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Everything posted by xsoldier54

  1. Lee Evans stats last year: 37 receptions 578 yards 15.6 yds per catch, 4TD. He caught only 45 percent of balls thrown his way. He really would not be that hard to replace with the receivers currently on the roster. I think the offense can be just as effective or better than last year without him.
  2. Heard on Sirius NFL radio this morning that Evans may be going to Arizona. That would shake things up a bit and if that happens, I believe that Davis and Naaman make the cut and Easley goes to the practice squad.
  3. I would be willing to bet my entire year's salary that this team will win more than two games this year. Forget Luck. Nobody knows what kind of pro he will be. Plenty of great college QB's have busted in the NFL. We need to focus on the players that we have, not some "potential superstar" who has not played a down of NFL football. I could care less about Luck, but I am interested in how Fitzpatrick, Dareus, Jackson, Johnson et all perform this year. Luck might not even make it through his senior season without getting injured.
  4. The sky is falling, the sky is falling! Look out! Everyone take cover! Best LB? Pozlusny was injury prone and slow as hell. I am not the least bit disapointed to see him go.
  5. Sorry, but I just can't share your frustration. Poz was average at best and was hurt twice. He couldn't cover anybody in the passing game and I just can't say that whoever replaces him won't be just as good or better. He wasn't a favorite of mine and I am not disappointed in the least to see him go.
  6. Made me laugh. You have perfectly captured the spirit of TBD.
  7. I can't believe there isn't more support for this. I suggested something similar when this first started and I got hammered on this board. The only way to let players and owners know that we don't agree with this nonsensical lockout is by making them pay. They are trying to figure out how to divide up OUR money. And yes TV money is our money too. If we don't watch the games on TV, then advertising revenues go down and the league makes less money. Maybe not the whole pre-season, but if nobody showed up for any of the games on a particular week of pre-season, think of the message that would send. It would make them think twice before having another work stoppage and maybe, just maybe they wouldn't take the fans for granted. Based on the last time this subject was broached, I don't expect it to be a popular idea, but I still believe it is a good one, no matter what opinion others might have.
  8. Some dude in my league called his team the Cleveland Steamers.
  9. Watching the live stream. Is it me or does the drummer for the Tom Sortori band look like Jim Kelly?
  10. I agree completely. At least bring in someone who can legitimately compete. I find it mind boggling that Moorman can not execute the "coffin corner" kick. He repeatedly kicks the ball into the end zone instead of out of bounds, thus denying the defense a decided advantage. Hell I have kicked a little and I can adjust and kick the ball out of bounds instead of straight ahead if I want to. I just don't get his inability to execute this very basic task of a punter. He has had his moments for sure, but what could it hurt to bring in a younger fresher kicker to compete?
  11. Woo-hoo! Relaxing with friends and family. How exciting. If that is your idea of an exciting evening, then it is no wonder that you couldn't understand people's desire to go to the stadium, tailgate, see the new unis and interact with other people some of whom may actually be strangers. Of course this is marketing. That is what the team's sales and marketing department is supposed to do. Their job is to engage the community. Sounds like a fun event and nobody is forcing anybody to buy anything.
  12. I agree completely. The Bills aren't going anywhere. The league wants them exactly where they are geographically. I tend to try not to worry about things that are beyond my control. I will just enjoy the Bills and if anything ever changes, then I will make adjustments when I need to . Right now, there is no need to do anything but enjoy the team that we have.
  13. Not the least bit confused. I have a right to read even boring posts if I choose to. There is no point to this one except that Ralph sucks. Ok, so I repeat. So what?
  14. Ralph is cheap. The Bills suck. The sky is falling. Blah Blah Blah. Heard it all before and find it very boring. You do have every right to love the team, but whining about the owner is just not productive. At the end of the day, he will still be the owner. It is what it is. Not sure what the point is. I get it. You don't like Ralph Wilson. So what?
  15. Just got an e-mail with an invitation to the new uniform unveiling. It will be at RWS on June 24th from 6:30-10:30 PM. Live band, movies on the big screen, field access, sounds like a fun event and tickets are free. Since we already know what the uniforms look like, I guess they figured they better add some stuff. OK, I just saw another thread. Please remove this one.
  16. Very hard to predict as you know. I like your analysis, but I believe there is absolutely zero chance that Andrew Luck will be there when the Bills draft in 2012. I am thinking that the defense will be much better and if the offense can be a bit more consistent, the Bills will compete in every game this year. I don't see any blowouts. How many will they actually win? Your guess is as good as mine. Good post for discussion though.
  17. I won't call you any names, I will just respectfully disagree with your opinion. I agree with some of what you say however. Where we disagree is that I believe Fitz runs the offense better than either Edwards or Losman. I do think he has his limitations. He tends to make bad decisions under pressure, but that can be worked on. I don't think he is the long term answer by any means, but I believe he is serviceable and can run this offense well enough to win. The problem with this team last year was not the offense. The defense was horrible. The offense represented itself well in most games. There were a couple of clunkers in there, but in a 16 game season, that is to be expected. With an improved defense and last year's exact same offensive output, this team could make the playoffs. Again, just my opinion and I respect yours, I just disagree.
  18. Actually, OKC attendance has been way above what they drew in Seattle. The game experience is better as well. The area around the Ford Center in OKC is called Bricktown. It is a thriving area of restaurants and bars that people go to before and after the games. There is a river walk and a canal as well. Much better experience than was available in Seattle. Just my two cents worth. I used to live in Oklahoma and they were starving for a professional franchise. Great minor league city and now a great big league one as well.
  19. That might be true if you continually did this. The fact is that our offense proved last year that it can score points. The defense was atrocious and needed some talent. I wouldn't think that this would be a trend, just a one time thing to infuse some talent into a horrific defense.
  20. Lots of facts, but none of them even suggest proof that anyone in Toronto has been granted right of first refusal to buy the Bills. Relax, they aren't going anywhere.
  21. I understand perfectly. He is a first class douchebag. Intellectual? He is a whiny !@#$. If any of his "analysis" actually made any sense, then maybe you could call him intellectual. He does not use logic in his arguments, he just whines.
  22. I have to agree. This guy is terrible. All he ever does is whine about one thing or another. Very annoying. I have long since stopped listening.
  23. Kyle Williams is deserving and although Stevie Johnson ranked 11th in yardage, he was in the top 5 in TD and Yards after the catch. That makes him a top 10 reciever in my book. Other than these two, I can't think of anyone.
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