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Everything posted by JMF2006

  1. They drafted pretty good last year. Everyones contributing maybe Zay needs a bit more weight and some technique work which he can learn from Thompson and Matthews.
  2. My main concern and I am very concerned is that I can't find the ignore button A win this week and you never know. I am actually excited about going to the game and its been a while for that.
  3. I am going to buy either a White or a sure fire Wall of Famer Kyle Williams tommorow. I can't Billieve I don't have one already he has been one of my favorites since day one. I bought a Freddy on a coin flip 6 yrs ago then took the Wrex years off from buying anything Bills related out of protest.
  4. 4 solo tackles and one sack in 6 games says otherwise. Where did those so called stars get us? Cap trouble and and a mid pack team. Let these guys do their evaluations and carry on scrapping the dead wood. Trust the process.
  5. Your forgot.......Then Turf and Surfing himself out of the league Shanny had the fat slob running wind sprints the day he arrive in town I wonder if DM will do that to Puff and Stuff?
  6. They give up 5.2 yds a carry maybe Puff and Stuff can help them.
  7. I don't care where they draft him 1st,25th,50th,75th just get the right guy.
  8. Might as well as I basically work for the government with the tax rates so high Wait until the season is over I still have 5 home games and unused tickets
  9. Trust me if McD needed Big Puff to win this year he would still be here. I am sure the convo between McD and McBean went something like this: McB ..Jags just offered a 6th to take 99 off the books do you need him still? McD....Well 6 games in and he has 4 tackles and 1 sack so I say get er done. McB Ok its done....I am off to scoop up a diamond in the rough from someones practice squad need any position in particular? McD..nope get me BPA
  10. Watch #14 with the alligator arms giving up on anything he had to reach or run for. I think you sit back take a deep breath and keep it internal. When your the coach and your players just **** the bed calling out your team is not a good decision..... they know they stunk and embarrassed themselves. Watch the film and give the quitters a rest next game.
  11. Albert Haynesworth went to a few Pro Bowls too. It has nothing to do with who brought the players in and everything to do with earning your contract.
  12. Someone posted he plays 33% of the snaps. If each team ran 80 plays on us thats 26.4 per game and 158.4 for all 6. He has 4 tackles and 1 sack. They won't even have to wash his uniform for the next guy he didn't even break a sweat.
  13. What do they call people that get all butt hurt over nothing? snowflakes? Besides he got the line all wrong its " inmates running the asylum"
  14. 4 tackles and 1 sack say he wasn't any better than any other man in the rotation.
  15. You can't judge a painting by a few brush strokes.......let the artist finish it first. I said when they hired McD he was going to fix this mess and get it right. Trust the process.
  16. But they didn't have to give up a pick to to unload this boat anchor of a contract and actually netted a pick.
  17. I guess I am in the minority.....I like what they are doing. It looks like this mess will be fixed a lot sooner than I thought.
  18. Meatballs 90 years old and still outplaying Mr Big Puff. I bet Dareus is out of football in 2years if he stays on the same trajectory. Trust the process. Whats really funny is that Matt Millen sounds pretty intelligent when he talks football then turns illiterate when he drafts;)
  19. They gave Cleveland a second to take that bad money off the books and McBean.robs them for a 6th. Pegs just bought them both a condo in Hawaii
  20. How are we ever going to replace his amazing 4 solo tackles and 1 sack in 6 games? Thankfully they found someone stupid enough to take that contract. Too bad he turned into a great big turd,if he had dedicated himself he could have been real good.
  21. Funny how I thought that that hit sucked the life out of the Fish and energized the Ravens. I love the held down by the league part...your team sucks......period. I would imagine that if that hit happened to their QB they would be calling for someones head. I am impartial and I thought it was a cheap shot dirty play. I am glad that it didn't impact the game the way he(KA) intended.
  22. Funny how after the DIRTY hit Kiko disappeared from that game. I watched the next series after that hit and he just didn't seem to interested in any contact.
  23. I think this is just the start of their fall from grace....they owned the 2000's until now.........The bills will own the 2020's
  24. I couldn't have said it better,thats my take as well.
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