which I believe he is, we should be much better off than we have been. It is way too early to make predictions but the Bills are some 'slight improvements' away from a playoff spot.


    To those of you who say that this post is typical foreshadowed optimism, you have hit the nail on the head, but two or three reversed plays that go with the Bills, some healthy players and seven and nine can become nine and seven and then you have to arguably win one more to be in.


    Darnit if I woulda been 6 inches taller, 50 pounds heavier and ran twice as fast I woulda played pro ball.

  13. I am amazed by the fascination with this guy (besides his name i mean).

    Didn't look like a whole lot to me at the open practice and I mean physically as well as in the drills.

    Doesn't mean he won't develop into something someday, but why all the interest now?

    Name, Name, Name, Chinese, Chinese, Chinese, Name, Name, Name

    Tell me you weren't one of the kids laughing at dick jokes and still get a chuckle when you hear names like Dick Trickle.

    Besides, I would rather laugh about my team than cry.

  14. I've been reading alot of posters that say IF Marshawn is a Bill this year he will be our short yardage/goal line specialist.

    Is it just me or does anybody else have a problem with that? I've watched him dance around looking for holes for years now. He isn't effective on the goal line, not thus far in his career. I think Freddy is better at finding a crease and squeezing in the rock for a TD or have CJ used on a misdirection and then out run people to the pylon, but Lynch as our short yardage goal line back would be a mistake. I think that if he ever does show up to camp Chan will be able to figure it out also. I hope to God he is traded soon for a second that we send to Baltimore for their LT Gaither. But if Lynch is on our team this year I doubt he will be counted on to punch it in from 1 yard out.

    What do you guys think?

  15. No worries, i just didnt get that from the post. i dont disagree with anything you said.


    THe bills lack of success has to do with coaching for sure, but the #1 culprit is lack of talent, at QB especially.

    Didn't Trent Dilfer win a Super Bowl? Lack of talent-Yes. Especially at QB-Maybe

  16. I am concerned, I am trying to stay positive regarding the Bill's upcoming season, but unless I'm kidding myself I see two

    good chances for victory and the first half of the season and maybe they'll steal one somewhere in the mix.


    I think the Bills have a good chance of beating Jacksonville and also Kansas City in the first half of the season. I wouldn't call either game a lock, but staying optimistic, and remaining true to realism I think the Bills will start out somewhere between

    1-7 and 3-5 in the first half of the season. I am going to look more at the second half of the season, and take into consideration that the Bill's rookies, and new acquisitions, coaches, and having the team to begin to gel and understand

    the playbook much better in the second half of the season will begin to reflect on the total wins for the year. At first glance

    I am thinking that the Bill's could go 4-4 in the second half of the season and be on the upswing! I think if you evaluate

    fairly...it will fall somewhere between 4-12 and 7-9. I am going to go with 5-11 as I have all off-season with an eye on the injury report. If the majority of the 10 or so guys that are still recovering from injuries/surgeries etc. return to participate

    fully in practices I may bump my prediction up slightly.


    Go Bills :thumbsup: Anyways, What do you think?? How many wins first half season??? Who?? Why?? and what about

    the second half season?? and Total for the year??

    3-13 and I LOVE MY BILLS! But this year is total rebuilding mode. Hope we get franchise QB in next years draft and go 8-8 in 2011. 11-5 and playoffs in 2012. 13-3 and AFC title game in 2013. 14-2 Superbowl win in NY/NJ in 2014. BET on it!

  17. what is wrong with lynch? i know he is a complete !@#$ , but he has a heckuva upside as a running back. i envision him contributing this year, but the attitude is indefensible. i am strictly evaluating his ability to contribute to the success of the bills , but my patience is wearing thin.


    3 yards per carry, running over pedestrians-not linebackers, thug, out of shape, P.O.S.! Poor me....somebody threw a beer at my car, they don't like me anymore, I have to stay in my mansion with my uncle and play Wii bowling all day, I want traded, give me $20.00 bucks, give me a blunt and a 9MM cuz I a rich MF gangsta.

