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Everything posted by balln

  1. griese oh my god. this has been the rams offense the entire season!!!!
  2. Hes just a younger touch better arm / alex smith. super accurate on short and mid. anticipates
  3. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/W/WillKa01.htm wow thats sad. he only played ONE year...
  4. karlos williams prob has better stats. both will end up forgotten in the sands of time
  5. byron leftwich is his O coordinator. hes prob like - wtf am i going to listen to you for?
  6. bruce arians starting to look like electro /villain from running man dynamo https://imgur.com/t/the_running_man/pg43Xbv
  7. cant stop the DINK and DUNK should be a no call but ive seen that called. refs inconsistent player concussed himself. the whole point of making that a penalty.... but whatever
  8. fournette rapidly going to be out of the league in 2-3 years pretty ***** 3 and out arians!
  9. was there even a flag on that? what ever happened to going low on QB?
  10. And the bills need to make that more of a focal point early in games. Dink and dunk works. Stop trying to go deep. 1-2-3 ball out. more spread. more josh allen running as bail outs
  11. i find they favor the home team and the perceived established good qbs... after that i think its how well a coach lobbys before the game --- hey they hold a lot ref this is the offense the bills need to learn to master. dink and dunk. this beats the zone and nullifies pass rush
  12. its the most deflating / infuriating part of the game. that booth replay review of kroft catching the ball. and the call it an INT. ill never forget that and then so many replays are not clear and indisputable yet the see " enough" to make a guess far too often
  13. its a random wheel of interpretation every game every week by the refs
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