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Steve O

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Posts posted by Steve O

  1. but am i hurting it by running? do i need to give it a rest to heal itself? that is my main concern

    More commonly know as a heal spur, I had it several years ago, also ran a lot. Had 3 cortisone shots, Dr. said ideally I should notice the about 1/3 of the pain disappear with each shot. Worked pretty much according that plan. Note that this form of treatment treats the symptons, not the cause. Still it has been close to 10 years since my last shot and the pain has not returned. The heal plate in a different post also treats the symptons, only way to get rid of it is to have it removed.


    Running pounds on everything. Not sure if this has a permanent negative effect but it sure inflames it in the short term. While I still go for the occassional 5 mile run (once a month or so) without aggravating the foot, I generally use the non impact cardio equipment at the gym these days. Let pain be your guide, might want to find an alternate way of getting your cardio if running aggravates the symptons.

  2. that would be fibula, Steve O.....


    PS There is alot of technology to accelerate fracture healing - I sold it earlier in my career.....not to mention I would think medical science has come a ways since 1976.

    You'd think I would know how that...either way it hurts like hell to break it. Hopefully there is no knee damage and he heals faster then me.

  3. If that is good, please let it be true. Would that allow him to play next year?

    Broke my tibula/phiblula in 1976. Took 9 months to heal at the age of 20/21. Don't think technology will do anything to shorten the healing time but he should be fine. He should be able to start doing some light jogging etc after 6 months so at least attend training camp in a limited capacity. Hopefully be 100% by late July / early August.

  4. i hope we see him get serious time by the end of the year. edwards and fitz arent the answer


    Agreed, we need to know if we may have the makings of a real qb or if we need to draft one. Would rather spend the high top picks on the lines if possible

  5. Just line up Fitz at WR on that play, then he never came out, and thus can go back in.

    This would entail making Brohm one of the 45 active players for the game, then you can play whoever you want. The rule is designed to allow a 46th player to be eligible but only for emergencies. Also the rule has apparently been updated to allow the emergency quarterback to play in the fourth quarter and still have re entry of one of the active quarterbacks


    The rule, from the NFL:


    "Teams will be permitted an Active List of 45 players and an Inactive List of eight players for each regular-season and postseason game. Provided that a club has two quarterbacks on its 45-player Active List, a third quarterback from its Inactive List is permitted to dress for the game, but if he enters the game during the first three quarters, the other two quarterbacks are thereafter prohibited from playing."


    The third quarterback is the 46th player, so you don't have to waste a 45th spot on a guy who will, in all likelihood, never play. It used to be if the third guy went in anytime, the other two couldn't play, but they changed it a few years back.


    Basically, the third guy is for an emergency. And keeping the other two guys from playing makes sure you keep his use to emergency situations.

  6. 10 over, no stoppage. Higher than that the 'ol pull over.


    Since the cop let me off for doing 75 I decided to take his advice and slow dow...now get to 3 miles over the speed limit and set the cruise (yeah, I'm that guy). Just not in that much of a hurry any more. No longer hold my breath every time I see a cop car.

  7. Not that they would want too, but why couldn't he come in and throw a bomb at the end of the first half?

    Out of the 53 man roster either 45 or 46, not sure which, are allowed to be active plus one "emergency" (third string) quarterback. If the "emergency" quarterback is used, the first two can not come back. If he is one of the 45 (46?) active players then he could come in but look for him to be the third string emergency quarterback.


    Hope that makes sense.

  8. Any chance today that we will see the newly aquired Brian Brohm come in? I wouldn't mind him coming in and throwing a bomb to Lee Evans.

    Assuming he is listed as the third string quarterback if he comes in neither of the other two could come back. So you can't just bring him in to throw a hail mary at the end of the first half.


    Hope he sees some time before the year is out

  9. Not sure how true this is but I've heard that you should send a checki in for $2 over the fine. When you get a refund check for the $2 don't cash it. This prevents the case from closing and the points do not go on your license.


    For future reference: As soon as you get pulled over roll down your window and stick your arms out. This lets the cop know he is not in danger, kind of puts him/her in a less confrontational mood. This one I can vouch for, got out of 75 in a 55 with a warning as well as blatantly running a red light with a warning.

  10. I think this is the fundamental problem with our democracy: no elected official (whether Republican and Democrat) has the political will to do the unpopular thing of cutting spending and increase taxes to reduce the deficit (and ultimately the rate of growth of the national debt). You would be virtually unelectable after doing so. With rampant unemployment already happening, all we can think about is juicing the economy.

    Patterson is trying to do just this on a state level and we all know how popular he is...

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