    Is this the upside? If your talking about what he did a few years ago, that's guy is gone and with Jackson and Spiller we don't need him any how.

  18. I know there will be some other strong arm QBs in the draft for 2011 but Jake Locker looks like THE guy. I don't know how badly we will stink up the joint next year but we should pull a Mike Ditka and give up as much as we have to to get Jake Locker. The kid has it all. The arm, the size, the mobility, played in bad weather, played with a bad offensive line. How much more perfect could a rookie QB candidate be for our Bills?


    Sell the farm buddy! Get Jake Locker....long time listener first time caller but......GIT 'ER DONE BUDDY!!!!!!

    Sorry but this will not happen, we will go 3-13 and with the 2nd pick in the NFL draft you will hear "the Buffalo Bills select _____ _________ cornerback, Appalachian State"

    We aren't smart enough to grab a great QB until our scouting dept, starting with Tom Modrack is fired.

  19. I am not defending Aaron Maybin, although I think he has to be better at LB. I am saying that it's ignorant to compare a LBs stat against a DE. Like you know Orakpo would have had 10 plus sacks on the Bills as a DE.


    I truly apologize for pointing out your ignorance. Go on about your whining and bitching.

    Comparing positions is hard. But both were taken because in college they got to the quarterback. No matter where they were on the field, Orakpo did and Maybin did not. When Maybin got his shot at OLB he got beat out by a back up safety.

  20. Brian Orakpo played LINEBACKER last year on a team devoid of linebackers. Aaron Maybin's bosses put him at DEFENSIVE END on a team with veteran defensive ends. Orakpo probably would have had similar production on the Bills as the coach was trying to save his job.


    Another interesting Orakpo stat: He had 8 or so of his 11 sacks against the likes of Oakland, Tampa, KC and Detroit with NO sacks and about 8 total tackles in 6 games against the NFC EAST. To compare Maybin's '09 season to Orakpo is like comparing Malcolm Jenkins to Jairus Byrd.

    500 posts and you've learned nothing! Maybin deservedly gets no love here. He did NOTHING last year regardless of where he played. If he played Orakpo's postion he would still do nothing. He was awesome at celebrating after jumping on a pile. Anytime the camera may have been on him he waived his hands hoping somebody would think he did a good job. He was absolutely terrible lst year and got beat out for OLB by a backup safety-no pride or talent!

    Can he redem himself? Yes if he earns a starting job and plays well. I understand he should never have been picked so high, but when he got his shots he sucked.

  21. The three qbs will be competing for the starting position. In my view the coaching staff will fairly quickly designate who the starting qb will be. Many posters have concluded even before the new staff was assembled that Edwards would not seriously be considered based on his prior performances. I don't hold to that view. I am very confident in my opinion that Edwards will win the starting qb position.


    Could I be wrong? Yes. Could you be wrong as to who will win out? Yes. The simple solution is to let this competition play out and the qb issue will be answered for everyone. What I disagree with is the total dismisal of Edwards as a credible candidate for the starting job. If Trent Edwards becomes the starting qb a lot of posters will be singing a new tune about the stunning turnaround of a once downtrodden qb. What a lot of people forget is that during the prior number of years the Bills coaching staff, OL and offensive system was amateurish. No one could succeed under such absurd circumstances.


    We can go back and forth on this issue. It is futile. Soon things will play out and we all will know how the qb situation, at least for this year, will end up. It may irritate you and others but I am confident in how the outcome will turn out. If it turns out differently then I will be supportive of whoever the qb is.

    The competetion is between Mo-Curley-Larry. It doesn't really matter.

  22. Trent Edwards regardless of how some folks want to perceive him is our biggest, strongest most athletic QB on the roster.

    Still showing your boy the love I see. He sucks! When we didn't draft a QB until round 7 and no FA's I knew this season would be rough to watch Captain Checkdown some more. Without a left tackle he won't last one half.

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