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Steve O

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Posts posted by Steve O

  1. My wife is due to deliver in 10 days and she called on the emergency "Bat Phone"...she just wanted to talk though...almost gave me a heart attack.

    We'll accept that...

    Glazer said we have a chance to get him...he likes the roster and is interested in the job. Meanwhile we'll keep interviewing before meeting again with Cowher. Just a quick 30 second piece or so.

  2. Even though today's game didn't have any real meaning to it (besides playing for their jobs), it was a fun game to watch. It reminded me of the old December/January games back in the late 80's & early 90's. Hopefully, this decade, we'll see home snowy playoff games again.


    most ejnoyable game of the year...hated to leave early and since the cops wouldn't let me go east on 20A it really didn't help any...serves me right

  3. Like it or not, the Buffalo weather plays a role in how the team should be built. Jauron & Co. built the team the exact WRONG way, which negated the advantage that the weather ought to provide.


    I'll bet one of his head coach interview questions will have to do with making the team practice outdoors in bad weather

  4. That game must have easily been up there in the Top 3 of the worst games ever to be played in the NFL. I'm pretty sure I would have rather watched my cousins pee-wee Super Bowl.

    I sat through that game and the strike game (87?) when we beat the Giants with like 10 seconds left in overtime 6-3. Not sure which was a wose exhibition of professional football. At least we won the strike game.

  5. wasn't Nevada a big favorite last night? boy, i hope the bowl games get a little more competitive going forward:

    BYU won by 24, Utah by 10, and SMU by 35 so far.


    Actually if games keep being one sided it will lead to a playoff system rather then the abonimation called the BCS. Right now there is so much money in the bowl games it doesn't make financial sense to change to a playoff system. One sided games lead to poorer ratings which will hasten the demise of the bowl system. I've only watched a total of about 10 minutes of college ball so far this bowl season, when there is a battle for the TV station I'll get one in the bank and give up the game if its one sided.


    Merry Christmas to all

  6. Age 19, underage drinking, summary offense. Ticketed, spent evening in drunk tank, got chewed out by parents.

    19 wasn't underage when I was that age. Seriously I always thought it was stupid to make 21 the age. The intent was to stop 15 year olds from drinking...15 year olds have 18 year old friends, they don't have 21 year old friends.

  7. Are you really saying that people with more posts are smarter than those with fewer posts? So, the longer you hang out here, the smarter you get? Really?


    If only this was the way things worked...using the same logic I could add the total time I've spent in college classrooms to the time I've spent hanging out in bars and I'd be a freakin genius

  8. You want to see what Brohm can do, so you throw him to the wolves? Sure, let's start him against the Pats*, with barely a grasp of our offense, no chemistry with our WRs and behind our patchwork O-line. How do you think he's going to do? Do you really want to see what Brohm is capable of or do you just want another failed Bills QB?




    Um....reread my post....was agreeing with the guy I was quoting that we can't just throw him in there. My apologies if you misunderstood and I offended you.

  9. I wouldn't be against bringing in Brohm, but only if, you know, he's demonstrated anything in practice that shows he's capable of playing. You forget that the rest of the team would be putting their neck out for some kid that just showed up and probably doesn't even know what's going on.


    Good point, many of us are just so frustrated and we are convinced that Fitz and Trent aren't the answers we want to see what else we have. We forget that the the starting qb has to earn his position, notn just singed and throw him in there. Brohm obviously showed more promise than Hamdan but this does not mean he has shown enough in practice to warrant a start.

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